Taxation Is Theft


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame

A Nimitz class carrier costs about 10.44 Billion

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So, about $US34 per American?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Who would appoint your King?

From our current government, I see only two just ways to implement a Biblical Monarchy government.

The first is to have a group of people be elected through the current system, and then using the system against itself, abolish the government, and implement a monarchy. Highly unlikely, due to the nature of the system.

The other way would be to have another country conquer us and then install a monarchy.

No other way would be just.

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So once again:

Who would appoint your King?

More importantly: Would there be any guarantee that this King would have it in writing that men's rights come from God and not himself?

Would there be a checks and balances system (like we have now) if the King became corrupt and needed to be 'dethroned" (we use the word "impeached" here in the US).

I have so many more questions after you clearly answer those...


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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Can I address you as Mohammad, as you've got the false religion of Islam written all over you.

You really should check out the New Testament sometime, it has this guy named Jesus in it who just so happens to be the Son of God and God in the flesh. He rescinded those harsh penalties for adulterers, homosexuals and other Jewish theocratic penalties except for capital crimes. While Jesus isn't an anarchist and still strongly believe in the rule of civil law, the punishment phase against certain sins was rescinded (if you should pick up that great Book, look for words like "repentance", "grace" and "redemption").

Why do you think that Jesus rescinded the Law? Jesus said he came to fulfill the law, not abolish it. The Law given in the Bible says that if a man even conspires or attempts to commit a crime, he should be punished as if he had succeeded. Drug dealers harm innocent people through negligence, and their actions lead to the deaths of innocent people, therefore they should be executed.

I'd like for you to give an example of where Jesus said the Law should not be enforced any longer.

Also, tell me, which part of the Bible did Jesus quote from during his time on Earth?

Also, Read Galatians and Acts. If they don't make sense, read them again. Especially focusing on Gal. 2.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Who would appoint your King?

So once again:

Who would appoint your King?

I thought my answer was implied, if not clear enough. I guess not.

If the monarchy was implemented through the first example, then the person elected president would become the monarch.

If the second, then the monarch would be installed by the government of the other country.

More importantly: Would there be any guarantee that this King would have it in writing that men's rights come from God and not himself?

Would there be a checks and balances system (like we have now) if the King became corrupt and needed to be 'dethroned" (we use the word "impeached" here in the US).

The king would be subject to the law. All are equal in the face of the Law.

I have so many more questions after you clearly answer those...

Answer my questions first, then I will be happy to answer yours.

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So, about $US34 per American?
Yup. If there was a righteous government who only taxed 5% on income only, then to the average american, it would come out to be about 1.36% of their income, leaving 3.64% of their income for the rest of people's taxes to use for military and infrastructure. Out of an $523 Billion budget per year (average American income (about $50k/yr) multiplied by American population 18+ (about 209 million) multiplied by a 5% income tax), $10.44B isn't very much, and leaves plenty of room for other government projects and programs. Within 5 years, if we aren't already, we would become the world's leading military power, and also the wealthiest nation on the planet.

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Waiting to see "Constitutional republic" in the Bible.

The fact is, God was against a government. He set up a government where He was King, then he gave the Judges. The gave the people a king when they wanted a worldly government, and He warned them against it. They insisted so He gave them a king. He never gave His people a constitutional republic, a democracy, or anything other than monarchy.


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Yup. If there was a righteous government who only taxed 5% on income only, then to the average american, it would come out to be about 1.36% of their income, leaving 3.64% of their income for the rest of people's taxes to use for military and infrastructure. Out of an $523 Billion budget per year (average American income (about $50k/yr) multiplied by American population 18+ (about 209 million) multiplied by a 5% income tax), $10.44B isn't very much, and leaves plenty of room for other government projects and programs. Within 5 years, if we aren't already, we would become the world's leading military power, and also the wealthiest nation on the planet.

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Now, you might be wondering, "Isn't our current government's budget a lot higher, with a higher amount of revenue?" and you would be correct.

Here is a pie graph of the budget from 2015;


However, consider this:

If a business makes ceramic bowls and tableware, and then the owner decides to start fabricating ammunition, do you think that the business will be more efficient than it was originally, about the same efficiency, or less efficient?

Currently, the American government budgets for 12 different roles. As I said before, the government has only 2 roles, Criminal Justice/National Defence and Infrastructure. The government is like a business, and currently, it's doing too much to be efficient at all of the roles it's trying to fill, and it's not doing a very good job. If the government were reduced to only the 2 roles I gave above, then it could fulfill those roles far better. It would be able to do more with less.

But how? Well, if the government didn't have it's fingers in everything shown above in that graph, and only took care of the things I gave above, then the cost of everything else would drop. Significantly. Things would be cheaper to make, businesses would make more profit, and the cost of living would plummet, and at the same time, the standard of living would skyrocket. Heck, there'd even be less crime.

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I thought my answer was implied, if not clear enough. I guess not.

If the monarchy was implemented through the first example, then the person elected president would become the monarch.

Shhhh, Donald Trump may be listening.

Waiting to see "Constitutional republic" in the Bible.

The fact is, God was against a government....

You anarchists (aka Libertarians) are something else.

I've spent enough time in the insane asylum with theocrats and anarchists...


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Shhhh, Donald Trump may be listening.

You anarchists (aka Libertarians) are something else.

I've spent enough time in the insane asylum with theocrats and anarchists...

1. I'm not an anarchist. Anarchy is self-rule. Not what I'm advocating at all.
2. I'm not a Libertarian. I'm a Right-Wing conservative truck driver.
3. I said Christian government. Trump is not a Christian, or if he is, he's an extremely weak one.

Also, I'm still waiting for the answers to my above questions. Please reply to them.

