the church


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Really ? You have no clue do you.

Jesus was crucified as in the sinless dying to pay for the sins of the sinner that turns to God and does as I posted earlier.

The redeemed are those that have humbled themselves before God, admitted they are sinners, and rely on what God has provided through and in Christ Jesus.

Do you believe the Apostle got it wrong or that he lied ?

1Jo 5:13
These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

Notice the word have NOT hope. The RCC got it wrong AGAIN.

so you are saying Jesus didn't suffer and die for everyone?


New member
so you are saying Jesus didn't suffer and die for everyone?

Everyone that has a broken and contrite heart that humbles themselves before God and accepts the gift that God gave them; otherwise, they are heading for hell.

God loved the world ( John 3:16 ) scripture NEVER says Jesus suffered and died for those that reject God.

Eagles Wings

New member
I want to know if the pinheads here who use that term have any clue about what it is they speak of. Do you? Do YOU know what a Roman Catholic is?
The thing is, CC, MOST people who attend weekly mass consider themselves, Roman Catholic. Few Americans simply say, Catholic. They say, Roman Catholic.

Seems to me there is some educating to do on your end.


New member
LOL! Wrong. Its so typical of dodge to blab out a phrase for years and be totally ignorant of that phrase's meaning.

Anyone else?

Lie much ! You cannot help your beliefs YOU were told what to believe by spiritually dead and evil men sadly.

Roman Catholics= idolaters that submit to a pope.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
The thing is, CC, MOST people who attend weekly mass consider themselves, Roman Catholic..........

How do you know that? In America, most Catholics are Latin Rite, but many are not. In other countries most Catholics are NOT Latin Rite Catholics. And you still have not answered the question.


New member
That's right, and you're not a Christian either. You are just a little man full of hate and dishonesty. You are a sad, sad little person. Truly pathetic.

I would prefer you hate me for telling you the truth than love me for lying to you.

I am not a Roman Catholic because I am not an idolater and Mary worshiper.

Seems to me YOU are the one full of hate ,dishonesty, and nothingness when it comes to TRUTH.

Eagles Wings

New member
How do you know that? In America, most Catholics are Latin Rite, but many are not. In other countries most Catholics are NOT Latin Rite Catholics. And you still have not answered the question.
Roman and Latin rites are synonymous. A better way to say it would be that the Latin rite is under the umbrella of the Roman rite. Correct me, if I am wrong.

I also spent decades as a Roman Catholic. I have a copy of the Catholic Catechism and am pretty familiar with it.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
In this forum you will often see the acronym RCC tossed about. Sometimes it is done in innocence, but very often it is done out of malice by people who know better.

The Catholic Church is the "Catholic Church", not the Roman Catholic Church. Within the Catholic Church, there are many "Rites": The Maronite Rite, the Syriac Rite, the Chaldean Rite, the Byzantine Rite, and many many other "Rites" or Churches, and also included is the Latin Rite, or "Roman" rite if you will. The Roman Catholic Church is a part of the Catholic Church, but that is all.

What all these Churches - or "Rites" - have in common is doctrine, and submission to the Pope as the Successor of Peter and earthly head of the Church. Not all Catholics are "Latin Rite" Catholics though, and some Catholics can find it rather offensive when the Church is continually referred to as the RCC.

Now in America, its true that most Catholics are Latin Rite (Roman Catholic) but many are not. But if you go to some other countries you'll find that most Catholic are NOT Roman Catholics.

What does this say:

It says "Catechism of the Catholic Church". It does not say "Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church". That is an important point to remember.


A Rite represents an ecclesiastical, or church, tradition about how the sacraments are to be celebrated. Each of the sacraments has at its core an essential nature which must be satisfied for the sacrament to be confected or realized. This essence – of matter, form and intention – derives from the divinely revealed nature of the particular sacrament. It cannot be changed by the Church. Scripture and Sacred Tradition, as interpreted by the Magisterium, tells us what is essential in each of the sacraments (2 Thes. 2:15).

When the apostles brought the Gospel to the major cultural centers of their day the essential elements of religious practice were inculturated into those cultures. This means that the essential elements were clothed in the symbols and trappings of the particular people, so that the rituals conveyed the desired spiritual meaning to that culture. In this way the Church becomes all things to all men that some might be saved (1 Cor. 9:22).

There are three major groupings of Rites based on this initial transmission of the faith, the Roman, the Antiochian (Syria) and the Alexandrian (Egypt). Later on the Byzantine derived as a major Rite from the Antiochian, under the influence of St. Basil and St. John Chrysostom. From these four derive the over 20 liturgical Rites present in the Church today.​

source: Catholic Rites and Churches

Personally, I would appreciate it if peopler referred to me as a Catholic, and my Church as the Catholic Church. It would be the respectful thing to do since nobody here really know what Rite me or other Catholics here actually are.

Eagles Wings

New member
He/she does not even know what they believe. They parrot and follow other men.
We all do to some extent, and I don't see that as a bad thing. Do you read church history or any of the writings of the early Christian church?

I am also a confessor of the same creeds as Catholics. The Apostles, Nicene and Athanasian.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Roman and Latin rites are synonymous. A better way to say it would be that the Latin rite is under the umbrella of the Roman rite. Correct me, if I am wrong.

I also spent decades as a Roman Catholic. I have a copy of the Catholic Catechism and am pretty familiar with it.

Actually you are pretty close. Not bad. See my previous post.

I am sorry you left the Church. I hope you come back. I mean that sincerely.