the church


New member

Yep, same source for their misdirection, deceptions , lies , and to keep the lemmings heading for the cliff.

Roman Catholic Catechism says so it has to be true right ?

Eagles Wings

New member
Actually you are pretty close. Not bad. See my previous post.

I am sorry you left the Church. I hope you come back. I mean that sincerely.
Just saw your post. I can understand your sorrow, CC, however, I am ever in the Lord's embrace and humbly glad to be there. I am as certain of my path with Him and you are in yours.


New member
We all do to some extent, and I don't see that as a bad thing. Do you read church history or any of the writings of the early Christian church?

I am also a confessor of the same creeds as Catholics. The Apostles, Nicene and Athanasian.

I have read church history , and the history of the Roman Catholic church EVEN the part where they murdered many , many folks that would not submit to a pope or pray to Mary. Heck, Roman Catholics in the past have even murdered folks for having a bible.


New member
We all do to some extent, and I don't see that as a bad thing. Do you read church history or any of the writings of the early Christian church?

I am also a confessor of the same creeds as Catholics. The Apostles, Nicene and Athanasian.

I prefer to stay with scripture instead of the confessions of men with agendas that are many times not of God.

Eagles Wings

New member
I have read church history , and the history of the Roman Catholic church EVEN the part where they murdered many , many folks that would not submit to a pope or pray to Mary. Heck, Roman Catholics in the past have even murdered folks for having a bible.
Yes, very dark days with martyrs of the Christian faith showing us to be strong in the Lord. Catholics have also been martyred throughout church history, including modern times.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I prefer to stay with scripture instead of the confessions of men........

I have some bad news for you: Men, as in Catholic Bishops, under Pope Damasis I in the 4th Century, ratified the 27 books of the New Testament. They decided what went in the New Testament, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit of course. So just say "Thank you" to the Catholic Church for your Bible and be on your way. ...Buh Bye


New member
I have some bad news for you: Men, as in Catholic Bishops, under Pope Damasis I in the 4th Century, ratified the 27 books of the New Testament. They decided what went in the New Testament, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit of course. So just say "Thank you" to the Catholic Church for your Bible and be on your way. ...Buh Bye

Nonsense ! God had the book written , and decided what was going in the bible not men. Of course in your preferred lies and deceptions I understand why you believe the lies you follow.


New member
Poor little dodge, he just can't handle the truth. So sad.

Your opinion or the deceptions you believe is truth is NOT what those who believe scripture follow. Your loss not mine.

Poor little C.C. follower of the clown in the fish hat who cannot leave the lies for the truth.
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Your opinion or the deceptions you believe is truth is NOT what those who believe scripture follow. Your loss not mine.

Poor little C.C. follower of the clown in the fish hat who cannot leave the lies for the truth.
Lets follow GOLD !



New member
Purposely obtuse aren't you ! Universal as those in Christ Jesus NEVER intended or used for ROMAN CATHOLIC because the RCC did not exist then.
We're talking about the Catholic Church, not merely the Roman Rite which was not established until the 4th century A.D. Get your facts straight.


New member
We're talking bout "the Catholic Church," which was founded by Jesus Christ himself in 33 A.D., not merely the Roman Rite. Learn the difference.

Lying is not becoming on those that claim to be Christian. The RCC was established in 325 A.D. The RCC was started by Constantine REMEMBER .?