the church

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Jesus said
-this do in remembrance of me

He said that. Agreed. And? You, or your "church," interpret it to mean a re-sacrifice. So shuck the misdirection. "Jesus" also "said" to sell all you have, raise the dead.....if you want to play "patty cake" kindergarten games. Your "He said" MO in debating is kid stuff.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I believe we are all part of the body of Christ

Caught, in a lie...


"Quote Originally Posted by chrysostom View Post
I am arguing that you are not the church so you have no authority-only the church has authority"-you

And you asserted that members of the boc have no authority.Who does?The "church?" Of whom is that comprised? The boc is the church,according to the scriptures.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Caught, in a lie...


"Quote Originally Posted by chrysostom View Post
I am arguing that you are not the church so you have no authority-only the church has authority"-you

And you asserted that members of the boc have no authority.Who does?

a finger is not the body
-it is part of the body
-it can be removed from the body

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
a finger is not the body
-it is part of the body
-it can be removed from the body

You did not answer your argument:

"Quote Originally Posted by chrysostom View Post
I believe we are all part of the body of Christ"

Caught, in a lie...


"Quote Originally Posted by chrysostom View Post
I am arguing that you are not the church so you have no authority-only the church has authority"-you

And you asserted that members of the boc have no authority.Who does?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
the head of the church

Caught, in another lie...

"Quote Originally Posted by john w View Post
But you asserted that members of the boc have no authority.Who does?"-me

You:"the head of the church"


"I am arguing that you are not the church so you have no authority-only the church has authority"-you

So, out of one side of your mouth, you argue that members of the boc, the church, have authority, and, out of the other, only the head of the church does.

You lied, and don't even know your own argument.


so why do you quote paul washer?
-where did he get his authority?
I know what he meant. why can't he use a 66 book bible? Just to let you know, there is no exact date when Catholicism was established. The RCC offically became a seperate branch of Christianity in 1054 when the Eastern Orthodox split from Rome. But even before the East-West schism the Papacy in Rome was already active. Eastern Christians were still in communion, but were not under the authority of the Pope. Both Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism have orgins that go back to the 1st Century. It's just that they both gradually grew away from the orignal teachings.