Old man

New member
Well, I don't know you and my problem was with a claim to facts on his part not in evidence. It's one thing to begin that way if you have them and can produce them (though I'd always argue production at the outset is best) and another to make a claim without them.

As to your difficulties with Catholicism, I'll let you two hammer that out. I don't share your belief about his church, though I'm a Presbyterian, but it doesn't have anything to do with my entry into the discourse, so...

Else, if you deny the divinity of Christ then by the orthodoxy of every major part of the Body within Christendom you're a heretic and outside looking in. I'm not saying that sums you, because we haven't had a discussion on it and I'm unfamiliar with your position. I'm only offering that to be clear on my position in relation to his second statement.

I do NOT deny the divinity of Christ!!! That would be denying the divinity of GOD! HE was holy, HE became the holy Son of God and HE in HIS resurrected holiness sets on HIS throne in heaven with the Father. HE declares what is holy and that is also honored as holy by me.

Example - Gen.2:2-3, Lev.23:2. Christ kept them and the Apostle Paul also kept them after the cross and we are to follow Paul as he followed Christ. 1 Cor.11:1

I do strongly deny the divinity of the pope or any other man or so called saint "icon" they bow before.

How about you?


New member
Said to be a non-Christian by a strong defender of the catholic man made false religion (cult) is to me (considering the source) a compliment which proves just the opposite.
A self-serving opinion shared by every rank heretic who ever cracked a Bible, including, for example: Arius, Pelagius, Nestorius, Sabellius, Apollinarius, etc., etc., etc. Thanks for nicely proving my point.


New member
I do NOT deny the divinity of Christ!!! That would be denying the divinity of GOD! HE was holy, HE became the holy Son of God and HE in HIS resurrected holiness sets on HIS throne in heaven with the Father. HE declares what is holy and that is also honored as holy by me.

Example - Gen.2:2-3, Lev.23:2. Christ kept them and the Apostle Paul also kept them after the cross and we are to follow Paul as he followed Christ. 1 Cor.11:1

I do strongly deny the divinity of the pope or any other man or so called saint "icon" they bow before.

How about you?

You do know you are misrepresenting Catholic and Orthodox thought, don't you? Do you care?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I do NOT deny the divinity of Christ!!!
Didn't say that you did. He said it. I was simply noting my doctrinal alignment with Christian orthodoxy and gently inquiring on the point.

That would be denying the divinity of GOD! HE was holy, HE became the holy Son of God and HE in HIS resurrected holiness sets on HIS throne in heaven with the Father. HE declares what is holy and that is also honored as holy by me.
Became? When does Christ begin within your theological understanding?

I do strongly deny the divinity of the pope or any other man or so called saint "icon" they bow before.

How about you?
My understanding of Catholicism isn't that the Pope or any member of it lays claim to divinity.


Old man

New member
Didn't say that you did. He said it. I was simply noting my doctrinal alignment with Christian orthodoxy and gently inquiring on the point.

Became? When does Christ begin within your theological understanding?

My understanding of Catholicism isn't that the Pope or any member of it lays claim to divinity.


"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God (the Father) and the Word was God."

The Word became Jesus Christ the Son of God when becoming flesh born of flesh, a man just as you and I who was tested in all things and sinned not thereby becoming our sinless Savior who suffered and died for our sins, died (as it is given for all men once to die) was resurrected and now sits on the right hand of God the Father who will in due time return and resurrect His saints, all who have died in the faith.

And that is why we are to pray as in the model (not repetitively) prayer "Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven"

My understanding is that no man should be called the "Holy Father" (or Father in a spiritual sense) for that is a title of divinity.

Even addressing a man (of the cloth as they say) by "Reverend" is not proper - "HE sent redemption unto HIS people, HE has commanded HIS Covenant forever, "Holy" and "Reverend" is HIS Name.

Hope that answers your questions.

Old man

New member
You do know you are misrepresenting Catholic and Orthodox thought, don't you? Do you care?

"Misrepresenting Catholic and Orthodox thought", I could care less of Catholic or Orthodox (men's) thoughts.

From the minds (thoughts) of men come all false man made religions.

Men's "thoughts" mean nothing, "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts." Isa.55:8-9

God's thoughts and ways are clearly given to us in His inspired Word which True Christians are to inculcate into their thoughts and very beings.


New member
...becoming our sinless Savior who suffered and died for our sins...

Please define who "our" refers to.

...and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood... (Revelation 1:5 NKJV)​


New member
...I could care less of Catholic or Orthodox (men's) thoughts.
YOU are a "man," are you not? In any case, your rejection of the central and defining doctrines of the Christian faith identifies you as decidedly non-Christian, and so your opinion on this or any other theological matter means exactly nothing.

From the minds (thoughts) of men come all false man made religions...Men's "thoughts" mean nothing
That's certainly true in your case. (See above.)

Gaudium de veritate,



New member
"Misrepresenting Catholic and Orthodox thought", I could care less of Catholic or Orthodox (men's) thoughts.

From the minds (thoughts) of men come all false man made religions.

Men's "thoughts" mean nothing, "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts." Isa.55:8-9

God's thoughts and ways are clearly given to us in His inspired Word which True Christians are to inculcate into their thoughts and very beings.

So it's OK to lie and slander other people, and remain ignorant? Why am I not surprised.

At least stop pretending that you have any clue what Catholics or Orthodox believe.

Old man

New member
So it's OK to lie and slander other people, and remain ignorant? Why am I not surprised.

At least stop pretending that you have any clue what Catholics or Orthodox believe.

Being called a non-Christian by a catholic is the epitome of lying slander (just consider the source and forget it). As for orthodox, that is no more than believing in the doctrines of a religion of which there are thousands''

Orthodox which ever religion you choose to believe in and follow, Orthodox Jew, Orthodox Muslim, etc. etc.

If you have to put a title to it then I would claim a Orthodox follower (believing in) of the Word of God, NOT man made religious creeds or doctrines.

God's word is sufficient and sets forth everything that is needed for salvation, no Popes, Mary's, Fathers, saints statues to bow and pray before, or any such non-Scriptural heresies needed.

You will most likely be observing the doctrine (edict) of Constantine issued in 321 A.D. - "On the venerable Day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing the cities rest, and let all workshops be closed." right?


New member
Being called a non-Christian by a catholic is the epitome of lying slander (just consider the source and forget it). As for orthodox, that is no more than believing in the doctrines of a religion of which there are thousands''

Orthodox which ever religion you choose to believe in and follow, Orthodox Jew, Orthodox Muslim, etc. etc.

If you have to put a title to it then I would claim a Orthodox follower (believing in) of the Word of God, NOT man made religious creeds or doctrines.

God's word is sufficient and sets forth everything that is needed for salvation, no Popes, Mary's, Fathers, saints statues to bow and pray before, or any such non-Scriptural heresies needed.

You will most likely be observing the doctrine (edict) of Constantine issued in 321 A.D. - "On the venerable Day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing the cities rest, and let all workshops be closed." right?

Constantine was a ruler of Rome, not the Church. Did you not know that?

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Wasn't he talking about the other fellow lying? That's what I thought anyway...

No, there were two questions and in my beliefs, I do not believe I am misrepresenting Catholic thought, disagreeing with but not misrepresenting. Of course there will always be that divide between Catholics and Protestants.