ECT The 2P2P Revised Version: Acts 1

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Go ahead and applaud someone who is abusive in that he makes mental health declarations about other people just based on a few scripture differences. then no one in his club calls him on it. So enjoy the ghetto you're in.

I don't know any Christians like that and I don't want to.

You are the one calling us dipsy's


Well-known member
and Israels future kingdom is not where i am going, rather to Heaven, but you seem to not understand this difference

There are not two tracks of two people going to two places in the Christian Gospel. There is no interest or clue about a future for Israel like an Old Covenant 2 in the future.


Well-known member
The reason for terminating contact with the club, esp RD, is yesterdays post thinking I was saying Christ was telling them about the future kingdom for Israel during the 40 days and that I needed to hear Lk 24:26.

Lk 24:26 is what I have been quoting for 2 years showing that there is no interest in a kingdom for Israel and that the disciples still asked a fool question in Acts 1:8. (They already had in ch 24).

RD thought I needed to hear 24:26. He doesn't pay attention, he has foolish comments, he doesnt' know history, he doesn't know context, he doesnt' even know context of TOL.

It's people like that complimented by the club that perpetuate the irrationality of 2P2P.

Right Divider

Body part
The reason for terminating contact with the club, esp RD, is yesterdays post thinking I was saying Christ was telling them about the future kingdom for Israel during the 40 days and that I needed to hear Lk 24:26.

Lk 24:26 is what I have been quoting for 2 years showing that there is no interest in a kingdom for Israel and that the disciples still asked a fool question in Acts 1:8. (They already had in ch 24).

RD thought I needed to hear 24:26. He doesn't pay attention, he has foolish comments, he doesnt' know history, he doesn't know context, he doesnt' even know context of TOL.

It's people like that complimented by the club that perpetuate the irrationality of 2P2P.
Poor foolish IP.


Well-known member
The reason for stopping contact with RD is the scandalous reversal of telling me that 'Christ had to suffer and be glorified' was the topic of Jesus in the 40 days, when that is all I have been saying he talked about TO THE EXCLUSION OF A KINGDOM FOR ISRAEL ON EARTH. RD saying that is proof of his lack of understanding of anything he touches, which is my impression for the past 2 years. In this case it is a post here at ECT.

Because he excluded the kingdom topic, the expectation of a 'redeemed Israel' or a 'kingdom for Israel' in Lk 24 and Acts 1 is the foolish topic or question as Christ said and rebuked about. The mind of Christ here is the exact opposite of RD and the 2P2P club here at ECT. Instead he said the coming of the Spirit would be with power--which is the kingdom/royal authority term of an enactment that comes with overwhelming force and establishes itself once and for all.

The reason for stopping all contact with STP is the 'final dishonesty' about Acts 13 of going back once again to v23 and the promise of the coming of Christ, WHEN HE KNOWS PERFECTLY WELL THAT THE WHOLE DISCUSSION IS HOW THE RESURRECTION IS THE COMPLETION OF EXPECTATIONS FOR ISRAEL (v32-41) BECAUSE IT LAUNCHES THE MISSION OF THE MESSAGE THAT OUR SINS ARE JUSTIFIED AND THAT IS PROVEN IN THAT RESURRECTION. This is why the verses of Psalms and Isaiah are quoted and why the promises to David in the Is 55 quote are said to be transferred to David.

It was total dishonesty for STP to go back to v23 after the correction 2 weeks ago about this. 2P2P is dishonest about the Bible. I'm tired of it and them. It is just a game. There is no credibility left. There is the accusation of running a fairy tale, which turns to be the NT core theology thread which I linked to RD so he can chew on that. The club approves of verbally abusing people, of discussing their mental health, of praising such people, over and over. Screw the lot of them.

Last week they were asked to provide at least 1000 people who have been dramatically changed by their proclamation that Israel is going to have a kingdom of earth. I don't know anyone who has. They have listed nothing, instead they praised RD for being abusive about mental health declarations.

I don't know any Christians like that, and don't want to. Enjoy your ghetto.

