Studies showing mask wearing has negative health affects.

Gary K

New member
Well, they are and your stubborn refusal to admit such isn't going to alter anything either. What your latter is supposed to represent is anyone's guess. If you happen to support a form of government that makes sexual relations out of wedlock a crime then you're only underlining the point that I was making to Clete. That it's people who are on the far right who would curtail the freedoms and liberties we have in society and not the 'left'.
You really like to see suffering and child abuse. Sex out of wedlock leads to single parent households. Single parent households lead to great numbers of children being raised in poverty. There is a close association between poverty, drug use, alcoholism, and child abuse.

So, yeah, you love seeing misery and suffering because that is what you support when you support sex out of wedlock.

way 2 go

Well-known member
... "because some guy on the television told me that's what I should believe"

Gotta include that part. Idiots develop their beliefs from the idiot box.
urinalist just spew the narrative , they don't fact check or even a google search .

Brian Sicknick
New York Times retracts claim that Capitol police officer was killed by Trump supporter with fire extinguisher

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You really like to see suffering and child abuse. Sex out of wedlock leads to single parent households. Single parent households lead to great numbers of children being raised in poverty. There is a close association between poverty, drug use, alcoholism, and child abuse.

So, yeah, you love seeing misery and suffering because that is what you support when you support sex out of wedlock.
I don't like to see any such thing and you really are pathetic. I support people having the right to get married or not, that's all. That's the kind of freedom we're allowed in the West and if you're one of those who would overturn laws that would curb freedom then don't pretend that you're doing it for the sake of children. Marriage itself does not ensure a stable family. Plenty of couples who aren't married do a great job of raising their kids along with single parents. As per usual, your post is about as in touch with reality as the conspiracy sites you frequent so much...


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
One before the other. Just and true law cannot be determined BASED on the abstraction of "common sense" alone.
In so far as doctrine is concerned, I'd say they're a package deal. If you place emphasis on either over the other, the inevitable result is error.

There can be no such thing as an irrational truth. That goes for any kind of truth, including biblical truth. Indeed, you cannot even read one single sentence, nay even one word of the bible without the use of sound reason. The fact that the bible is written in a language presupposes sound reason just as is appropriate since it also presupposes the existence of the God who is the very aspect of Reason itself.


Gary K

New member
I don't like to see any such thing and you really are pathetic. I support people having the right to get married or not, that's all. That's the kind of freedom we're allowed in the West and if you're one of those who would overturn laws that would curb freedom then don't pretend that you're doing it for the sake of children. Marriage itself does not ensure a stable family. Plenty of couples who aren't married do a great job of raising their kids along with single parents. As per usual, your post is about as in touch with reality as the conspiracy sites you frequent so much...
You're an idiot. The documentation of the relationship between single parents and child abuse is very solid. Also the documentation between single parent households and poverty is also documented very well. So is the documentation of the relationship between poverty and drug abuse. So is the relationship between drug abuse and child abuse.

No, there is no guarantee that a child would not be abused in a two parent household. The facts though say the odds of a child being abused is a lot higher in a single parent household.

Just look at all the following wild-eyed conspiracy sites. Your irrational defenses of immoral behavior is telling.

These links ought to be enough to get you started in your investigation.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You're an idiot. The documentation of the relationship between single parents and child abuse is very solid. Also the documentation between single parent households and poverty is also documented very well. So is the documentation of the relationship between poverty and drug abuse. So is the relationship between drug abuse and child abuse.

No, there is no guarantee that a child would not be abused in a two parent household. The facts though say the odds of a child being abused is a lot higher in a single parent household.

Just look at all the following wild-eyed conspiracy sites. Your irrational defenses of immoral behavior is telling.

These links ought to be enough to get you started in your investigation.
If it's "irrational" to prefer to have laws whereby people should be able to choose whether to get married or not, then hey, "guilty as charged". It isn't but you keep telling yourself that if you want. I'm well aware of the correlation between drug/alcohol abuse and poverty but marriage doesn't suddenly solve that. You think all married couples are well off or something? That domestic abuse only usually exists with people who cohabit along with child abuse or single parents? As usual with you, it's just hyperbole and that's not to say that any such cases aren't a cause for concern. If your "solution" is to make any sort of relationship or sex outside of marriage a crime, then the idiocy is all yours.
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You may not wear a tin foil hat, but you do wear a mask.

It's about the same effectiveness.
Hmm, aren't you the guy who advocates "We Are Paul Revere"? Yes, I wear a mask and it certainly isn't for personal comfort. If it helps in even a small way to reduce the possibility of infection to other people then hey, if that bothers you then frankly, so what?

