the church


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Work for savation is a shortcut to hell.

Free will carried many a soul to hell, but never a soul to heaven. Charles Spurgeon
your ridiculous interpretation of scripture forces you to deny the obvious
-that being free will
-we make choices
-we will be held accountable for them
-how can you deny that?


your ridiculous interpretation of scripture forces you to deny the obvious
-that being free will
-we make choices
-we will be held accountable for them
-how can you deny that?
Dont deny we make choices and held accountable.
You don't give God credit for drawing you first before you believed.
If you really believe but you said you can't


New member
Picky picky picky. They used the bible
Note that Tulip failed to answer either of my questions. To answer the questions myself, then, it should be observed that for the 4th-century Christians who composed the Nicene Creed, "the Church" was specifically that one which believed, taught, and defended the following doctrines, in addition to others:
  • baptismal regeneration (that one is "born again" through Baptism)
  • the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist
  • Tradition as infallible Divine Revelation (God's word) along with Scripture (thus, no sola scriptura)
  • the intermediate state known as purgatory
  • the religious use of sacred objects and images in worship & devotion
  • a 73-book biblical canon
  • the primacy and authority of the papacy
  • infant baptism
  • the role of good works (as opposed to "works of the law") in salvation (thus, no sola fide)
  • apostolic succession
  • invoking the intercession of past Saints (Communion of the Saints)
  • the Mass as a genuine sacrifice
  • verbal confession of sins to a priest for absolution
The "church" that believed, taught, and defended the above doctrines was---for those who composed the Creed---"the church" mentioned by them in the Creed. That is the "Church" to which the Creed refers. We agree with you that the Creed's composers "used the Bible" and, in doing so, formulated and delivered to the early Christian Church the doctrines listed above, and many more.

And now: who exactly was it who actually did compose the Nicene Creed in 325 A.D.? Ready? It was the Catholic bishops who presided over the 4th-century Catholic Council of Nicaea who composed and authoritatively promulgated the thoroughly Catholic Nicene Creed. Sorry to burst your bubble, but the Creed is entirely and unambiguously Catholic in its composition and its content, and thus the "church" it speaks of is likewise thoroughly and demonstrably Catholic.

No doubt your preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect neglected to inform you of these facts, or perhaps its leaders themselves have no understanding of ecclesiastical history, but the above is simply a matter of historical fact. The "church" of the Nicene Creed is the thoroughly Catholic Church that your comments on TOL are so often intended to undermine, but which are so very inadequate in accomplishing your wishes. When you recite the Creed, you are reciting a Catholic creed that declares one's loyalty not to any of the myriad man-made Protestant (non-Catholic) sects in existence today, but to the one historic Catholic Church founded by Jesus Christ himself.

Gaudium de veritate,



New member
Christains without a label
In fact, by the time the Nicene Creed was composed at the thoroughly Catholic 4th-century Council of Nicaea, it had already been commonly known as "the Catholic Church" for more than two hundred years! So much for the Nicene Church being "without a label."


Note that Tulip failed to answer either of my questions. To answer the questions myself, then, it should be observed that for the 4th-century Christians who composed the Nicene Creed, "the Church" was specifically that one which believed, taught, and defended the following doctrines, in addition to others:
  • baptismal regeneration (that one is "born again" through Baptism)
  • the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist
  • Tradition as infallible Divine Revelation (God's word) along with Scripture (thus, no sola scriptura)
  • the intermediate state known as purgatory
  • the religious use of sacred objects and images in worship & devotion
  • a 73-book biblical canon
  • the primacy and authority of the papacy
  • infant baptism
  • the role of good works (as opposed to "works of the law") in salvation (thus, no sola fide)
  • apostolic succession
  • invoking the intercession of past Saints (Communion of the Saints)
  • the Mass as a genuine sacrifice
  • verbal confession of sins to a priest for absolution
The "church" that believed, taught, and defended the above doctrines was---for those who composed the Creed---"the church" mentioned by them in the Creed. That is the "Church" to which the Creed refers. We agree with you that the Creed's composers "used the Bible" and, in doing so, formulated and delivered to the early Christian Church the doctrines listed above, and many more.

