the church

God's Truth

New member
The Catholics who are told and understand what their denomination teaches, and still humbly accepts their dung, they have their humbleness bowed down to Satan, and they do not even know it and they will not even consider it.

God's Truth

New member
I was a proud Catholic. They have the most beautiful churches. They are magnificent looking, the architecture, the cathedral ceilings, the carved beams and stained glass mirrors. The still carvings of the "holy images", the pictures of the "holy images", and the man up front in his flowing robe.

The more one bows to the false teaching of the Catholic church, the more others see the extent of their lost position; and what is almost as sad as that, is the Calvinists who follow another man, a Catholic man who stayed a Catholic but wanted to make some changes, Luther and John Calvin are men such as these.

God's Truth

New member
why did you start with p?

You are a Catholic arguing with a reformed CATHOLIC.

You two are brothers, half, but still brothers.

Just like the Baptists who preach faith alone and go after their half brothers, the Calvinists.

You are all of the same family, just like ALL denominations are related.

God's Truth

New member
If anyone wants God's Truth, and not some man's truth, then there is a Way to find out.

You do not have to search all the religions and denominations of the world, all you have to do is search for Jesus' teachings and start doing what he says, if there are things he says and you do not understand why he says them, so what, do it anyways. He will give you understanding after you obey. Are you reading and misunderstand what he says, and you wonder if you should sell your house and live on the streets, then you have made Jesus' commands burdensome, and you are without understanding.
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New member
-if you want to know
-what the church teaches
-ask a catholic
That's just it: they really have no genuine interest in understanding what the Church actually believes and teaches, because they are entirely satisfied with the anti-Catholic stereotypes and canards already fed to them by their preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect(s). It takes a supernatural act of the Holy Spirit to break them loose from their sectarian programming, and enable them to think outside the categories of mindless anti-Catholic propaganda. I have seen it happen---indeed, it happened to me and my family---but it's comparatively rare.


New member
R.C's only believe what they are told to believe and allowed to believe by their...leaders...
QUESTION: In the 1st-century Early Church, were those who entered the Church in response to the apostles' teachings permitted to believe contrary to what their leaders (the apostles) told them to believe, yes or no?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the church is a place to gather in His name
-the church is a place to get fed
-the church is a place you can trust


The difference between Roman Catholics & Christians is how you answer this question.

What must I do to be saved?