Scribes, that's all we are here... someone who knows how to write.
Scribes, that's all we are here... someone who knows how to write.
Psycho, you need therapy.
Yeah, there's nothing like a president who can:
* destroy 50 years of progress with the United Nations
If what has happened in this, when it is all said and done, hurts our 'position' with the biggest farce of a "Human Rights," organization (the U.N.), then maybe we need to remove ourselves from the U.N. and tell them to get out of the U.S.. The U.N. has made itself irrelevant in too many ways, too many times. If they had acted responsibly the last time we were in Iraq, and helped KEEP the peace that we brought the people of Iraq, we wouldn't have this twelve-year-long killing spree to have to put an end to.
* alienate us from most of our greatest allies
If the actions we have taken have alienated us from anyone who is a true ally, it has not been announced in the news yet.
* destroy the international military cooperation established since the peacekeeping in Yugoslavia
Co-operation, and a lack of co-operation? I don't see it.
* operate our foreign policy by the medieval "get them before they even think of getting us" mentality.
No, it is called, "Let's get the guys that are killing human beings wholsale (read MILLIONS)."
* Ignore the world court at the Hague, which the US helped build up for international justice.
Well, if the World Court wants to ignore the U.N.'s resolutions, and our soverignty, and desire for world peace, then we need to ignore them.
* make the bill of rights almost seem irrelevent with his Patriot Act, and the soon-to-be-circulated Patriot Act II.
If I'm not mistaken, Bush and his cabinet want to turn America into a police state in order to protect us. What a guy.
I don't feel that I have lost any rights, and welcome stricter security. Israel has very, very, VERY strict security, and they enjoy one of the sweetest free governments on earth. I believe that if there were more people who saw police as, "ministers of God," operating in their (the people's) behalf; that we would have a lot fewer problems in this country, and there might not ever be any more terrorism. We also need to be praying for our ministers, they only have as much guidance and revelation from the Lord as we obtain for them on our knees.
Do we just turn tail and run, because somebody is swinging a stick? No, we confront the BONEHEAD, and take away his stick. If he goes and gets another stick, we call the police. If the police have a problem with the guy, he might end up being killed, because of his disobedience. The police are not to blame. Neither is President Bush, nor the military (thank the Good Lord Jesus for them).
We need to get our minds straight, and keep our eyes on the Truth. He is our focus. The true enemy is the spirit which is driving men like Saddam, Milosevich, Hitler, and so on. I see that same spirit operating in your words.