the apocalypse


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A Number
in the book of Daniel. A date is the most common mark there is. It is on most every product that you might buy or sell. It is the origin of the product. The starting point. The originator of the Julian calendar was assassinated 44 BC. The Islamic calendar started in 622. The mark of Islam is 666 in the Julian calendar.


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the apocalypse
A Revelation
of what has not been understood. Revealed or exposed. Truth is revealed and corruption is exposed. Both are necessary. Corruption is dividing the Church and not its exposure. This is a test to see who really loves the Church.


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political correctness
A Barrier
preventing most from identifying the beast that is with us today. The pope, Rome, and the Church have always been fair game but not Islam. Somehow political correctness has never been extended to a religion that doesn't allow abortion, divorce, same sex marriage, and contraception. So what is in the holy place now? Let him understand.


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diverse from all the beasts
A Fourth Beast
with "ten horns" that connects Daniel to John. Just like a leopard, a bear, and a lion do in Revelation 13:2. Both Daniel and John tell us that "horns" are kings. Kings as in dynasty. Good luck counting kings. Not that hard to count dynasties if you know who the beasts are. Daniel knows beasts and John knows Daniel.


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a rider of the black horse
A Black Sea
a second threat to Christianity. Communism. Marx had no use for religion. The "opium of the people" had to be eliminated in order to bring about a perfect society. That meant the killing of 100 million people in Russia and China. Islam and communism would both take peace from the earth. Both have been defeated militarily but are still a threat to Christianity as well as to each other. So why is Francis worried about climate change?


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A Rider Of The Pale Horse
might be with us now. Is there a pale sea? Should we worry about climate change?. Some have suggested corruption within the Church will cause world wide deaths. Don't leave the Church. Stay and fight for it. The bishops may notice that. Money may be the only thing that gets their attention.


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A Year
with no history but everyone knew Constantinople was the target of the Arabs. They were ready to attack and the Christians were ready to defend themselves. In addition to the walls, they had Greek fire. Some historians could not be trusted with dates according to Gibbon. This was the first siege of Constantinople by the Arabs.


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a letter to
A Suffering Church
mentions clericalism. In short the priests can't be any better than the laity. Really? We can't find men who are holier than the laity? The letter also mentions homosexual. In short a disorder. Not a good place to start when looking for those who are holier. The last three popes have directed that they should not be ordained. The bishops continue to ignore these directives. They are also ignoring the teachings of the Church.


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stay and fight
A Suffering Church
needs you to stay and fight. That was mentioned seven times in the letter. Maybe it should have been the title. She is your Church and you must fight for her. Infiltrated and corrupted from within. Stay and pray is not enough. Silence is not an option. Speak out. Loudly.


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a cleric
A Problem
a deflection or a diversion. How can you blame a cleric who is just doing his job? The Kindle allows you to search words. You can find some form of cleric eight times in a "Letter to a Suffering Church": Clerical (5) Clerics (2) Clericalism (1) There are other interesting words: Sodomy (4) Homosexual (1) Just another cover up. (0)


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four billion
A Victims Fund
for silence. Silence allows the abuse to continue. Protects the good that they do. The cost of doing business. Clerics must be protected lest they lose respect. Without this respect, the good will suffer. Silence is golden. Here comes the apostasy. Come Lord Jesus.


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et tu google
A Political Organization
Donald J. Trump has my email address. Enough said. Gmail puts Trump email in Spam so it is easy to find. I will mention climate change so their robot will automatically give me a like. All is fair in love, war, and liberal politics. That includes rioting. Today there may be more Trump supporters than there were yesterday. Even in Minnesota.