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New member
Normal people don't engage in this anarchy we're seeing around us. We will defend our homes when need be, but the rest of them are all of the same stripe. We have the itty bitty Klan, and we have the so called "white supremacists", who are Obama supporters in disguise (Kessler) sent in to make the Klan look bigger. Then you have the antifa disguised as white supremacist haters. Then you have some liberal loons who follow antifa around like lemmings and support them on social media because they fall for any disguise that comes along.

"I stand against hate", they say in self-righteous indignation. All while they align themselves with the hate filled mob bent on tearing this country apart. IDIOTS taking control of America. :down:
Have you been sized for your tinfoil hat?

There is no antifa. They're Trump supporters in disguise :rolleyes:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The truth will out....

As more details about the White Nationalist protests in Charlottesville come to light, it seems that even left-wing organizations can’t deny the reality behind some of these suspicious characters that have attended the event.

In particular, the Southern Poverty Law Centre (SPLC), a radical left-wing organization, is reporting that the organizer of the rally, Jason Kessler, was likely an Obama supporter and was connected to the Occupy Wall Street movement, according to Breitbart.

The SPLC writes on their website that “rumors abound on white nationalist forums that Kessler’s ideological pedigree before 2016 was less than pure and seem to point to involvement in the Occupy movement and past support for President Obama.”

(more here)

Wow, what an objective and accredited source of news GD.

You are just another dopey conspiracy nut after all then. I'm sure Musty has enough tin foil headgear to spare.



Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
They're against liberals too, and pretty much anything that doesn't perpetuate their white supremacist ideal.
They are against all religion.
This group is not in the category with KKK type white supremacists.
These guys think they are gods, and that mixing with non-whites will destroy their olympian destiny.
They believe in nature, not a GOD of creation.
The Klan wouldn't have nothing to do with them.
They are in a category all their own.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
They are against all religion.
This group is not in the category with KKK type white supremacists.
These guys think they are gods, and that mixing with non-whites will destroy their olympian destiny.
They believe in nature, not a GOD of creation.
The Klan wouldn't have nothing to do with them.
They are in a category all their own.

Oh, they're a whacko organisation no doubt, but they share more in 'ideology' with the political far right than they do any group else as with any white supremacist outfit.

patrick jane

Oh, they're a whacko organisation no doubt, but they share more in 'ideology' with the political far right than they do any group else as with any white supremacist outfit.
So, some wackos like the ideology of the right, who wouldn't? The right stands up for the constitution and the bill of rights, free speech and limited government. The right stands for freedom and America, what's not to like? The right can't control what people like

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I remember a video of him talking about the BLM movement.
He said a lot, but the part I remember the most was when he said that the BLM members were unconsciously confirming the ideology that whites were superior. Otherwise, they wouldn't be so desperate to demand a positive response of equality, as if that would validate their worth.
Thanks for underscoring my point that very smart and accomplished people can, stepping out of their wheelhouse, say things that completely negate the value of their acumen. The demonstrable error in his ill considered remark is found in its ability to be as readily applied to the struggle for civil rights, a frequently desperate struggle. And demanding the standing our law should guarantee is only doing that. The rest is invested in it, not inherent in it.


Well-known member
So you are another conspiracy nut then. Naive? Please, some of you far right snowflakes wouldn't be able to spy lunar bodies when there's a full moon.


Try to engage your brain before you attempt to come up with a witty reply. I didn't say we are spies, or even that we want to be spies. I said, people who are spies try to blend in....they pretend to be what they aren't. Silly not-so-smart-today, Artie.


Well-known member
With Musty it's his first 'go to' option and it's just bonkers. There are far right nutcases and white supremacists fall under that camp. Deal with it. The lengths that some of the zealots here will go to to deny things and concoct all manner of garbage to blame the "left" is almost funny.

Okay, sometimes it is funny.


Artie is definitely naive.


Well-known member
Oh, there's some fruitcakes on the far left, that's for sure but there's no real reason to concoct conspiracy theories about far right groups like white supremacists etc because unfortunately they're all too real. To deny that is to enter the realms of unhinged paranoia like accusing them of being Obama supporters because of some loop the loop blog on YT or something...

You just can't deal with reality. The Klan is a small shrinking group that likes to run their mouths and wear white hoods. Any power they had is gone and they know it. Unfortunately, Obama set race relations back fifty years and that was planned and seen from the beginning. Inviting Black Lives Matter to the White House after their rioting and chanting "Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon". Are you that blind, really? The left has deliberately played the race card, and now they are manufacturing racists out of whole cloth. The Trump supporters, for crying out loud, are called racists. That's a load of crap and any right thinking person knows it. Six million voters across the heartland are now "racists". Fools swallow this garbage because it makes them feel superior.

I sure hope you all enjoy the rioting because it's on the Democrat's Menu.
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