Right Divider

Body part
The reason for stopping contact with RD is the scandalous reversal of telling me that 'Christ had to suffer and be glorified' was the topic of Jesus in the 40 days, when that is all I have been saying he talked about TO THE EXCLUSION OF A KINGDOM FOR ISRAEL ON EARTH. RD saying that is proof of his lack of understanding of anything he touches, which is my impression for the past 2 years. In this case it is a post here at ECT.
Poor, poor IP has completely lost his mind.

I did NOT.... I REPEAT NOT say that the forty days was teaching "that 'Christ had to suffer and be glorified'",

I said what the SCRIPTURE says.

Acts 1:3 (AKJV/PCE)
(1:3) To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God:

CLEARLY, the LORD Jesus Christ did NOT have to teach the twelve that 'Christ had to suffer and be glorified'" as they already understood that. And they also understand that His glorification was YET to come.

I note that you NEVER REPLY WITH QUOTES of what people ACTUALLY SAY. Instead you makeup things that people DID NOT SAY.

You are a perverse LIAR and need to repent of your LYING.

Right Divider

Body part
The kingdom of God.

Matt 21:43 (AKJV/PCE)
(21:43) Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.

Luke 12:32 (AKJV/PCE)
(12:32) Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

The kingdom of God was going to be TAKEN from the unbelieving leaders of Israel and GIVEN to the little flock of BELIEVERS.

This is the kingdom of God that the LORD Jesus Christ was teaching them about in Acts 1 for forty days.


Well-known member
The reason for stopping contact with RD is the scandalous reversal of telling me that 'Christ had to suffer and be glorified' was the topic of Jesus in the 40 days, when that is all I have been saying he talked about TO THE EXCLUSION OF A KINGDOM FOR ISRAEL ON EARTH. RD saying that is proof of his lack of understanding of anything he touches, which is my impression for the past 2 years. In this case it is a post here at ECT.

Because he excluded the kingdom topic, the expectation of a 'redeemed Israel' or a 'kingdom for Israel' in Lk 24 and Acts 1 is the foolish topic or question as Christ said and rebuked about. The mind of Christ here is the exact opposite of RD and the 2P2P club here at ECT. Instead he said the coming of the Spirit would be with power--which is the kingdom/royal authority term of an enactment that comes with overwhelming force and establishes itself once and for all.

The reason for stopping all contact with STP is the 'final dishonesty' about Acts 13 of going back once again to v23 and the promise of the coming of Christ, WHEN HE KNOWS PERFECTLY WELL THAT THE WHOLE DISCUSSION IS HOW THE RESURRECTION IS THE COMPLETION OF EXPECTATIONS FOR ISRAEL (v32-41) BECAUSE IT LAUNCHES THE MISSION OF THE MESSAGE THAT OUR SINS ARE JUSTIFIED AND THAT IS PROVEN IN THAT RESURRECTION. This is why the verses of Psalms and Isaiah are quoted and why the promises to David in the Is 55 quote are said to be transferred to David.

It was total dishonesty for STP to go back to v23 after the correction 2 weeks ago about this. 2P2P is dishonest about the Bible. I'm tired of it and them. It is just a game. There is no credibility left. There is the accusation of running a fairy tale, which turns to be the NT core theology thread which I linked to RD so he can chew on that. The club approves of verbally abusing people, of discussing their mental health, of praising such people, over and over. Screw the lot of them.

Last week they were asked to provide at least 1000 people who have been dramatically changed by their proclamation that Israel is going to have a kingdom of earth. I don't know anyone who has. They have listed nothing, instead they praised RD for being abusive about mental health declarations.

I don't know any Christians like that, and don't want to. Enjoy your ghetto.

In other words, you got your feelings hurt.

This seems to be going around.

I'm thinking if you would actually use the quote feature, a lot of your problems would go away. What you hear is not exactly what was said. It's just what you heard...your interpretation of what was said.

If you're not crazy, you shouldn't be offended, should you?

I have to wonder if that old saying has gone by the wayside....regarding sticks and stones. :think:


Well-known member
In other words, you got your feelings hurt.

This seems to be going around.

I'm thinking if you would actually use the quote feature, a lot of your problems would go away. What you hear is not exactly what was said. It's just what you heard...your interpretation of what was said.

If you're not crazy, you shouldn't be offended, should you?

