Supreme Court: Marriage


A question for the anti-gay marriagers here: if a different term was used for homosexual unions (like mareage, I guess) and all the same rights and benefits that heterosexual married couples receive were extended to these eloped homosexuals, would that be cool with you?

Who cares about what's cool :freak: with me? :rolleyes: What has God said? :poly: Gen. 2:18–24, Eph. 5:23–32, Ac 5:29

“Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their true image.” ~ Goethe
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'DivorceHotel': Check In Married, Check Out Divorced -- All In Weekend Jer. 16:2

Black Flag "Roach Motel" Commercial
Heb 13:4
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The first reason for marriage is sociological and that was to put the sex genie in a bottle.
You must not have read Song of Solomon. :dizzy:

The song of songs, which is Solomon’s [Song 1:1].

“I suppose one could liken this book to a piece of folk music, or more likely to an opera. These canticles are put together to give us a glorious, wonderful story. This is one of the methods God used in speaking to His people. It rebukes asceticism, but it also condemns lust and unfaithfulness to the marriage vow. This is no soap opera. It is not a cheap play in which the hero is a neurotic, the heroine is erotic, and the plot is tommyrotic. Rather, it is a beautiful song of marital love.” McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: Poetry (Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon) (electronic ed., Vol. 21, p. 111). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.


Marriage is obviously something necessary of the general human condition- virtually every culture has practiced it in some form for thousands of years.
Being that this is the case, many cultures have it instituted in their religion as to tie it into the god of their understanding.

In reality, Christianity only has the patent on marriage according to their religious decree- and in a country with religious freedom, the Supreme Court has basically ruled that marriage cannot be exclusively Christian.

I don't believe gay marriage to be valid, I'm just making the reality plain that there probably is no going back to solely Christian marriage.


The government should stay out of what is "marriage". What right does the government have to say what marriage is"

Else religion would feel entitled to define/enforce marriage by their exclusive interpretation...which is where you're going here . . .right?

We do however live in a melting-pot society...many within the mix don't find religion particularly useful.