Thanks Bob

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New member
Do you agree with the statment that... ...If you agree how can you believe that the current SCOTUS would not declare such a law unconstitutional , if passed?

H.R. 2597 removes the issue from the Supreme Court's jurisdiction and returns it to the states were it was prior to 1973 constitutionally. Before anyone starts screaming "how could they prevent states from legalizing it themselves" again, remember we currently have legal abortion in all 50 states precisely because the Supreme Court over ruled the states. Currently no state can over rule this. The legislature has authority to remove this jurisdiction from the federal court and that is the fastest and most viable way to stop the mass abortions. The Supreme Court was the problem that allowed the evil of man to step outside our flawed (yet best) system of justice.


New member
hey all,

I'm a newb to this very interesting forum so... hello.

I'm curious to know why so many here are desiring to use the Federal Government as a hammer to outlaw abortion?

I'm just finishing a two month study on the Constitution and its origins and it seems pretty apparent (to me) that using the Feds to accomplish this goal is against everything those who created the Constitution stood for.


That's because the founders knew the history of man and power and understood that many injustices have been done in the name of good intentions and God. You are correct.


New member
I've already pointed to several occasions where Ron Paul has said he would be o.k. with a constitutional amendment and then I listed a brief summary of how an amendment takes place to illustrate why he has introduced legislation that would end national legal abortion now (the current law of the land... all 50 states... it is legal). An amendment would require the same states' approval that folks here are saying can't be trusted not to legalize it themselves.
You are quite correct, but as you can see that is really not the issue here.

These people want government to be the tool of violence by which they coerce others in the name of God. This was never really about Ron Paul... its about the ability to attack and kill those who don't believe as you and I do and then to conveniently hide behind the claim that since a government agent pulled the trigger, its somehow magically justified. The last several posts on this thread have laid true intentions bare.

And of course, its far easier to support cold blooded murder when you have someone else to do the dirty work for you. Saves the trouble of cleaning the blood off the new suit you'll wear to church on Sunday morning.

When government kills people before they're born, its a horrible crime. When government kills people after they're born, its righteous and noble.

What we're witnessing here is a mad scramble for the reins of government power and the control it gives over others, despite Christ's example to the contrary. Ron Paul jeopardizes their ability to use violence and force against others, and for that reason they will NEVER support him no matter what he says or does.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
H.R. 2597 removes the issue from the Supreme Court's jurisdiction and returns it to the states were it was prior to 1973 constitutionally. Before anyone starts screaming "how could they prevent states from legalizing it themselves" again, remember we currently have legal abortion in all 50 states precisely because the Supreme Court over ruled the states. Currently no state can over rule this. The legislature has authority to remove this jurisdiction from the federal court and that is the fastest and most viable way to stop the mass abortions. The Supreme Court was the problem that allowed the evil of man to step outside our flawed (yet best) system of justice.

As I said before the Supreme Court, the congress, and the President all believe that congress doesn't have the authority to pass a law based on what has already been declared unconstitutional! Even if it passed H.R. 2597 is dead on arrival!


New member
True. And oddly enough, Jesus didn't kill either of them.

You're debating the reasons why Jesus broke the law. I'm merely observing that he broke the law.

I am fairly certain by that response that you didn't read my entire post or understand what I was saying.


New member
Why wouldn't you go that far? How can our federal government, which clearly has the military capacity to invade Canada and stop abortion, sit by idly while millions of innocent babies die?

Why are you not calling for an American invasion of Canada to stop abortion? Do you believe that national rights trump human rights?

It's actually an interesting question in one sense. You didn't ask me if I thought righteous governments should stop evil governments from committing wicked acts. You used that fact that it is legal in Canada as an excuse to say we should just make it legal here. Unless I'm misunderstanding your argument. And it was that thought that I responded to.

If innocent people are being put to death mercilessly ANYWHERE in the world, then it would always be a good and Godly thing to attempt to stop that. That is why removing Saddam from power was a good thing. I know you disagree with that, but I'd say lets keep the focus on topic in this thread, as there is always time to discuss that issue as well in another thread another day.


