the church


New member
Now that dodge has been repeatedly corrected on this point, such claims on his part must by this point be considered nothing more than cases of straightforward lying (Ex. 20:16; Prov. 19:5).


YOu corrected NOTHING you are an idolater and a worshiper of statuses and Mary. Your ,loss not mine.


New member
As a matter of fact, CS is right on that one. He or she, whoever, could not be a sinner "like everyone else" but he or she is a sinner all the same because, there has never been a man upon earth to have done only good and never sinner." (Ecclesiastes 7:20)

Heb 4:15
For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.


Catholicism is Arminian. If you don't accept monergism you really don't have any other way out of all of those election texts.


New member
The lie is the false god you worship , and the lie you are living.
Nope. The demonstrable fact is that your claim that the Catholic Church teaches the worship of statues and Saints (like Mary) is a straightforward lie (Ex. 20:16; Prov. 19:5), as has already been repeatedly proven on this forum.

Back to Post #2546.


New member
Catholicism is Arminian. If you don't accept monergism you really don't have any other way out of all of those election texts.
Of course, the Catholic Church had been interpreting and teaching the Scriptures for a millennium-and-a-half before a single Arminian or Calvinist ever managed to stumble onto the scene. :darwinsm:


Catholicism is Arminian. If you don't accept monergism you really don't have any other way out of all of those election texts.
It's called providence. There's a whole section of the Catechism on providence. and following. IMO, the heart of it is this, from Text 307:
Our magisterium said:
God . . . enables men to be intelligent and free causes in order to complete the work of creation, to perfect its harmony for their own good and that of their neighbors. Though often unconscious collaborators with God's will, they can also enter deliberately into the divine plan by their actions, their prayers and their sufferings.
Our magisterium is all the bishops of the Church. The senior pastors. There are thousands of senior pastors in the Catholic Church. They all to a man teach the same thing.


The lie is the false god you worship , and the lie you are living.
Might be lies. Migh be a little one. Might be a big one. Might not be one at all. All depends. When reading "early church father's" you have to keep several things in mind.

1. Were they correct? Just because one of them says something doesn't automatically make it true.

2. Where were they from? You will find differing opinion depending on what region of the globe they lived.

3. What period of their lives were they writing? Augustine is a great example of a guy who's views changed as he got older.


Next time you go to mass look for the idols they are in every RCC !
Probably statues of Innocent III. Mass Began in the 12th Century. That was propounded or first introduced by a Benedictine monk named Radbertus in the 9th Century AD. Did you realize that? No Mass, no transubstantiation, no adoration of the host by the Roman Church was even started until the 9th Century, that’s the 800’s AD. They fought for 400 years over that concept until finally Pope Innocent III declared it official Roman doctrine in 1215 AD. Do you know who Pope Innocent III was? Don’t get me started talking about the popes; we had to memorize all the popes in seminary and had to know a biography of each of them.
Alexander VI, the pope of the Renaissance, had 30 children. He was celibate. His children were given cardinal posts, the boys. And that’s a historical fact..
Innocent III was a warrior that had an army that conquered most of the Italian peninsula with a sword. He was probably the most conquering of all the popes, the most powerful of all the popes in history. Innocent III. And that man, who knew more about killing people with swords than he did about the Bible, He declared that this theological controversy would be put in stone in 1215 and they started the Roman doctrine of the bloodless sacrifice of Mass..
Well, if you were to trace back the robes, the beads; if you were to trace back the incense, the candles; if you were to trace back the saints, and the veneration; if you were to trace back the different things that go on in the ceremonies of the Roman Church, what you’d find is a labyrinth of paganism coming from the fountain of idolatry of ancient Babylon itself.


It's called providence. There's a whole section of the Catechism on providence. and following. IMO, the heart of it is this, from Text 307:
Our magisterium is all the bishops of the Church. The senior pastors. There are thousands of senior pastors in the Catholic Church. They all to a man teach the same thing.
Yikes! Another RCC source. That man is not the real Jesus the protestants worship. Again, there are no way out. Its not working. Never did


can you explain tulip to a catholic?
Sure! Lets do "P". P - Preservation of the Saints. The last of the five points of Calvinism teaches that*God preserves His people so they can never*be lost. To put it simply, it means this: "Once you are saved, you are always saved."

God's Word is full of proof for this beautiful truth. And though many deny it, and tell you that you can be lost and saved many, many times, and therefore can never be sure of your salvation, the Bible says otherwise. Talking about His elect sheep, Jesus said: "And I give them eternal life; and they shall*never*perish,*neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand"*(John 10:28). See*John 6:39, 17:2, 11,12;*Romans 8:37-39;*II Tim. 1:12; 4:18, etc. etc.

Some object to this doctrine because it supposedly makes men "carnally secure" in their salvation. That is, if I know nothing can make me go to hell once God has saved me, I will "live like the devil." There have been some who have used this beautiful truth as an excuse to live like the devil. But they are not Christians. Nor do they understand this truth. Because this truth also implies "PERSEVERANCE OF THE SAINTS." Those who never fall away are*saints.*They are*holy.*And they are given power to live holy lives. They "continue in well-doing." Anyone who says he can "live like the devil" has not experienced the saving power of Christ and does not know the meaning of*Philippians 1:6, "He that hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ." God will continue working good works in us until Christ returns. Don't think otherwise.

Is there any hope for Christians without this doctrine? We don't need to be "scared to heaven." We need comfort. Because we know that if it were up to the Christian to remain saved, he would never be able to do it. You know yourself!!!! There is no power in me apart from God's grace.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Sure! Lets do "P". P - Preservation of the Saints. The last of the five points of Calvinism teaches that*God preserves His people so they can never*be lost. To put it simply, it means this: "Once you are saved, you are always saved."
yes the church teaches this
-but only after you die
-until then
-the church teaches you are not saved

God's Truth

New member
The Catholic denomination is an evil one, for what is the point of following the Catholic teachings if they do not even know if one is saved? Think about it...if I want to know God and Jesus, why would I follow what the Catholics say, when they SAY NO ONE knows if they are saved. HOWEVER, EXCEPT for some people that the 'pope' canonizes, which means he deemed saved, people who have did miracles, as he decides.

The Catholic religion makes people twice the person of of hell as they are.

"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are."