Taxation Is Theft


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Jesus rescinded the penalty phase against certain crimes, not civil laws against them (i.e. 2,000 years of Christianized western civilization got it right, the Muslims got it all wrong). Do your own research into Jewish ceremonial, civil and moral laws, it's all there.

Where in the Bible did He do this? Book, chapter, and verse please.

Again, you have to study up on Jewish ceremonial, civil and moral laws before you'll be able to understand the meaning behind these verses.

Ephesians 2:15
Galatians 3:25

The civil laws of the Old Testament were never intended to apply to other cultures or other times (example: Leviticus 20:13)

Homosexuality is no greater sin than any other. Through Christ, any sin can be forgiven. Salvation is available to everyone by faith (John 3:16). And when that salvation is received, the indwelling Holy Spirit will provide the means to overcome sin through a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Ok, I broke my earlier rule, I copied and pasted.


Continuing with my history lessen to TOL's head anarchist:

So rights didn't come from God until Thomas Jefferson said that they do?

No government wrote in it's founding documents that rights come from God.

Thomas Jefferson wrote that great document, 55 other men signed it (most of whom were clergymen).


the slave owning rapist?

I suppose you Trump lemmings should thank your lucky stars that Thomas Jefferson's, "A Bill for Proportioning Crimes and Punishments" wasn't legislated, or Donald Trump would be a very

Whosoever shall be guilty of Rape, Polygamy, or Sodomy with man or woman shall be punished, if a man, by castration, if a woman, by cutting thro' the cartilage of her nose a hole of one half inch diameter at the least.


so you're willing to overlook slave ownership and rape as long as it's your hero tommy jefferson?

I overlook slave ownership because it was in America hundreds of years before the Founding Fathers arrived and these great men did something to stop it (I'd go into detail, but I realize I am speaking to a mindless Libertarian).

The rape allegation is yet another liberal smear tactic that has been debunked here on TOL on numerous occasions.

Now if you truly want to talk about slavery, we can talk about how your President Elect intends to keep our once great nation enslaved to sin.

OR we could talk about how the unrepentant sexual deviant Donald Trump has had at least 3 rape allegations against him.

How about we talk about both?


New member
Hall of Fame
so you're willing to overlook slave ownership and rape as long as it's your hero tommy jefferson?

Are you in doubt of the genius of the constitution because of Thomas Jefferson's personal sins?

If we were to look at that (all peoples personal sins), no one would ever be able to say anyone on earth did anything great or worthy, would we?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
nah, how about we talk about how you are willing to idolize a man who enslaved his fellow humans and raped at least one of them repeatedly?

you, acw - a rapist apologist

you, acw - a slave-owner apologist

i look forward to watching you stand before the judgement throne and explain yourself to God

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Are you in doubt of the genius of the constitution because of Thomas Jefferson's personal sins?

If we were to look at that (all peoples personal sins), no one would ever be able to say anyone on earth did anything great or worthy, would we?

i don't see genius in the constitution :idunno:

i don't see justification in the declaration of independence


New member
Hall of Fame
nah, how about we talk about how you are willing to idolize a man who enslaved his fellow humans and raped at least one of them repeatedly?

you, acw - a rapist apologist

you, acw - a slave-owner apologist

i look forward to watching you stand before the judgement throne and explain yourself to God

You voted for Trump, does that mean you are an adulterer apologist?


New member
Continuing with my history lessen to TOL's head anarchist:

No government wrote in it's founding documents that rights come from God.

Thomas Jefferson wrote that great document, 55 other men signed it (most of whom were clergymen).

Still waiting for constitutional republic to show up in the Bible, ya secularist humanist fool.


nah, how about we talk about how you are willing to idolize a man who enslaved his fellow humans and raped at least one of them repeatedly?

you, acw - a rapist apologist

you, acw - a slave-owner apologist

i look forward to watching you stand before the judgement throne and explain yourself to God

I can understand why you're so angry at me res: I mock you and your friends' lifestyle in a hugely popular 4 part thread.

BTW: I've been meaning to ask: Did you and musterion go to college together?


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Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Jesus rescinded the penalty phase against certain crimes, not civil laws against them (i.e. 2,000 years of Christianized western civilization got it right, the Muslims got it all wrong). Do your own research into Jewish ceremonial, civil and moral laws, it's all there.

Again, you have to study up on Jewish ceremonial, civil and moral laws before you'll be able to understand the meaning behind these verses.

Ephesians 2:15
Galatians 3:25

The civil laws of the Old Testament were never intended to apply to other cultures or other times (example: Leviticus 20:13)

Homosexuality is no greater sin than any other. Through Christ, any sin can be forgiven. Salvation is available to everyone by faith (John 3:16). And when that salvation is received, the indwelling Holy Spirit will provide the means to overcome sin through a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Ok, I broke my earlier rule, I copied and pasted.

Both of the passages you quoted were directed at Gentile Christians, not Jews. For Christians, the Law has no power. However, that does not mean that the Law is no more, that the penalties are no more.

You should read Galatians 2. It'll help your understanding of the two covenants God has given to two different groups of people. Or get Bob Enyart's "The Plot".

Do you think that all sins are equal?

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New member
The Constitution either authorizes the government we have today, or it is powerless to stop it. People need to stop looking to some old piece of paper for their freedom. You're free because you're a human being and God said so. Not because some guys wrote it down on a piece of paper hundreds of years ago.


New member
Hall of Fame
i don't see genius in the constitution :idunno:

i don't see justification in the declaration of independence

God is in the bill of rights, which is contained in the constitution, if you ever studied any puritan jurisprudence you would know our laws and the constitution were all built around the scriptures. Also James Madison, not Thomas Jefferson was the primary author of the constitution.


New member
Hall of Fame
The Constitution either authorizes the government we have today, or it is powerless to stop it. People need to stop looking to some old piece of paper for their freedom. You're free because you're a human being and God said so. Not because some guys wrote it down on a piece of paper hundreds of years ago.

This post shows you know nothing of Early American Government.