ECT The 2P2P Revised Version: Acts 1

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Well-known member
Well, one thing we know from today is that D'ists/2P2Ps think it is perfectly normal to have an idiot make a mental health determination on the internet, in public, based on some interpretations, and the D'ists are so spineless that they won't rebuke the person. Not one.

And you wonder why people don't want to become Christians.

It is quite toxic to have the land of Israel as your hope of all hopes, instead of the Gospel of God's grace towards us.


Well-known member
That is complete fabrication on your part.

Acts 1:3 (AKJV/PCE)
(1:3) To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God:

If it was the reign of Christ by faith, not a state of Israel, then that's what he was talking about. You think he was talking about the state. If you mean something more spiritually grown than that, then why not just believe that it was the Christian community and its mission? Because that is what happened, and that is what he came to do (I will build my church), and that was the plan all along.

Nothing was made up, but if you think I think the 'kingdom of God' in Lk 24 is your resumed sacrificial system, forget it.

The problem with you guys is you spend 95% of your time saying you are right, and 5% defining terms. I don't think you know what you mean.


Well-known member
Sorry, but this is truly made up.

Then what the hell is your problem with reading Acts 13 the normal way: the resurrection is the fulfillment of Israel's hope, because it supports the proclamation of justification from our sins to the nations? That is the NORMAL reading of that passage without picking through theological train wrecks for clues as to what went wrong with them.

The same thing is repeated in Acts 26 and it is Paul's career position, given formally in Eph 2-3.

You get this because you think you are correct about item #1 above: that the disciples had the "right" question after 40 days of being taught about the actual reign of Christ and its soon-arriving impact--Pentecost and the mission.

You guys have been telling me for 2 years that #1-5 are the correct position. so what if you don't like my satire, each thing you are saying with #1-5 is mistaken. And now we have the synthesis: RD says the kingdom of God in Lk 24 equals the 'kingdom of Israel' asked about in Acts 1!!! That is exactly how society breaks down in to confusion and degradation; it may not appear as harmful as sexual ones but it is the exact same process as the word (and people) 'gay' becoming an unquestionable exception to what the NT says, like the homosexual 'pastor' in San Diego (R. C. Haus), "married" to another homosexual male pastor, and leading the San Diego gay choir, which puts on Christmas programs, which have not one song in them with the title or word Christ in them.

Right Divider

Body part
If it was the reign of Christ by faith, not a state of Israel, then that's what he was talking about.
You just don't care about the truth. You're so in love with your fairy tale version of events that you'll tell any lie to support it.

You think he was talking about the state. If you mean something more spiritually grown than that, then why not just believe that it was the Christian community and its mission? Because that is what happened, and that is what he came to do (I will build my church), and that was the plan all along.
Your understanding of Christ's mission to and through Israel and His calling of the body of Christ is ZERO.

Nothing was made up, but if you think I think the 'kingdom of God' in Lk 24 is your resumed sacrificial system, forget it.
I don't know if there will be a sacrificial system or not, but that's irrelevant to the FACT that the LORD Jesus Christ will establish His kingdom ON THE EARTH.

He will have twelve apostles sitting on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel... Just like He said that He would.

The problem with you guys is you spend 95% of your time saying you are right, and 5% defining terms. I don't think you know what you mean.
You spend 100% of your time telling lies.


Well-known member
Please define what the fairy tale is.

As a literalist about Ezek 38 or Zech 14 you have to believe in sacrifice system operating in Jesus kingdom in israel on earth.

The reason the issues of Acts 1:3-4 are there about the kingdom of God is because it was the Spirit coming in power. You are a fool not to see and accept that.

The reason that is in the first paragraph of Acts, which was written as background on Paul for Roman admins to read in court/hearings, is so that they knew right off that the 'kingdom of God' was the odd events that happened at Pentecost in Jerusalem and was not another violent Judaistic zealot movement/revolution like so many others, for which those captured by Rome lost their heads.

