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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
People like Grosnick Marowbe who believes that Republicans can do no wrong gave us the Republican Establishment, the same one that gave us Roe v Wade 44 years ago, and the same one that is still in power under Donald Trump.

God hates those who bear false witness. Stop lying about GM. That you can't tell the difference between the swamp dwellers in the establishment and the folks who voted for Trump isn't my fault.

You really should read some of your fellow RINO's posts. In various threads Grosnick Marowbe has admitted that he is a life long Republican, i.e. he's continuously voted for people who are responsible for the swamp that former Clinton supporter Donald Trump is supposedly draining.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So God forgives everyone? (and here I thought repentance was mandatory).

YEP, you're wrong. We are saved by Grace through faith....not of ourselves. No works of repentance are necessary to access God's grace....only faith can do that.

Except that repentance isn't works based salvation. It's asking for God's forgiveness (His GRACE) and turning from your old beliefs and accepting God's Word as the new.

Do you by chance get your theology from Donald Trump?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Let's talk about you and Grosnick Marowbe instead of "most people". You both defend an unrepentant sinner (Donald Trump) who promotes things that God abhors. You both attack me for standing up for God's Word.

...The Gospel of Grace is one of belief. Repentance is a change of mind...turning from unbelief to belief,

Thanks for making my case. Repentance is belief in God's Word.

Besides, we didn't elect a Pastor or an elder, we elected a government official.

Yet Libertarian turned republican for a day (patrick jane) when asked in another thread what the role of civil government is, didn't come up with some secular humanist answer, he went straight to the Bible:

Romans 13:4.

What is the role of civil government and it's leaders glorydaz?


I agree with that, but that isn't what I asked...SHOULD he go to jail?

Based on the evidence that I've seen just through various information that is available to the public via the internet and other news media sources, Donald Trump is involved in a pretty serious cover-up. More will be revealed when Mueller and his team of professional investigators present their findings.

To answer your question: I'm for putting criminals in jail, and you?


Happy believes so, he thinks Trump likes homos and he should go to jail for that alone. :chuckle:

You're taking my 4 part thread on the recriminalization of homosexuality extremely hard Ktoyou. Fear not, you have a LGBTQ flag waver in the Presidency.


Well-known member
You really should read some of your fellow RINO's posts. In various threads Grosnick Marowbe has admitted that he is a life long Republican, i.e. he's continuously voted for people who are responsible for the swamp that former Clinton supporter Donald Trump is supposedly draining.

When the choice is between a Democrat and a Republican, choosing the Republican is the wise choice. You just refuse to vote or throw your vote away on someone who didn't even make the ballot. Not wise.

Except that repentance isn't works based salvation. It's asking for God's forgiveness (His GRACE) and turning from your old beliefs and accepting God's Word as the new.

Saved by Grace through Faith. Where do you see "asking for God's forgiveness" there?

When a person believes the Gospel, it means they believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ (that He was raised for our justification). Why would I need to ask for what I have been persuaded of? I'm like "score" THAT IS GOOD NEWS. I certainly do thank Him, but I don't have to ask for what has been freely given.

You're straddling the fence between law and grace with your IFs, just like you throw your vote away on a person who has no chance of winning. Who's the Rino here?

Do you by chance get your theology from Donald Trump?

Why would I? He isn't a preacher or teacher of the word of God?

Thanks for making my case. Repentance is belief in God's Word.

Then since Trump claims to believe, why did you say he was an "unrepentant sinner"? Maybe you don't think repentance and belief are the same thing, after all. :chuckle:

Yet Libertarian turned republican for a day (patrick jane) when asked in another thread what the role of civil government is, didn't come up with some secular humanist answer, he went straight to the Bible:

Romans 13:4.

What is the role of civil government and it's leaders glorydaz?

Well, they aren't supposed to be our Bible teachers like you seem to think.


Trump hates homosexuals as much as he hates black people and the unbiased media ... however, that isn't *the* reason he should go to jail.

Oh but Sandy, look at all of the great things that Donald Trump has done for the LGBTQueer movement (listed in order of importance to LGBTQueerers) :

1). Appointed a guy who turned the once God-fearing Boy Scouts of American into the 'Boy Sodomizers of America' as his Secretary of State (what LGBTQueerer would have thought that a Republican President would make as his Secretary of State someone who made every homosexual's dream come true: unsupervised overnight campouts with 12 year old boys?).

2). Stated that Obergefell v Hodges (faux marriage) is "settled law".

