the apocalypse


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What are you talking about? These have all been available to you since 2002, and that was just the U.S.

I had good reason to believe the problem with homosexual priests had been taken care of. I was misled. Most of what I know, I have learned in the last year or two.
I was a big fan of Francis until he changed the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family.
Now I am a big fan of Vigano.


New member
a time to keep silence

A Time to Rend

a time to speak. The time to keep silent is over. Let him be filthy still? NO Separate the tares from the wheat? YES Physician, heal thyself. If the physician cannot heal himself, then it is our job to separate him from the flock. We can't wait for Jesus. We have to protect the child, the Truth, and the Church.

Uh oh...not waiting for Jesus? You’ll root up also the wheat...

That’s the problem with reform...1053 had churches in Italy closed which were not in Latin...

ask Luther he loved his church not its abuses...maybe he should have waited for Jesus?

reform was V2’s intent too...

But alas...tradition right?


like marbles on glass
I had good reason to believe the problem with homosexual priests had been taken care of. I was misled. Most of what I know, I have learned in the last year or two.
I was a big fan of Francis until he changed the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family.
Now I am a big fan of Vigano.

I didn't know there was a problem until 2002. I literally had no idea. But I made an effort to learn what I could then. At that time, when I first found out. I didn't wait almost 20 years. There was so much talk about it in Catholic circles, and a lot of Catholics who wanted to blame it all on "modernism" because they needed a boogeyman that wouldn't affect their faith in the Church. Do you remember when I gave you all the excerpts from the John Jay report and you pretty much blew me off? That it wasn't a homosexual problem as much as it was a celibacy problem, and an accessibility to vulnerable boys prior to girls becoming altar servers? Do you only read/listen to Catholics who tell you what you want to hear?


New member
It is a homosexual problem


again it's all a messy means to a greater end...

Yours in the true defender of the ONE faith...RIGHT?

she can NOT however just walk up to Mr. Protestant, Eastern Orthodox, Muslim or Jew and say: "I am here to defend the faith from you heretic/schismatic...thus you must recant or die"...

see? that is much too medieval...or OT like...

so it MUST be through subversion and collapse and then they will have to crawl "home"...these things take time...

Just think of the grand success through generational abuse of tens of thousands of children who grow up to be social influencers and destroy families, communities, values, and demoralize the majority WASP culture into Marxist hedonism...

and then collapse...

social re-programming at its finest

Rome knows how to siege right?

and subvert from the inside?

Prayer for the conversion of America

O Mary, mother of mercy and refuge of sinners, we beseech thee,
be pleased to look with pitiful eyes upon poor heretics and schismatics.

Thou who art the seat of wisdom, enlighten the minds that are miserably enfolded in the darkness of ignorance and sin, that they may clearly know that the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church is the one true Church of Jesus Christ, outside of which neither holiness nor salvation can be found.

Finish the work of their conversion by obtaining for them the grace to accept all the truths of our Holy Faith, and to submit themselves to the Supreme Roman Pontiff, the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth; that so, being united with us in the sweet chains of divine charity, there may soon be one only fold under the same one Shepherd; and may we all, O glorious virgin, sing forever with exultation: Rejoice, O virgin Mary, thou only hast destroyed all heresies in the whole world.,heretics and schismatics. Thou who art the

Hail Victory!

silly Prots never saw it coming...

now... don't you feel better?...

See? what homo problem?...what crises?'s all just a messy means to a glorious end...a catholic world order...


like marbles on glass

again it's all a messy means to a greater end...

Yours in the true defender of the ONE faith...RIGHT?

she can NOT however just walk up to Mr. Protestant, Eastern Orthodox, Muslim or Jew and say: "I am here to defend the faith from you heretic/schismatic...thus you must recant or die"...

see? that is much too medieval...or OT like...

so it MUST be through subversion and collapse and then they will have to crawl "home"...these things take time...

Just think of the grand success through generational abuse of tens of thousands of children who grow up to be social influencers and destroy families, communities, values, and demoralize the majority WASP culture into Marxist hedonism...

and then collapse...

social re-programming at its finest

Rome knows how to siege right?

and subvert from the inside?

Prayer for the conversion of America

O Mary, mother of mercy and refuge of sinners, we beseech thee,
be pleased to look with pitiful eyes upon poor heretics and schismatics.

Thou who art the seat of wisdom, enlighten the minds that are miserably enfolded in the darkness of ignorance and sin, that they may clearly know that the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church is the one true Church of Jesus Christ, outside of which neither holiness nor salvation can be found.