Again, if you would just try to explain yourself instead of calling me one of your names, you and I would understand each other. You need to learn how to explain yourself.

Right Divider

Body part
Please define what the fairy tale is.
It's your fairy tale, why don't you define it? You should write a book about it. It might be a big seller in the fiction section.

As a literalist about Ezek 38 or Zech 14 you have to believe in sacrifice system operating in Jesus kingdom in israel on earth.
I'm not a "literalist", but I do enjoy being falsely defined by liars and "real writers and grammar scholars".

I simply believe the scripture in its NORMAL and OBVIOUS reading. You, on the other hand, feel the need to "interp" everything since you cannot seem to take if for what it actually says. That's too bad for you.

When the Bible says something, I believe it.

When it says "And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives", I believe it.
When it says "this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven", I believe it.

Etc. etc. etc.

The reason the issues of Acts 1:3-4 are there about the kingdom of God is because it was the Spirit coming in power. You are a fool not to see and accept that.
You are a fool to take that out of context and force your fairy tale "kingdom" on the Word of God.

Luke 22:29-30 (AKJV/PCE)
(22:29) And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me; (22:30) That ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

What fairy tale "explanation" to you have for the twelve apostles sitting on twelve throne judging the twelve tribes of Israel?

No doubt it's some sort of "spiritual" eating and drinking in the "kingdom". :juggle:

The reason that is in the first paragraph of Acts, which was written as background on Paul for Roman admins to read in court/hearings, is so that they knew right off that the 'kingdom of God' was the odd events that happened at Pentecost in Jerusalem and was not another violent Judaistic zealot movement/revolution like so many others, for which those captured by Rome lost their heads.
Fiction from a fiction author. Where do you find this crap or are you the original author of this fiction?

Again, if you would just try to explain yourself instead of calling me one of your names, you and I would understand each other. You need to learn how to explain yourself.
I have explained myself just fine. You're DEAF, DUMB and BLIND to every explanation that you receive.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Then what the hell is your problem with reading Acts 13 the normal way: the resurrection is the fulfillment of Israel's hope, because it supports the proclamation of justification from our sins to the nations? That is the NORMAL reading of that passage without picking through theological train wrecks for clues as to what went wrong with them.

I believe it means what it says. It was a singular promise that the seed of David would be raised up.


Well-known member
re the hope of all hopes
You simply don't know what you sound like. The NT passion is perfectly complete without it, but you incessantly think you have to say something about it.

Last week I asked you to make a list of 1000 people you know who have been drastically changed by thinking there might be something about a kingdom in Israel. You have nothing. I won't accept less.


Well-known member
re 95%
I spend 95% of my time defining terms!!! You are free to debate them but to write made up everytime for 2 years is infantile. I have passages all over the place in them, and RD says what scripture? etc.


Well-known member
You HAVE to know if there will be a sacrificial system in Israel's future kingdom because your Bible is literal and Christ is that specific. How dare you say you don't know?


Well-known member
STP went back again in his dishonesty in Acts 13 to v 23, instead of the normal meaning of 32+.

He was as dishonest as this 2 weeks ago, because it crushes D'ism. Another reason to confine your club to your ghetto.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
re 95%
I spend 95% of my time defining terms!!! You are free to debate them but to write made up everytime for 2 years is infantile. I have passages all over the place in them, and RD says what scripture? etc.

It's obvious to me, you try to come across as the big theologian, yet STP bests you every time. Maybe you need to use your ears and lean more before you try teaching?


Well-known member
The meaning of 'I will come again as you have seen me go' can't be exact, because the coming will be with fire and all his holy ones and end the world. It must means something else.


Well-known member
It's obvious to me, you try to come across as the big theologian, yet STP bests you every time. Maybe you need to use your ears and lean more before you try teaching?

Go ahead and applaud someone who is abusive in that he makes mental health declarations about other people just based on a few scripture differences. then no one in his club calls him on it. So enjoy the ghetto you're in.

I don't know any Christians like that and I don't want to.
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