3). Nominated and had confirmed as his first SCOTUS pick someone who attends a homosexual affirming Church and has a history of LGBTQ activism (during his confirmation Neil Gorsuch said that Roe v Wade and Obergefell v Hodges are "the law(s) of the land".

4). Contrary to what he tweets when it comes to the military, Donald Trump has been a good friend to the T in the LGBTQ acronym (note that Trump hasn't said anything about not allowing openly homosexual people in the US military).

5). Hired numerous proud and unrepentant homosexuals in his administration as well as LGBTQ friendly people like Secretary of Education Betsy Devos.

What's not to love about Donald Trump if you're homosexual/homosexual activist Sandy?


Well-known member
Oh but Sandy, look at all of the great things that Donald Trump has done for the LGBTQueer movement (listed in order of importance to LGBTQueerers) :

1). Appointed a guy who turned the once God-fearing Boy Scouts of American into the 'Boy Sodomizers of America' as his Secretary of State (what LGBTQueerer would have thought that a Republican President would make as his Secretary of State someone who made every homosexual's dream come true: unsupervised overnight campouts with 12 year old boys?).

2). Stated that Obergefell v Hodges (faux marriage) is "settled law".

3). Nominated and had confirmed as his first SCOTUS pick someone who attends a homosexual affirming Church and has a history of LGBTQ activism (during his confirmation Neil Gorsuch said that Roe v Wade and Obergefell v Hodges are "the law(s) of the land".

4). Contrary to what he tweets when it comes to the military, Donald Trump has been a good friend to the T in the LGBTQ acronym (note that Trump hasn't said anything about not allowing openly homosexual people in the US military).

5). Hired numerous proud and unrepentant homosexuals in his administration as well as LGBTQ friendly people like Secretary of Education Betsy Devos.

What's not to love about Donald Trump if you're homosexual/homosexual activist Sandy?

My goodness, ACW. You could be working for the Main Stream Media the way your twist the facts just enough to almost sound believable. :thumb:


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You really should read some of your fellow RINO's posts. In various threads Grosnick Marowbe has admitted that he is a life long Republican, i.e. he's continuously voted for people who are responsible for the swamp that former Clinton supporter Donald Trump is supposedly draining.

When the choice is between a Democrat and a Republican, choosing the Republican is the wise choice. You just refuse to vote or throw your vote away on someone who didn't even make the ballot. Not wise.

Like I said, Grosnick Marowbe, because he blindly votes for the "R" candidate election after election and doesn't demand a real conservative, is responsible for the swamp that long time Clinton supporter Donald Trump is supposedly draining.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Except that repentance isn't works based salvation. It's asking for God's forgiveness (His GRACE) and turning from your old beliefs and accepting God's Word as the new.

Saved by Grace through Faith. Where do you see "asking for God's forgiveness" there?

Faith in what? Faith that His Word is the Truth and is for all mankind to believe in and live by?

When a person believes the Gospel, it means they believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ

If there is no such thing as sin, then why did Jesus die? Surely belief also means that you believe in His Word?

You're straddling the fence between law and grace with your IFs, just like you throw your vote away on a person who has no chance of winning. Who's the Rino here?

Again: How can you say that you "believe" in God's Word when you constantly defend someone who stands for things that God abhors?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Do you by chance get your theology from Donald Trump? Why would I?

He isn't a preacher or teacher of the word of God?

Yet God sets the standard for civil leaders throughout the Bible. You can't have it both ways glorydaz, pretending to be a Christian yet not caring that a godless politician like Donald Trump is leading a nation founded on Christian doctrine.

Thanks for making my case. Repentance is belief in God's Word.

Then since Trump claims to believe, why did you say he was an "unrepentant sinner"? Maybe you don't think repentance and belief are the same thing, after all.

If Donald Trump has never felt the need to ask for forgiveness and mocks God's word by promoting immoral legislation, wouldn't that make him an unrepentant sinner?

Yet Libertarian turned republican for a day (patrick jane) when asked in another thread what the role of civil government is, didn't come up with some secular humanist answer, he went straight to the Bible:

Romans 13:4.

What is the role of civil government and it's leaders glorydaz?

Well, they aren't supposed to be our Bible teachers like you seem to think.

As in teaching right from wrong? Again, if civil leaders aren't supposed to teach right from wrong, what is their purpose?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Oh but Sandy, look at all of the great things that Donald Trump has done for the LGBTQueer movement (listed in order of importance to LGBTQueerers) :

1). Appointed a guy who turned the once God-fearing Boy Scouts of American into the 'Boy Sodomizers of America' as his Secretary of State (what LGBTQueerer would have thought that a Republican President would make as his Secretary of State someone who made every homosexual's dream come true: unsupervised overnight campouts with 12 year old boys?).

