The Breath of Life


Well-known member
Why is that?
I consider Gen 1 and 2 to be two different events with some over lapping. The over lapping is that it is the ONE and only Creator working in both chapters. That may sound like I've just killed my own theory, but wait.

Well, Gen. 1 says that it was Elohiym, working as a spirit upon the waters of the deep. I agree with all of that and say that he worked all the way through Gen.2:3.

Now, here comes my theories. In Gen. 1 some things may have been literally manifested while others were created/established within God's Spirit but not yet manifested in a visible form upon the earth. I'll show you why I believe this in a moment.

Then God/Elohiym began resting on the 7th day, but Genesis 2 tells us exactly who is beginning his work.
Verse 4: These are the generations [a period of time of the creation] of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in THE DAY THAT THE LORD GOD MADE THE EARTH AND THE HEAVENS.

Who is The LORD?
Well, Moses met him face to face as a friend. He saw his glory pass before him as HE passed by and called out his name - The LORD God [Exodus 34:5,6]. HE also told Moses that he was the I AM [Exodus 3:14] ... but followed it with this in verse 15, "And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel. The LORD God of your fathers hath sent me unto you. THIS IS MY NAME FOREVER..."

You see God, the Great I AM, gave himself a name: YHWY/The LORD! Names in the Bible are significant ... in this instance the name of The LORD was revealed after God HAD APPEARED for the first time unto Moses. He gave Moses his name because Moses was to write the first 5 books of scripture.

So, The LORD who began his work on the 7th Day was The LORD who appeared to Moses and told him HIS NAME FOREVER. HE was/is the Creator who manifested a presence/image for himself. Genesis 1:27 mentions that image belonging to God. God the Spirit either already had that image or had plans for manifesting it even before he created mankind. It was The LORD who appeared within his creations and began in work... and did give Adam a body after the likeness of his presence/image.
that things had been created in Gen. 1 but not yet manifested until Gen. 2? Beginning in Gen.1:11 God is describing things he is creating ... some I believe were brought forth. I believe the earth was manifested.

Yet, Gen. 2:4, which was the generations in which the manifested presence of The LORD God began HIS WORK,... it is written: Gen 2:5 "And [it was a time when] every plant of the field BEFORE IT WAS IN THE EARTH, and [a time before] EVERY HERB OF THE FIELD BEFORE IT GREW; for The LORD God had NOT YET CAUSED IT TO RAIN. for The LORD God HAD NOT YET CAUSED IT TO RAIN UPON THE EARTH, and there WAS NOT YET A MAN to till the ground.

Then again it was The LORD God who formed Adam a body from the ground [Elements of earth]. Then again it was The LORD God who formed the visible bodies of animals and brought them to Adam to name. It was The LORD who caused the rain to manifest the plants. You see they had been created but not yet manifested.

Is it any wonder that Jesus who said, "The Father and I are one," did a number of his miracles on the Sabbath? Like forming functioning eyeballs from the elements of the ground for a man, who had been blind from birth. Like giving a cripple man legs that worked. Jesus was The LORD of the 7th day ... He was the WORD who was God and was with God from the beginning of creation. He was God, the WORD of the Spirit. He was The LORD who appeared to the patriarchs and Moses. He was/is the Savior who came as a human. Isaiah 43:11 succinctly describes the Trinity of the one God. I, even I, Am, The LORD; beside ME [as God the I AM, The Father LORD] there is no Savior. IOW, the Savior is just as much God as was the Spirit and the Father.
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Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Who is The LORD?
I don't read Hebrew or Greek. Others state The Lord in all caps was YHWH, most of the time. He refers to himself a few different ways. That isn't germane to the question. It isn't 2 separate events. Keep trying.

Yet, Gen. 2:4, which was the generations in which the manifested presence of The LORD God began HIS WORK,... it is written: Gen 2:5 "And [it was a time when] every plant of the field BEFORE IT WAS IN THE EARTH, and [a time before] EVERY HERB OF THE FIELD BEFORE IT GREW; for The LORD God had NOT YET CAUSED IT TO RAIN. for The LORD God HAD NOT YET CAUSED IT TO RAIN UPON THE EARTH, and there WAS NOT YET A MAN to till the ground.
4 This is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created,

This implies it is completed. He is just telling us how that event happened. You haven't shown anything. You can keep going, but you don't have to do it. As opposed to chapter 1 which is the timeline.