Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
While the vast majority of TOL'ers spend their time yelling at each other "No, MY denomination is better than yours and is the ONLY way to Heaven!", I spend my time studying politics (one of 3 institutions that God ordained for the governance of men...the Church and Family being the other two). While I don't have one of them pretty little titles at the bottom of my page like you do, I do consider myself "self educated" when it comes to politics.
You are no more an expert than any other TOL'er tapping away at a computer board, maybe more savvy than some but, being a self proclaimed expert at anything really doesn't amount to spit here and you know it.
I don't recall using the word expert, I consider myself "knowledgeable" when it comes the to political sphere. I am impressed with myself today as I seem to be holding my own with a truthsmacking rocket scientist.
I respect your voice on much around here but, I reject your dismissal of of a genuine effort by real constitutional scholars to play the one card the people have left. I have signed the petition have you? As you would say..."Educate Yourself"
I checked out the attached link and saw Libertarian Glenn Beck on it (who was a supporter of redefining God's institution of marriage). Is he one of those "constitutional scholars" that you're talking about?
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Since when it electing God-fearing men and women in to political office make them "corrupt politicians"?
Where are these good men/women of which you speak?
They're out there, it's just a matter of getting the "Evan-jellyfish" Christians motivated enough to do that real tough task:
Vote them in.
I can name only a few, they are not in any number to make a difference and as a group Washington D.C. is corrupt, both houses collectively...corrupt, the presidency..certainly corrupt. Who is this God-fearing non corrupt man/woman that is going to single handedly change the corrupt federal government? Unlike yourself I am a realist...I see things for what they are, not how I want them to be.
Not single handedly, we need good men and women at all levels of government. I like Ted Cruz because he is probably the most social conservative of the front runners if not of all of the Presidential candidates. There are plenty of good men and women in each State that will, if elected, help turn this country around, but they can't do it by themselves.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I've already pointed out that judicial activist judges can be impeached and how to go about overturning immoral SCOTUS court decisions.
I assume you will accomplish this with those vast numbers of "God Fearing" politicians...this is a pipe dream AcW, not even in the realm of reality.
I get my "pipe dreams" from Holy Scripture. It says things like
"Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens: And let them judge the people at all seasons: and it shall be, that every great matter they shall bring unto thee, but every small matter they shall judge: so shall it be easier for thyself, and they shall bear the burden with thee" (Ex. 18:21-22).
The Bible talks quite a bit about the role of government, it's a very informative book, you should pick it up sometime (and aCultureWarrior gives Rocketman a hard jab to the ribs with that one).
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It's just a matter of getting enough "good people" interested in the political scene and doing something about it.
Truly you are an optimist, or a dreamer... I am sorry AcW, I don't share your optimism.
Yet you're extremely optimistic when it comes to people like "constitutional scholar" Glenn Beck redesigning our constitution.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I've shown the con's of a constitutional convention. You seem to think that a few amendments is the cure-all for a sick and dying nation.
You might actually get people excited about the process if they felt they had a say through their state governments to force change,
They do and it's not a new invention, it's called (drum roll)
the ballot box. But wait, there's more!
And when they vote those men and women into public office that said a whole bunch of cool stuff during their campaign, they actually have to keep on them to take action on their promises or vote the bums out of office!
people have given up on the process as it stands because the system has been corrupted and gamed..I think you know it.
Our system of government is not inherently corrupt, it's that way because good people allowed it to become that way.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What will you do when activist judges rule against these supposed cure-alls and an apathetic Congress and their constituents sit back like they've been doing and do absolutely nothing?
So what you are asserting is that there will be total anarchy?
Total anarchy is a subject term. Many would agree that when it comes to the right of the unborn and things like lack of religious freedom, we're to the point of "total anarchy".
I would suspect that the legitimacy of any action such as this would be well established prior to any change being initiated. I never said that the process would not be controversial or painful but, it is possible and necessary.
Personally I think that Thomas Jefferson's "Tree of Liberty" quote needs to happen before any major changes take place in this country (but you didn't hear it from me, as that might sound "revolutionary").