Gary K

New member
If it's "irrational" to prefer to have laws whereby people should be able to choose whether to get married or not, then hey, "guilty as charged". It isn't but you keep telling yourself that if you want. I'm well aware of the correlation between drug/alcohol abuse and poverty but marriage doesn't suddenly solve that. You think all married couples are well off or something? That domestic abuse only usually exists with people who cohabit along with child abuse or single parents? As usual with you, it's just hyperbole and that's not to say that any such cases aren't a cause for concern. If your "solution" is to make any sort of relationship or sex outside of marriage a crime, then the idiocy is all yours.
It's too bad you can't respond to what I actually said. I said the odds of child abuse and drug abuse go up with poverty levels and single parent households. Single parents have to deal with financial and time stressors a married couple never has to face. That raises their susceptibility to drug abuse and abusing their child/children. Supporting behavior which increases stress and drub abuse in single parent households is just flat out morally wrong. It's saying a few moments of sexual release is worth far more than the lives of the children it produces. That, ab, is pure unadulterated selfishness and and not giving a rip about the results of a person's own behavior. It's saying who cares about the results of their own impulsive behavior. But, why should I expect you to care about moral responsibilities? You don't care about anything but yourself if you do not care about the consequences of immoral behavior.

God wasn't just whistling dixie when He said that fornication and adultery are moral issues. The second commandment makes this very plain. For I the Lord they God am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the second and third generation of those that hate me, but showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.

No matter how much you try to think those words don't apply to you they do. You can never get around God no matter how you fool yourself into thinking you can. Judgment day is coming, and it's not very far away. The Bible prophecies that just before te second coming that there will come a time that those who do not have the mark of the beast will not be able to buy or sell. And what is the current financial plan? Locking people out of the financial system who will not become politically correct as a matter of conscience. Just how was it the Bible foretold something that it's authors couldn't have foreseen? They only way to lock someone completely out of the financial system is a cashless computerized financial system. Those Bible prophets couldn't imagine a computer, yet they foretold exactly what is being put in place right now. It ought to make you think a little how that is possible.

Right Divider

Body part
In so far as doctrine is concerned, I'd say they're a package deal. If you place emphasis on either over the other, the inevitable result is error.

There can be no such thing as an irrational truth. That goes for any kind of truth, including biblical truth. Indeed, you cannot even read one single sentence, nay even one word of the bible without the use of sound reason. The fact that the bible is written in a language presupposes sound reason just as is appropriate since it also presupposes the existence of the God who is the very aspect of Reason itself.

I agree. "Common sense" is a tangent and is NOT what law is based on. Sound reason and "common sense" are in no way synonymous.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Gold Subscriber
Hmm, aren't you the guy who advocates "We Are Paul Revere"? Yes, I wear a mask and it certainly isn't for personal comfort. If it helps in even a small way to reduce the possibility of infection to other people then hey, if that bothers you then frankly, so what?

Talk about straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel!

You may not wear a tin foil hat, but you wear a mask.

How ironic.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You love to point out what you believe is irony and yet you cannot see the irony in the things that you post.
Hardly. I wear a mask primarily for the protection of others so your 'living in a bomb shelter' comment was ignorant to start with. You're free to believe and buy into anything as you will. I'll continue to be responsible.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Talk about straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel!

You may not wear a tin foil hat, but you wear a mask.

How ironic.
It's not ironic at all. You can follow "We Are Paul Revere" all you want and similar. I'm not going to buy into any such bunk and I'll continue to wear a mask and other safety protocols without whining on about my civil liberties being infringed upon.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It's too bad you can't respond to what I actually said. I said the odds of child abuse and drug abuse go up with poverty levels and single parent households. Single parents have to deal with financial and time stressors a married couple never has to face. That raises their susceptibility to drug abuse and abusing their child/children. Supporting behavior which increases stress and drub abuse in single parent households is just flat out morally wrong. It's saying a few moments of sexual release is worth far more than the lives of the children it produces. That, ab, is pure unadulterated selfishness and and not giving a rip about the results of a person's own behavior. It's saying who cares about the results of their own impulsive behavior. But, why should I expect you to care about moral responsibilities? You don't care about anything but yourself if you do not care about the consequences of immoral behavior.

God wasn't just whistling dixie when He said that fornication and adultery are moral issues. The second commandment makes this very plain. For I the Lord they God am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the second and third generation of those that hate me, but showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.

No matter how much you try to think those words don't apply to you they do. You can never get around God no matter how you fool yourself into thinking you can. Judgment day is coming, and it's not very far away. The Bible prophecies that just before te second coming that there will come a time that those who do not have the mark of the beast will not be able to buy or sell. And what is the current financial plan? Locking people out of the financial system who will not become politically correct as a matter of conscience. Just how was it the Bible foretold something that it's authors couldn't have foreseen? They only way to lock someone completely out of the financial system is a cashless computerized financial system. Those Bible prophets couldn't imagine a computer, yet they foretold exactly what is being put in place right now. It ought to make you think a little how that is possible.
Oh, okay, thanks for the holier than thou lecture there ffreeloader. I'll continue to support the freedoms and liberties we have in our respective countries no matter how much that may offend your religious sensibilities. If you support laws that would make the aforementioned crimes, then you're only underlining how it's the far religious right that want to curtail them, which was my original point in regards to Clete.