Finish the work of their conversion by obtaining for them the grace to accept all the truths of our Holy Faith, and to submit themselves to the Supreme Roman Pontiff, the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth; that so, being united with us in the sweet chains of divine charity, there may soon be one only fold under the same one Shepherd; and may we all, O glorious virgin, sing forever with exultation: Rejoice, O virgin Mary, thou only hast destroyed all heresies in the whole world.,heretics and schismatics. Thou who art the

Hail Victory!

silly Prots never saw it coming...

now... don't you feel better?...

See? what homo problem?...what crises?'s all just a messy means to a glorious end...a catholic world order...

You're rather tightly wound, aren't you?


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a protest
A Crisis in the Church
a riot. A community organizer trained with grants from CCHD thanks to our bishops who are working with followers of Saul Alinsky. Thanks to the Lepanto Institute we know how your church donations are being used. The bishops are helping the Democratic Party in spite of its support for abortion.


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a crusade
A Crisis in the Church
a fight for His Church. I'm not talkin bout prayer. I'm talkin bout action. Doing something about taking back His Church now controlled by the homosexual mafia. Who do you think is in control? Francis? Why is he interested in London property? Why is he interested in climate change? A New World Order?


New member
a crusade
A Crisis in the Church
a fight for His Church. I'm not talkin bout prayer. I'm talkin bout action. Doing something about taking back His Church now controlled by the homosexual mafia. Who do you think is in control? Francis? Why is he interested in London property? Why is he interested in climate change? A New World Order?


or is the counter reformation cancelled? The Roman faith no longer to be catholicus?

Sorry it’s such a messy means...but don’t forget its glorious end...


like marbles on glass
now controlled

Only just now?

The Liber Gomorrhianus (Book of Gomorrah) is a book authored and published by the Benedictine monk St. Peter Damian during the Gregorian Reformation circa AD 1051. It is a treatise regarding various vices of the clergy, including sodomy, and the consequent need for reform.The Liber Gomorrhianus (Book of Gomorrah) is a book authored and published by the Benedictine monk St. Peter Damian during the Gregorian Reformation circa AD 1051.

When the eremitic monk and reformer Peter Damian cast his critical gaze upon the Catholic Church of the mid-eleventh century, he encountered a panorama of corruption that would have appeared daunting even to the most hardened observer of the modern ecclesiastical scene. The “household of God” was in a catastrophic state of moral disorder, admitting of no easy remedy. The crisis of the period, and Damian’s heroic response, offers much of historical value to us as we confront our own explosion of clerical vice and doctrinal infidelity.

The Church of Damian’s time had been rocked by almost two centuries of political and social chaos, and the doctrinal ignorance, scandalous personal behavior, and petty venality of the clergy had reached intolerable levels. Bishops and priests were involved in every kind of immorality, publicly living with concubines or illicit wives, or furtively engaging in homosexual practices. Many had purchased their ordinations and the lucrative benefices that accompanied them, and spent their free time in scandalous secular amusements. An outraged laity was beginning to rise up against ecclesiastical authority, sometimes in riotous outbursts of violence that threatened the civil order.

The pinnacle of the crisis was reached in the year 1032 with the election of Pope Benedict IX, a raucous and libertine youth of no more than twenty-two years of age, and the latest and worst in a long succession of compromised popes who served wealthy and powerful secular patrons. Mercifully, few details of Benedict’s personal behavior have been preserved in historical accounts, but the pope’s “vile and contemptible life,” his “rapine, murders, and other nefarious deeds,” and his “depraved and perverse acts,” in the words of the future Pope Victor III, were widely known in his day.


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a financial crisis
A Crisis in the Church
a moral crisis. They talkin bout clericalism. They talkin bout mercy, forgiveness, and prayer. They should be talkin bout exposing the corruption. They should be talkin bout a disorder called homosexuality. Bishops are ignoring the directives to not ordain homosexuals. They are also ignoring the teachings of the Church.


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a meaning
A Crisis in the Church
a purpose for everything. The purpose of marriage is to create life. The purpose of the family is to protect that life. The purpose of the Church is to protect the Truth which includes the sanctity of life, marriage, and family. Keeping the father in the home is a critical part. This is not being taught.


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a father
A Crisis in the Church
a priest, a man in the Church is as important as a man in the family. Today men are hard to find anywhere. They have been corrupted by feminism. They vote like women who want the state to take care of them. Keeping a man in the home in not as easy as voting for democrats who support abortion.


Well-known member
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a feminist
A Crisis in the Church
a victim. There is always someone to blame. They can't accept what they have. Appreciation is out of the question. Suffering is a necessary ingredient. It is an important part of the test. We are all being tested. Refined, purified, and tested. You may not find that in your bible. We have it in ours. Who can you trust?