New member
True. And oddly enough, Jesus didn't kill either of them.

Jesus was not the recognized government authority as someone already pointed out to you. God never ok'd vigilante justice anyway. He gave the principles for Godly government and left it to them to inact those principles.


New member
Stephen, I would like to answer the following questions that you posed to Lighthouse if I may:

sopwith21 said:
Do you have the right to kill homosexuals?

Individuals were never given that right. So I can say (because I know Lighthouse personally-he's a young man from Anderson who has visited my church), that I am fairly certain he would NOT say he has the right to kill homosexuals.

sopwith21 said:
If not, how can you delegate this right to government?

We don't......God did........

sopwith21 said:
How can you delegate a right that you do not possess?

See above...

sopwith21 said:
If we really have the right to murder homosexuals, why not just cut out the middle man and do it ourselves?

Because then WE would be guilty of murder. It is not murder for a government to put to death child molestors, murderers, and the like. That would be government doing what it was created by God to do. Because of wickedness, God knew that men could not be allowed to just run around doing whatever they want to do. The Dispensation of Conscience that ended with a worldwide flood is a perfect example of that. Did you know that there was a long period in human history when God ALLOWED man to operate SOLELY under his own conscience? It ended with the events recorded by Moses in Genesis chapter 6.......

sopwith21 said:
You can twist between the Mosaic Law and Hebrew Law and nuclear regulations in Finland all day long, but Jesus never supported the use of government violence against people who had not harmed the life or property of another.

Ok by this statement would you say it is accurate that your position is that it is a good thing for the government to put murderers and child molestors to death swiftly? Or do you oppose the death penalty altogether?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Nick M.

The simple answer is that in America, government exists to secure our God given rights, liberty and property. But any study of the Federalist Papers, Anti-Federalist Papers and the founding documents will prove the enormous importance placed on and care that went into defining this for the founders. We have trivialized this in the name of selfishness, religion, zealotry, economics and just plain ignorance.

Simply securing those rights. Government exists for defense and infastructure. Infastructure could include law enforcement of moral issues, as defense is for the borders. So, therefore, you wishing to pray is not relevant to whether or not authority should flow downhill. Which it should.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Do you have the right to kill homosexuals?
Do I personally have the right? No. But the government does, because God has delegated authority to the government to enforce His commands.

If not, how can you delegate this right to government? How can you delegate a right that you do not possess?
God delegated it!

If we really have the right to murder homosexuals, why not just cut out the middle man and do it ourselves?
Because God commanded that the government do it! A civilian doing it would be vigilantism, and God is against that, as well.

You can twist between the Mosaic Law and Hebrew Law and nuclear regulations in Finland all day long, but Jesus never supported the use of government violence against people who had not harmed the life or property of another.
Prove it. In fact, prove that a homosexual is not harming the life of another by engaging in homosexual sexual activities.


New member
If North Carolina decided it was legal to kill Jews, should the feds stay out of it?

Alright I'll try and get to these in one reply.

This is the default strategy whenever the Constitution is brought up. Hypothetical scenarios like this show a lack of logic when compared to the fact that abortion is forcibly legal in every state right now so to say "what if" one, two or forty-nine legalized it, you are pointing out the flaw in not following the Constitution by your answer. Let's see what's worse, legal abortion in 50 states or in a few states? At least I would have a choice to move to a state that outlawed abortion. As it stands now, I am forced by the federal government to live in a state that sanctions abortion, if I wish to remain in America.

No, on the other hand, if the FEDS decided legally to kill us (to stop dissent), who's left to get in it?

See here is the problem. I understand both points. It is the Feds who started this nonsense. They are the ones who decided it was legal to kill babies.

Who created the Federal Government?

Was the Federal Government supposed to be the big dog in charge?

Does the Congress of the United States have the authority to tell the Supreme Court to shove it where the sun don't shine? Do the states for that matter?

Was the US Constitution unconstitutional?

What was United States law (Constitution) based on?

Just a sampling of questions I like answered.

