the apocalypse


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Hall of Fame
rome is new jerusalem?

why not?

no one has suggested that

just one

doesn't that make you a wacko?

never denied being one

what does the church teach?

the church does not have an official view of the apocalypse

why not?

don't know but naming the beast and the false prophet might be politically incorrect

that doesn't stop you

never has

so what's next

the three johns


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so you think john the baptist is the original author of the apocalypse?

I am not the first one to think that

what makes you think that?

many chapters do not even mention the name of Jesus

and chapter five mentions the lamb?

that clearly points to the baptist

is that it?

there are many things that suggest the baptist

why is that not obvious to the others?

there are too many books and too many heavy hitters that insist it was the apostle

so you are rocking the boat?

that's my job

so what is next?

the ten horns


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Hall of Fame
so how did you get ten islamic dynasties?

I just looked

there must be more than ten

they list ten

it doesn't prove anything

this is true but it does fit

you can make anything fit

that is not true

anyone can search history for events that fit

they have to fit with all the other parts of the apocalypse

that makes it more difficult

the puzzle has many pieces

so what is the next piece?

babylon the great


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Hall of Fame
are you the only one to suggest constantinople is babylon the great?

any honest historian must admit that no other city dominated trade like constantinople

so others have?


most still think it is rome


because of the seven hills

that is no mystery

so constantinople is still a mystery

and likely to remain so

so what is next?


another mystery?



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Hall of Fame
how can they ignore atipas?

who is ignoring antipas?

eusebius and victorinus

why shouldn't they ignore antipas?

they didn't ignore the apocalypse

what about the other commentators?

they didn't ignore antipas

did they ignore the fact that eusebius and victorinus ignored antipas?

they sure did

how can you ignore that?

I don't know

so what is next?


can't ignore that


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Hall of Fame
so why did you start a thread about armageddon?

someone may be watching

why should they be watching?

blessed is he that watcheth

I just love it when you quote the bible, can you cite the passage?

yes, it is revelation 16:15 kjv

that is pretty good for a catholic

thank you, thank you very much

are you watching?

it's my job

how do you know?

I think about it all the time

do you have visions?


so what is next?

the four horsemen


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Hall of Fame
so how did you come up with the four horsemen?

the red sea

why the red sea?

and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth

I love it when you quote the bible, can you cite the passage?

yes, it revelation 6:4 kjv

that is pretty good for a catholic

thank you, thank you very much

so you think mohammed was given the power to take peace from the earth?

who else?

so what is next?

the thousand years


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Hall of Fame
how can you ignore a thousand years?

isn't there only one?

just ask the historians

what do they know?


so you trust history

it's all we have

what about the bible?

it's history

it is all we can trust

it's being misinterpreted

not if you're inspired

test the spirits


by using your common sense, reason, and logic

trusting is easier

only if you can fool yourself

so what is next?



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Hall of Fame
so what is a mark?

well you mark it if you want to bring attention to it

but you don't want everyone to know about it

so you need a secret code of some kind

did you search the old testament?

now that takes wisdom

what did you get?

The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents,

did you search daniel?

I did for the word number

what did you get?

the number of the years

that is pretty good for a catholic

thank you, thank you very much

so what is next?





Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so why do you keep repeating this?

to reinforce learning

what are you teaching?

what I know

what you think you know

that is all I know

how can you know?

by thinking

is that it?

you have to watcheth

I just love it when you quote the bible, can you cite the passage?

yes, it is revelation 16:15

that is pretty good for a catholic

thank you, thank you very much

so what is next?

the little book


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Hall of Fame
so you think the little book is the apocalypse?

I am not the only one

what is the purpose of this chapter?

I think it explains the the three johns

how is that?

john takes the book written by another john

and he adds to it?

this would explain why some didn't think it belonged in the bible

you think they were looking at the original?

it would not have had the name Jesus in it


it was written by the baptist

so what is next?

the seven heads


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so why was chyrsostom in ephesus replacing seven bishops

they were all corrupt

when was this?

at the beginning of the fifth century

that would have been the sixth dynasty of the roman empire


so you think chrysostom is the third john?

some russian astronomer confirmed this

using astronomy?

it's in the stars

how do you know?

I just report what I read

that is outrageous

but it does fit

so what is next?

the two witnesses


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Hall of Fame
so you think the two witnesses are the church and state?

the byzantine empire or the holy roman empire

both were significant

we should be looking for significant events in history

is history more important than the bible?

history can help us interpret the bible


we all interpret the bible

many won't admit that

this is true

so what is next?

new jerusalem


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
rome is new jerusalem?

it makes sense

to anyone besides you?

I can say it is new jerusalem if they say it is babylon the great

what does scripture say?

anything you want it to say

is there any limit to what it says

history, logic, reason, and common sense

is that biblical?

it is sanity

so what is next?

I will be away for a few days


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
welcome back

thank you, thank you very much

you have been away a lot this year

too much

it is good to get away

not this much

do you miss your routine?


doesn't it get boring?

it's comfortable

well don't get too comfortable

I don't think that is possible

so what is next?

the three johns


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
how did you come up with three johns?

the first chapter has three johns

that is strange

hard to ignore

why the baptist?

that had already been suggested

based on what?

most of the apocalypse sounds more jewish than christian

this is true

and who is preparing the way?

the baptist


so what is next?

the ten horns


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
how did you count ten dynasties?

I didn't, they counted them, I just found them

why do you think the horns are dynasties?

the heads are dynasties

why do you think the seven heads are dynasties?

there are only seven

how did you count seven dynasties?

I didn't, they counted them, I just found them

who is they?

the historians

what do they know about scripture?

prophecy is the future of history

so what is next?

babylon the great




Well-known member
Hall of Fame
why don' t they consider constantinople?

most don't even want to think about it

well it isn't really important

but it is in the bible

but it is just a detail

the details are not important?

we can't agree on what they mean

we should be able to discuss them

without telling someone they are going to hell?

it's just a warning

do you actually think someone is going to hell because they have a different interpretation?

some things are important

agreeing isn't one of them

so what is next?

the four beasts

isn't it just two?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so you think the second beast of the apocalypse is the fourth beast of daniel?

it is so obvious

just because of the ten horns

it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it

I just love it when you quote the bible, can you cite the passage?

yes, it is daniel 7:7

that is pretty good for a catholic

thank you, thank you very much

you need more than that to identify a beast

you need history

everyone has that

you just need to pay attention

so what is next?
