the apocalypse


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so what do you know about armageddon?

it's a mystery

so why is it there?

you can tell a lot about a person by how he interprets something


it's a test to see what you are really like


you won't find that word in your bible

is it in yours?


can you quote it?

Many shall be refined, purified, and tested, but the wicked shall prove wicked; the wicked shall have no understanding, but those with insight shall

I just love it when you quote the bible, can you cite the passage?

yes, it is daniel 12:10 nab

that is pretty good for a catholic

thank you, thank you very much

so what is next?

I'll be away for a few days




New member
How many left to go on this page now?

It's usually 12 to 15 posts, isn't it?

I'll do a few more later on.



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Hall of Fame
welcome back

thank you, thank you very much

was it another family visit?

I have a lot of family

so isn't it time for another project?

I will keep this one going as long as there is interest

so you do keep track of the views?

just to see how many are watching

you just want them to watch?

blessed is he that watcheth

I just love it when you quote the bible, can you cite the passage?

yes, it is revelation 16:15

that is pretty good for a catholic

thank you, thank you very much

so what is next?

the four horsemen
Last edited:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so why do they hate constantine?

I can only speculate

I love it when you speculate

he started the greatest empire, it was christian and it would last a thousand years

why would that bother them?

he was the third most significant person who ever lived

Jesus and mohammed being the first two?


I still don't understand why they hate him

I don't either

so what is next?

the thousand years

that might explain it


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Hall of Fame
so how can you ignore a thousand years?

Jesus didn't reign

where does it say Jesus will reign?

revelation 20

it says they will reign with Him

how do you reign with Him?

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them

I just love it when you quote the bible, can you cite the passage?

yes, it is matthew 18:20

that is pretty good for a catholic

thank you, thank you very much

so if we are reigning when we gather in His name, He will be with us?


so what is next?





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Hall of Fame
so you are just repeating?

some things need repeating

doesn't that get boring

not if it is repeated in a different way

so what's different?

maybe just the time

is this important?

knowing the chapters are not necessarily in chronological order is


the interpretation of one chapter should not be forced onto the next

can you give an example of this?

many think chapter 19 is the second coming and expect Jesus to reign during the thousand years

what's wrong with that?

chapter 20 doesn't say Jesus will reign

what does it say?

they will reign with Him

so what is next?



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so you think it is a year?

just search the bible

for what?


what do you get?

yearly was 666

what else?

search daniel for number

what do you get?

number of years

that is not proof

it is just a clue

so how do you prove it?

you can't, you just see if it fits

can you make it fit?


so what is next?

the little book

did you eat it?



New member
Another four to go for the next page starter?

Actually, with this post, could be only three.

How do these things go?

Microsoft / Mozilla work in mysterious ways.



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Hall of Fame
so you ate the little book?

in a manner of speaking

what does it mean?

it is now a part of me

so you are obsessed with it?

you could say that

well I did

I wanted to understand it

so do you?

I have come up with an interpretation as good as anything out there

what are you going to do now?

share it

it will not be well received

some will at least consider it

will that make your day?

it already has

so what is next?

the seven heads


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Hall of Fame
so why do you think they are dynasties?

there are only seven

how do you know?

I let the historians count them

what do they know about prophecy?

whatever history tells them

why spend so much time on history?

because it is there

what about the future?

it can be anything you want it to be

it must agree with the prophecy

it can be anything you want it to be

it must be rightly guided

history can do that


by not ignoring it

so what is next?

the two witnesses


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so what is a candlestick?

a poor translation

what's the difference, they both provide light

one uses olive oil


the lampstand must work together with the olive tree

is that significant?

only if you want to identify the two witnesses

so what is next?

new jerusalem


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so where is new jerusalem?




based on what?

you would expect it to be where He built His church

many can't seem to find it

many are blind

how can you make them see?

reason and logic

good luck with that

we could put it on the internet


good idea

so what is next?

the futurists


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
prophecy is about the future

at some point it becomes history

we are looking for that

what if you are looking for the wrong things?

how could that happen?

the jews didn't see Jesus as the messiah

they should now be able to see that He was

agreed but they don't

they have the wrong interpretation of scripture

you could have the wrong interpretation of scripture

just because it doesn't agree with yours?

it doesn't agree with history

is that your criteria?

only if it fits

you can make anything fit

not really but you can't ignore what appears to fit

so what is next?

the three johns


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Hall of Fame
so what can you tell us about the third john?

at the time he may have been more significant than the pope


he was patriarch of constantinople

wasn't that the center of the world

at the time it was

so what was john doing is ephesus?

replacing seven corrupt bishops

do we know the names of the churches?

just ephesus and it was responsible for the other six

chrysostom never quoted the apocalypse

true but he may have seen the latest while he was in ephesus

and you think he edited it

yes I do

so what is next?

the ten horns


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so how do you count dynasties?

that is not my job

so who counts them?

the historians

they have their own agendas

don't we all?

so you just find a historian that agrees with you?

it is much easier to find a theologian to agree with you

you can't call them theologians

what do you call them?

so what is next?

the four beasts


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Hall of Fame
don't you worry about being politically correct?

I do worry about hate

doesn't political correctness address that?

not if it ignores reality


evil beliefs lead to evil acts

so what you do is based on your beliefs?

as long as you are not disturbed

many are disturbed

many ignore reality

and that is?

what you do affects others

and that is based on what you believe?


so what is next?

babylon the great


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
how do you know your interpretation is correct?

because all the pieces fit

based on what?


can you show that?

I have been thinking about that


some kind of timeline might show how the pieces fit

sounds like a project

that's what I thought

so what is next?