I have to wonder if that old saying has gone by the wayside....regarding sticks and stones. :think:

sorry but you are mistaken; those things were actually said:
1, STP went back to the wrong promise of Acts 13 and refuses to deal with v32-41 because it crushes his theology
2, RD the mighty know it all thought I needed to hear that Lk 24:25 was about Christ's suffering and glory. I have been saying that for 2 years and that therefore, there was nothing in the 40 days about a kingdom for Israel, which is why the 'hoped he would redeem Israel' of Lk 24 and the 'is this the time for the kingdom' are both rebuked as foolishness and "the club" refuses to accept this. They say the disciples were on the right track.
3, my core theology is called a fairy tale.
My core consists of:
*God was in Christ dealing with our debt of sin
*the resurrection was the enthronement of Christ as foreseen by David (Acts 2:30,31)
*the resurrection was the completion of 'what was promised' to Israel because it launched a message about justification from sins that was to be taken to the whole world, ie, the mission of the Gospel, Acts 13:32-41.
*the 'raised fallen tent' of David of Acts 15 and Amos 9 is said by James to be the arrival of the Gentiles in faith in the Gospel.

That is what RD says is a fairy tale.

Having grown up in the fairy tales of D'ism and 2P2P, and having worked for 2 years to try to inform these guys what the apostles taught, I'm done trying. It is very disappointing that the aberrant system will continue here to be thought of as truth.

Right Divider

Body part
2, RD the mighty know it all thought I needed to hear that Lk 24:25 was about Christ's suffering and glory. I have been saying that for 2 years and that therefore, there was nothing in the 40 days about a kingdom for Israel, which is why the 'hoped he would redeem Israel' of Lk 24 and the 'is this the time for the kingdom' are both rebuked as foolishness and "the club" refuses to accept this. They say the disciples were on the right track.
Wrong.... Mr. MisQuoter.


Well-known member
sorry but you are mistaken; those things were actually said:
1, STP went back to the wrong promise of Acts 13 and refuses to deal with v32-41 because it crushes his theology
2, RD the mighty know it all thought I needed to hear that Lk 24:25 was about Christ's suffering and glory. I have been saying that for 2 years and that therefore, there was nothing in the 40 days about a kingdom for Israel, which is why the 'hoped he would redeem Israel' of Lk 24 and the 'is this the time for the kingdom' are both rebuked as foolishness and "the club" refuses to accept this. They say the disciples were on the right track.
3, my core theology is called a fairy tale.
My core consists of:
*God was in Christ dealing with our debt of sin
*the resurrection was the enthronement of Christ as foreseen by David (Acts 2:30,31)
*the resurrection was the completion of 'what was promised' to Israel because it launched a message about justification from sins that was to be taken to the whole world, ie, the mission of the Gospel, Acts 13:32-41.
*the 'raised fallen tent' of David of Acts 15 and Amos 9 is said by James to be the arrival of the Gentiles in faith in the Gospel.

That is what RD says is a fairy tale.

Having grown up in the fairy tales of D'ism and 2P2P, and having worked for 2 years to try to inform these guys what the apostles taught, I'm done trying. It is very disappointing that the aberrant system will continue here to be thought of as truth.

So, you've tried for two years to convince them they are wrong and you are right?

Odd, God's UNtruth has tried for two years to convince many of us that we are wrong and she is right. :think:

Right Divider

Body part
There's that failure to quote again.

Of course using the quote feature hasn't helped God's UNtruth any.

She still sees what she wants to see, and nothing else. :idunno:
Yes, instead of quoting the post which would SHOW what we actually said.... he paraphrases it with what we DIDN'T actually say.

These deceivers get very tiring... but they just keep deceiving.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Acts 15
15:14 Simeon hath declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name.
15:15 And to this agree the words of the prophets; as it is written,
15:16 After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up:
15:17 That the residue of men might seek after the Lord, and all the Gentiles, upon whom my name is called, saith the Lord, who doeth all these things.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Acts 15
15:14 Simeon hath declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name.
15:15 And to this agree the words of the prophets; as it is written,
15:16 After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up:
15:17 That the residue of men might seek after the Lord, and all the Gentiles, upon whom my name is called, saith the Lord, who doeth all these things.

The tent is raised, and then the Gentiles come in. The Gentiles coming in is not the raising of the tent.
James was simply stating that the coming in of Gentiles was not against the prophets.
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