And now: who exactly was it who actually did compose the Nicene Creed in 325 A.D.? Ready? It was the Catholic bishops who presided over the 4th-century Catholic Council of Nicaea who composed and authoritatively promulgated the thoroughly Catholic Nicene Creed. Sorry to burst your bubble, but the Creed is entirely and unambiguously Catholic in its composition and its content, and thus the "church" it speaks of is likewise thoroughly and demonstrably Catholic.

No doubt your preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect neglected to inform you of these facts, or perhaps its leaders themselves have no understanding of ecclesiastical history, but the above is simply a matter of historical fact. The "church" of the Nicene Creed is the thoroughly Catholic Church that your comments on TOL are so often intended to undermine, but which are so very inadequate in accomplishing your wishes. When you recite the Creed, you are reciting a Catholic creed that declares one's loyalty not to any of the myriad man-made Protestant (non-Catholic) sects in existence today, but to the one historic Catholic Church founded by Jesus Christ himself.

Gaudium de veritate,


All i had to do was read the first lines and stop there. We don't do baptismal regeneration and the extra 7 books are not inspired by God and not biblical. Most of the rest is man made traditions NOT authorized by God nor the Bible. Have fun in your denomination and we'll worship today guided by the holy spirit not your added false traditions.


In fact, by the time the Nicene Creed was composed at the thoroughly Catholic 4th-century Council of Nicaea, it had already been commonly known as "the Catholic Church" for more than two hundred years! So much for the Nicene Church being "without a label."
Universal catholic church is the same as christian church. Both started by Jesus. Don't add stuff please. Leave it alone. You polluted the gospel.


New member
All i had to do was read the first lines and stop there. We don't do baptismal regeneration and the extra 7 books are not inspired by God and not biblical. Most of the rest is man made traditions NOT authorized by God nor the Bible.
Only according to the entirely non-authoritative opinions of your preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect. And yet, those are exactly the doctrines held and defended by Christ's one historic Church for the past two thousand years! How do you explain, then, that your modern sectarian beliefs fail to match up with those of the early Christian Church and the Church of the past two millennia? Looks like it's your beliefs that are the traditions of men.

Also, those are the very beliefs held and defended by the Church mentioned in the Nicene Creed. And every time you recite the Creed, you are in fact affirming the Catholic Church of the 4th century and beyond.


New member
Universal catholic church is the same as christian church. Both started by Jesus. Don't add stuff please. Leave it alone. You polluted the gospel.
In fact, by the time the Nicene Creed was composed at the thoroughly Catholic 4th-century Council of Nicaea, it had already been commonly known as "the Catholic Church" for more than two hundred years! So much for the Nicene Church being "without a label."​


New member
Those in the Catholic [Church] are sinners.
Come back when you no longer reject the Triune God of the Christian faith in favor of a mere idol of your own imagining. Until then, your decidedly non-Christian opinions will remain just that. In short: the opinions of non-Christians like yourself mean exactly nothing.

They call their brother 'father'...
So did St. Paul---I guess he was a "sinner" as well, right? You simply misunderstand Jesus' words in Mt. 23:9. Thus, the problem is with you, not with the teachings of the Church. Sorry for your confusion.

...and they bow TO statues and pictures.
False statement. Try again.


-so what does that mean?

-the church teaches that we are all sinners
Roman Catholic teaches Mythology and Fantasy....just a few, you can add to the list....

-Peter was a pope,
-Mary was a queen,
-the wafer is god,
-confession of sins is to a Catholic priest...
-we are to pray to those who have died and might be in heaven,
-prayers for the dead,
-Mary is a new ark,
-Mary is a new eve,*
-the priest represents Jesus...
-sissified priests
-prayers to angels


In fact, by the time the Nicene Creed was composed at the thoroughly Catholic 4th-century Council of Nicaea, it had already been commonly known as "the Catholic Church" for more than two hundred years! So much for the Nicene Church being "without a label."​


And part of the truth that the Scripture declares, is that the Lord gave to Peter primarily, and to His Apostles, prerogative.
Roman Catholics are constantly proving that even in their own subconscious they believe Sola Scriptura to be true. At every turn they cherry pick, pervert, & twist Scripture to try and deceivingly impose their satanic doctrines into Scripture knowing in their minds these demonic doctrines have no authority without the support of inventing Scripture proof.