This is what everyone here should be asking themselves. I'll take a crack at it. The founding fathers were of the opinion that we needed a federal government to provide national defense and protect the most basic of rights, life included. That being said, they were also of the strong opinion that all central governments tend to gravitate outside of any bounds and therefore they were adamant about restricting the federal government's power and authority. The constitution is a restriction on federal power first, not an enabling document. It was never intended to tell the individual how to live or to try and control people at all. Those men were coming out of the control of a tyrannical government and were well aware of the evil that man is capable of when wielding the power of government.

We the people created the government here.

Congress and the Judiciary are not equal powers as outlined in the Constitution. This is the point of H.R. 300
I am also the prime sponsor of HR 300, which would negate the effect of Roe v Wade by removing the ability of federal courts to interfere with state legislation to protect life. This is a practical, direct approach to ending federal court tyranny which threatens our constitutional republic and has caused the deaths of 45 million of the unborn. - Rep. Ron Paul
See this nice little blog about this very subject

Our Constitutional law was based on alot of things, not the least of which was scripture and Judeo-Christian values.

We are the United States of America, not a bunch of individual countries, but one country. In the instance of "Do not murder", the United States of America needs to have one policy. That policy should be do not murder, regardless of whether we are talking about cities, states, territories, or anything else that would be considered a PART of the United States of America.

This is what needs to happen in my estimation. It should not be left up to each state to decide whether "Do not murder" is a binding law for them.

This is misstating the problem as well as the solution. the states were never the problem. Ultimately the lack of morality of man was couple with a blatant disregard for the laws that already existed. Texas could have been allowed to outlaw abortion but the court overstepped and the Congress allowed them to. Vesting more power in the federal government sets more president that the federal government is powerful enough to define life and thus undefine it again at will.

And generally, this is the case. The issue PK is not whether murder is wrong, the issue is when life begins. This is why abortion is so muddled, esp to the liberals. They do not see the fetus as a human being. Until the Federal Government stands up and says life begins at conception, we will always have this problem.

Who in the federal government? Not the court, it has spoken.
the Sanctity of Life Act states clearly that human life is recognized at conception and goes on to define it from conception to death.


Yup Pastor Kevin it's Stephen Dale.

My point is this:

I totally agree that abortion is wrong. However, the founding fathers saw the eminent danger in creating a massive federal monster. The jump from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution was big enough as it was. I'm with Mr. Kevin that God given rights supersede states rights anytime. But our Constitution was not designed to give the government the Federal style power it has now.:execute: It was designed to be a powerful protector of individual states and their rights. I believe that if we use the Federal leviathan we have now to try and outlaw abortion we're going to do the right thing the wrong way. Abortion is one of the many crimes our government commits, and it's obvious that if they're going to ignore things such as the 14th amendment they'll ignore other just as important things as well.

I'm going to side with Ron Paul on this one because he sees the big picture. If we take the abortion issue back down to the state level as the founding fathers first envisioned then Christians can tackle it state by state :bannana: as opposed to trying to overwhelm a monster that's far far bigger in the Federal government.

Exactly. See why I'm homeschooling my youngins too? Stephen is a smart dude.

As for Ron Paul, I really really like the man. And I like his Sanctity of Life bill EXCEPT where he writes if a state legalizes it, the court must stay out of it.
I'm sorry, the full text of H.R. 2597 says no such thing. It strikes at the heart of the problem quickly, the Supreme Court having already proven it will overstep it's authority and define an unborn child as not human. That authority is revoked in the bill the only way it can.

Yes he's a great kid too. My son and he are buddies, and I've known him since he was knee-high to a tadpole. :)

I am no fan of Ron Paul, and I despise the Libertarian party and quite a bit of its positions.

The funny thing is that many Libertarians would say the same thing of Ron Paul. He's also been a Republican for many years, in and out of Congress. There almost is nowhere for a man like him to go if he must agree with every platform of any party.

Yes. Are you suggesting we murder them?

No. But the fact that he opposed murdering people who commit private sins is evident in many passages, including the Samaritan woman with five husbands. The crowd had gathered to stone her and it was Jesus who stopped them. The Mosaic law forbade the drinking of wine, but Jesus turned water into it. The law said that eating pork was illegal, but Jesus said that all foods were clean. Jesus harvested farm fields on the sabbath in violation of the law. He healed when his government told him not to. Shall we go on?