2). Stated that Obergefell v Hodges (faux marriage) is "settled law".

3). Nominated and had confirmed as his first SCOTUS pick someone who attends a homosexual affirming Church and has a history of LGBTQ activism (during his confirmation Neil Gorsuch said that Roe v Wade and Obergefell v Hodges are "the law(s) of the land".

4). Contrary to what he tweets when it comes to the military, Donald Trump has been a good friend to the T in the LGBTQ acronym (note that Trump hasn't said anything about not allowing openly homosexual people in the US military).

5). Hired numerous proud and unrepentant homosexuals in his administration as well as LGBTQ friendly people like Secretary of Education Betsy Devos.

What's not to love about Donald Trump if you're homosexual/homosexual activist Sandy?

My goodness, ACW. You could be working for the Main Stream Media the way your twist the facts just enough to almost sound believable. :thumb:

Kinda feeling uncomfortable when the facts about your LGBTQueer flag waving President come out are ya glorydaz?

Here's the beauty of debate:

Prove me wrong on any or all of the above.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Oh but Sandy, look at all of the great things that Donald Trump has done for the LGBTQueer movement (listed in order of importance to LGBTQueerers) :

1). Appointed a guy who turned the once God-fearing Boy Scouts of American into the 'Boy Sodomizers of America' as his Secretary of State (what LGBTQueerer would have thought that a Republican President would make as his Secretary of State someone who made every homosexual's dream come true: unsupervised overnight campouts with 12 year old boys?).

2). Stated that Obergefell v Hodges (faux marriage) is "settled law".

3). Nominated and had confirmed as his first SCOTUS pick someone who attends a homosexual affirming Church and has a history of LGBTQ activism (during his confirmation Neil Gorsuch said that Roe v Wade and Obergefell v Hodges are "the law(s) of the land".

4). Contrary to what he tweets when it comes to the military, Donald Trump has been a good friend to the T in the LGBTQ acronym (note that Trump hasn't said anything about not allowing openly homosexual people in the US military).

5). Hired numerous proud and unrepentant homosexuals in his administration as well as LGBTQ friendly people like Secretary of Education Betsy Devos.

What's not to love about Donald Trump if you're homosexual/homosexual activist Sandy?

He has no redeeming qualities and is as much a friend to the gay community as he is to the non-white community.

The 5 points that I made above (which no Trumpeteers or you have attempted to refute), looks pretty LGBTQ friendly to me Sandy.


Well-known member
Faith in what? Faith that His Word is the Truth and is for all mankind to believe in and live by?

Too vague. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation.
Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.​

If there is no such thing as sin, then why did Jesus die? Surely belief also means that you believe in His Word?

I didn't say there was no such thing as sin, did I? Jesus took care of sin on the cross.

Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.​

Again: How can you say that you "believe" in God's Word when you constantly defend someone who stands for things that God abhors?

Are you talking about my defending the President? I think he's trying to do what he said he spite of the odds against him. He doesn't "stand for things God abhors"....your claims not withstanding.

Yet God sets the standard for civil leaders throughout the Bible. You can't have it both ways glorydaz, pretending to be a Christian yet not caring that a godless politician like Donald Trump is leading a nation founded on Christian doctrine.

God sets up whoever He will....even at times the basest of men. I'm not the only believer who trusts in the Lord to put in place who is meant to be there at this particular time in history. You should be supporting him with prayer instead of trying to tear him down.

Daniel 4:17 This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.

If Donald Trump has never felt the need to ask for forgiveness and mocks God's word by promoting immoral legislation, wouldn't that make him an unrepentant sinner?

Only God knows a man's heart, ACW. That he doesn't recall ever asking for forgiveness has nothing to do with it. He says he believes and he has lots of believers praying for him. "Promoting immoral legislation" is a pretty dumb statement when you're talking about the government and the workings of the swamp.

As in teaching right from wrong? Again, if civil leaders aren't supposed to teach right from wrong, what is their purpose?

Their purpose is to keep us safe from the bad guys...enforcing the laws. They are not supposed to TEACH US ANYTHING.

AND, I really wish you would learn to use the quote function, ACW, or at least delete the words I've already responded to. I'll take them out, but I hate having to do your job for you. Maybe you think it's the government's job to do that, too. ;)
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