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1. I'm not an anarchist. Anarchy is self-rule. Not what I'm advocating at all...

I called you a theocrat, the other guy is an anarchist, but then each individual deciding for themselves what speed they should drive does sound quite a bit like anarchy to me.

Also, I'm still waiting for the answers to my above questions. Please reply to them.

Jesus rescinded the penalty phase against certain crimes, not civil laws against them (i.e. 2,000 years of Christianized western civilization got it right, the Muslims got it all wrong). Do your own research into Jewish ceremonial, civil and moral laws, it's all there.

BTW: Since you're blogging while driving an 18 wheeler (hopefully not at 90 MPH), I don't want to contribute to any traffic fatalities, so please blog while you're at Betty Jo's Diner having the blue plate special, not while out on the road.

On a closing note: Be appreciative that great Christian men were wise enough to do something that no nation on earth has ever done: Start a country where it's citizens' rights come from God.

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By the way, I've been meaning to ask you a few things:

Why do you think that a monarchy is not a good type of government?

Why do you think that a "Constitutional republic" is such a good idea?

What makes it a better option than a monarchy?



So, basically, your claim that a constitutional republic is "world's apart" from a democracy is untrue. One of those just has an added layer of government. Also, can a monarchy not have a Law where human rights come from God? Is that not possible? Or are you adding that bit on to your "Constitutional Republic" just to make it sound different?

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New member
I called you a theocrat, the other guy is an anarchist, but then each individual deciding for themselves what speed they should drive does sound quite a bit like anarchy to me.

Jesus rescinded the penalty phase against certain crimes, not civil laws against them (i.e. 2,000 years of Christianized western civilization got it right, the Muslims got it all wrong). Do your own research into Jewish ceremonial, civil and moral laws, it's all there.

BTW: Since you're blogging while driving an 18 wheeler (hopefully not at 90 MPH), I don't want to contribute to any traffic fatalities, so please blog while you're at Betty Jo's Diner having the blue plate special, not while out on the road.

On a closing note: Be appreciative that great Christian men were wise enough to do something that no nation on earth has ever done: Start a country where it's citizens' rights come from God.

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Men started a nation where rights come from God? Do you think about the things that you say, or do you just flail your hands at the keyboard and flap your gums and we just get whatever random, nonsensical string of insane ramblings comes out?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Yup. If there was a righteous government who only taxed 5% on income only, then to the average american, it would come out to be about 1.36% of their income, leaving 3.64% of their income for the rest of people's taxes to use for military and infrastructure. Out of an $523 Billion budget per year (average American income (about $50k/yr) multiplied by American population 18+ (about 209 million) multiplied by a 5% income tax), $10.44B isn't very much, and leaves plenty of room for other government projects and programs. Within 5 years, if we aren't already, we would become the world's leading military power, and also the wealthiest nation on the planet.

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Sounds good to me. :up:

Actually, I'm just relieved that I did the maths right. :eek:


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Jesus rescinded the penalty phase against certain crimes, not civil laws against them (i.e. 2,000 years of Christianized western civilization got it right, the Muslims got it all wrong). Do your own research into Jewish ceremonial, civil and moral laws, it's all there.

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Where in the Bible did He do this? Book, chapter, and verse please.

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Sounds good to me. :up:

Actually, I'm just relieved that I did the maths right. :eek:
Actually, I took your number for granted, but it was close enough. It would be closer to $32.12 per citizen of the US, using 325 million for the number of American citizens. :shrug:

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Men started a nation where rights come from God? Do you think about the things that you say, or do you just flail your hands at the keyboard and flap your gums and we just get whatever random, nonsensical string of insane ramblings comes out?

Surely you've heard of the Declaration of Independence; you should read it sometime (but since you won't step foot into a public funded library, I'll help you along) :

A Principle of The Traditional American Philosophy

3. Unalienable Rights - From God

". . . endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights . . ." (Declaration of Independence)

The Principle

1. The traditional American philosophy teaches that Man, The Individual, is endowed at birth with rights which are unalienable because given by his Creator.

The Only Moral Basis

2. This governmental philosophy is uniquely American. The concept of Man's rights being unalienable is based solely upon the belief in their Divine origin. Lacking this belief, there is no moral basis for any claim that they are unalienable or for any claim to the great benefits flowing from this concept. God-given rights are sometimes called Natural Rights--those possessed by Man under the Laws of Nature, meaning under the laws of God's creation and therefore by gift of God. Man has no power to alienate--to dispose of, by surrender, barter or gift--his God-given rights, according to the American philosophy. This is the meaning of "unalienable."

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New member
Surely you've heard of the Declaration of Independence; you should read it sometime (but since you won't step foot into a public funded library, I'll help you along) :

A Principle of The Traditional American Philosophy

3. Unalienable Rights - From God

". . . endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights . . ." (Declaration of Independence)

The Principle

1. The traditional American philosophy teaches that Man, The Individual, is endowed at birth with rights which are unalienable because given by his Creator.

The Only Moral Basis

2. This governmental philosophy is uniquely American. The concept of Man's rights being unalienable is based solely upon the belief in their Divine origin. Lacking this belief, there is no moral basis for any claim that they are unalienable or for any claim to the great benefits flowing from this concept. God-given rights are sometimes called Natural Rights--those possessed by Man under the Laws of Nature, meaning under the laws of God's creation and therefore by gift of God. Man has no power to alienate--to dispose of, by surrender, barter or gift--his God-given rights, according to the American philosophy. This is the meaning of "unalienable."

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So rights didn't come from God until Thomas Jefferson said that they do? Your infatuation with the deists that wrote this stuff borders on idolatry.