Jesus was the biggest law breaker in Israel. He came to set men free, not to enslave them.

However, we stray from the original point... Jesus never once supported the use of government violence against a person for a private sin. That is a fact you have not denied.

very well stated.

In the last thirty-five years of US history there has been a total of one constitutional amendment. But your state will pass at least a thousand pages of new laws this year alone.

Do the math.

Then we might as well just keep it legal, right? C'mon... if we outlaw it nationally, people will just drive to Canada. All abortion is legal there, you know.

All good answers

False. Adherence to the constitution as supported by Ron Paul would send the issue back to the states where victories in at least 10-15 states could occur immediately. Many other federal issues have been sent back to the states before; this is not unique.


As I said before the Supreme Court, the congress, and the President all believe that congress doesn't have the authority to pass a law based on what has already been declared unconstitutional! Even if it passed H.R. 2597 is dead on arrival!

Not so because the "authority" was the Supreme Court. The Legislature has the Constitutional authority to turn this around and H.R.2597 does just that. Your statement about the "belief" of the three branches that congress does not have the authority is an assumption. Plus the Constitution, trumps wrong "beliefs".

It's actually an interesting question in one sense. You didn't ask me if I thought righteous governments should stop evil governments from committing wicked acts. You used that fact that it is legal in Canada as an excuse to say we should just make it legal here. Unless I'm misunderstanding your argument. And it was that thought that I responded to.

If innocent people are being put to death mercilessly ANYWHERE in the world, then it would always be a good and Godly thing to attempt to stop that. That is why removing Saddam from power was a good thing. I know you disagree with that, but I'd say lets keep the focus on topic in this thread, as there is always time to discuss that issue as well in another thread another day.

What a great response. Why don't we invade every evil nation. Yea that's scriptural isn't it. of course we would have to invent even more money (or borrow even more) that we do not have to continue our current interventions. Not to mention we would have to institute the draft earlier that our impending Iran invasion will require. Hey, lets just do it, I don't see anything stopping us... the Constitution has been left out of this equation long ago.

Jesus was not the recognized government authority as someone already pointed out to you. God never ok'd vigilante justice anyway. He gave the principles for Godly government and left it to them to inact those principles.

I can't believe that one is still going, Jesus made it clear that the adulterous woman should not be killed for her sin, legal or not, those of you molding the scripture's intended meaning are taking an awful lot of liberty with the Word. Jesus flat out was showing the woman love and grace pure and simple. He was not dealing with government authority at all. And whether he was "breaking" Roman or Jewish law is debatable but yes, he was bucking the twisted legal system all along the way.

One last thing on the whole "kill homosexuals" debate here, you are all a little off about this as the death penalty is a state issue and no one here has mentioned it in your comparisons and calling for a death sentence on homosexuals. So once again the argument all of you pro-federal authority folks are using is inconsistent. Abortion, then, like any other murder should be treated that way, based on your argument, at the state level. I'm sure someone will now go back to something like "what is California legalizes it, would Ron Paul stop the CA murder of babies, by force." Just be consistent.


Well-known member
Alright I'll try and get to these in one reply.

This is the default strategy whenever the Constitution is brought up. Hypothetical scenarios like this show a lack of logic when compared to the fact that abortion is forcibly legal in every state right now so to say "what if" one, two or forty-nine legalized it, you are pointing out the flaw in not following the Constitution by your answer. Let's see what's worse, legal abortion in 50 states or in a few states? At least I would have a choice to move to a state that outlawed abortion. As it stands now, I am forced by the federal government to live in a state that sanctions abortion, if I wish to remain in America.
Lets back up. You seem to hold the Constitution in high regard. I dont think that states rights vs. federal power is a moral issue. I dont really care much about it when the issue is babies being murdered. I am much more concerned with right vs wrong than I am with who gets the power. Your strategy is pursuing the lesser of two evils. Either way, you end up with evil.


New member
Simply securing those rights. Government exists for defense and infastructure. Infastructure could include law enforcement of moral issues, as defense is for the borders. So, therefore, you wishing to pray is not relevant to whether or not authority should flow downhill. Which it should.

Defense and some infrastructure are a given in securing those rights. Where do you stop? Some believe the government should (and it does) deliver their groceries to them. Read the federalist.anti-federalist papers for commentary from the writers themselves. The federal government role was to be a very limited one.


New member
Lets back up. You seem to hold the Constitution in high regard. I dont think that states rights vs. federal power is a moral issue. I dont really care much about it when the issue is babies being murdered. I am much more concerned with right vs wrong than I am with who gets the power. Your strategy is pursuing the lesser of two evils. Either way, you end up with evil.

Unfortunately not many hold the Constitution in enough regard. It should be held in high regard. Outside of God's Word it is the most significant document in existence to me. For any American to believer otherwise is an indication of the success that Satan is having over the generations.

The founders recognized the problem of evil more than I think we understand and certainly more than many here have been willing to admit. That is why America truly is (or was) the greatest experiment in human government in history. so they limited man's ability to wield state power to carryout the evil. If people cared so much about the babies that are being murdered (see the difference, it is happening yet your own wording is nearly hypothetical) they would be for real solutions like the Sanctity of Life Act, which would halt abortion legally now (with the exception of the states that chose to have the supposed emergency sessions of their state legislatures to legalize it over night so they could continue the killings the next day... I guess that is what is being feared here, in which case then there would be a few states you might not want to live in anymore.) In your worst case sceneries (since it's a popular discussion tactic here) abortion would be illegal in most if not all states instead of what we have now, complete, nationwide legal abortions. What are you waiting for? It is the only option to stop them right now, no matter how flawed... that is if what you care about is the right vs. wrong and stopping the death of thousands of babies every day.

So we could keep talking about how right or wrong it is until Hillary or Giuliani become president and it will still be legal, and who knows how they will wield the federal authorities being proposed here, or we can support Ron Paul and his legislation to at least let some or most of the states end abortion upon passage of the bill (not to mention it would negate Roe v. Wade by authority of the Constitution... that little document again... and would keep the Supreme Court from overturning it... you know the one that people actually think would overturn a supposed state ruling for abortion.). Or we could keep allowing the fear of the states, were the people are, where people influence leaders faster and more effectively, to keep us calling for some kind of extreme dominionistic mixed up government that would still be run by evil men. A brief study of history will show you where such noble ideals lead a nation.

By the way, I have spoken against the "lesser of two evils" mentality promoted in today's church until I'm blue in the face. I am adamantly opposed to it.
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New member
Would someone please be so kind as to give the passage of scripture that ok's the killing :banned: of people for being homosexual?:jump:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Would someone please be so kind as to give the passage of scripture that ok's the killing :banned: of people for being homosexual?:jump:
If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.
-Leviticus 20:13


New member
Would someone please be so kind as to give the passage of scripture that ok's the killing :banned: of people for being homosexual?:jump:

Stephen, one place is the Levitical law in Leviticus 20. Of course it contains all kinds of prohibitions on very bad things as well as festivals that must be carried out, specific dietary requirements of the people as well as heinous acts of all sorts among other things.


New member
S†ephen;1563227 said:
Would someone please be so kind as to give the passage of scripture that ok's the killing :banned: of people for being homosexual?:jump:

Of course we might have to allow the federal levitical government to stone disobedient children according to Deuteronomy 21:17-21 as well. I pray no one is going to say that.
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New member
Hall of Fame
It's actually an interesting question in one sense. You didn't ask me if I thought righteous governments should stop evil governments from committing wicked acts. You used that fact that it is legal in Canada as an excuse to say we should just make it legal here. Unless I'm misunderstanding your argument. And it was that thought that I responded to.

If innocent people are being put to death mercilessly ANYWHERE in the world, then it would always be a good and Godly thing to attempt to stop that. That is why removing Saddam from power was a good thing. I know you disagree with that, but I'd say lets keep the focus on topic in this thread, as there is always time to discuss that issue as well in another thread another day.
Many countries allow abortions. Would you support the invasion of all those countries?
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