Studies showing mask wearing has negative health affects.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
This is a classic cop-out when someone has no foundation for their idea.
Our laws are not based on vague and abstract ideas.

Laws like those against murder are not based on vague and abstract ideas.

Is there no common sense there?

Our countries laws are based on Biblical principles.

Common sense is a vague abstraction and not something that can be used to base absolute moral laws like that against murder.

God thinks otherwise, but I understand that you don't think that He has any place in the law.
I've never even implied that laws are based on vague and abstract ideas but rather, common sense. This is why we have the laws we do, even if on occasion (as with the fighting in war and being unable to drink) I happen to disagree with them. In the main, however, they are practical and are for the common good of society. Society should also be protected from extremist, religious laws that infringe upon civil liberty and personal freedom. If you believe that executing people for having homosexual relationships is righteous or that non married couples should be punished then that is indeed your prerogative and I support your freedom of expression on such. In no way should that be forced on society as a whole in terms of law however.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I reiterate you have no evidence , while I have enough evidence
to convince a reasonable person that masks don't work
but you don't let facts get in the way of your fake news

View attachment 439
No, you don't. A reasonable person doesn't buy into a narrative simply because it suits their bias. Meanwhile, I will continue to wear them despite the inconvenience.

Right Divider

Body part
I've never even implied that laws are based on vague and abstract ideas but rather, common sense.
Once again the cop-out. You cannot clearly define "common sense" as a foundation for any judgement to form laws.
This is why we have the laws we do, even if on occasion (as with the fighting in war and being unable to drink) I happen to disagree with them. In the main, however, they are practical and are for the common good of society.
Nobody is arguing against just laws for the common good of society. The question is how are those determined. You continued appeal to the undefinable "common sense" does not work no matter how many time you repeat it.
Society should also be protected from extremist, religious laws that infringe upon civil liberty and personal freedom.
And you believe that God has no say in what defines sexual perversion. That is your fundamental problem, you oppose God.
If you believe that executing people for having homosexual relationships is righteous or that non married couples should be punished then that is indeed your prerogative and I support your freedom of expression on such. In no way should that be forced on society as a whole in terms of law however.
God disagrees with you.
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Once again the cop-out. You cannot clearly define "common sense" as a foundation for any judgement to form laws.

Nobody is arguing against just laws for the common good of society. The question is how are those determined. You continued appeal to the undefinable "common sense" does not work no matter how many time you repeat it.

And you believe that God has no say in what defines sexual perversion. That is your fundamental problem, you oppose God.

God disagrees with you.
How is it a "cop out"? How is it not common sense to have laws in society that prohibit murder?! Does the reasoning honestly need spelling out?

They're determined through reason, logic and common sense which should be blatantly apparent and without need of explanation.

As to your latter, no. I don't accept the far right religious position that you exhibit and as much as you might consider yourself to be a spokesperson for God, I'm not obliged to accept what you think would constitute a "Godly government". Furthermore, this is moving away from the context of my initial reply to Clete that you decided to weigh in on, that being his postulation that it's the "left" that supports government interference and usurping of freedom. You've demonstrated, ironically, that's it's people like you on the far right that support that.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why do you ignore the data as if it does not exist?
I don't. There's enough evidence to suggest that mask wearing helps. It's not going to eradicate the virus or anything obviously, but even if it reduces the infection rate by even by a tiny percentage then I will continue to wear them and not whine about it.

Right Divider

Body part
How is it a "cop out"? How is it not common sense to have laws in society that prohibit murder?! Does the reasoning honestly need spelling out?
You cannot use "common sense" to create laws. That was my point. Laws are NOT based on "common sense".
They're determined through reason, logic and common sense which should be blatantly apparent and without need of explanation.
Logic cannot be use to determine that murder is wrong. It requires more than that.
As to your latter, no. I don't accept the far right religious position that you exhibit and as much as you might consider yourself to be a spokesperson for God, I'm not obliged to accept what you think would constitute a "Godly government".
You have an obsession with the term "far right". I am not a "spokesperson for God", but you are a hypocrite as you put yourself in that place. God says that sexual perversion is wrong, but you say otherwise. Who should I believe? You or God? I'll go with God.
Furthermore, this is moving away from the context of my initial reply to Clete that you decided to weigh in on, that being his postulation that it's the "left" that supports government interference and usurping of freedom. You've demonstrated, ironically, that's it's people like you on the far right that support that.
Nope. I've demonstrated no such thing.

Right Divider

Body part
I don't. There's enough evidence to suggest that mask wearing helps.
You were shown the data and you continue to IGNORE it. Here is the same data for Japan from another source.
They were praised on June 6th, 2020 for having used masks to handle the problem and YET look at what happened after that.
It's not going to eradicate the virus or anything obviously, but even if it reduces the infection rate by even by a tiny percentage then I will continue to wear them and not whine about it.
Head in the sand.... got it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You cannot use "common sense" to create laws. That was my point. Laws are NOT based on "common sense".

Logic cannot be use to determine that murder is wrong. It requires more than that.

You have an obsession with the term "far right". I am not a "spokesperson for God", but you are a hypocrite as you put yourself in that place. God says that sexual perversion is wrong, but you say otherwise. Who should I believe? You or God? I'll go with God.

Nope. I've demonstrated no such thing.
Of course they are. No functioning society would allow killing with abandon, for obvious reasons. Of course, murder is wrong for moral and ethical reasons, the same as rape, child molestation etc. Therefore, it is "common sense" that these things be crimes...

I have no such obsession, I'm merely pointing out that the likes of which that are advocated on here are rooted in far right ideology. Neither am I putting myself in any such place so that was bizarre. You're free to believe that homosexuality is a sin, that it should be a crime along with any sort of sex out of wedlock etc and I support your right to air those views. I don't support any form of dictatorial government/tyranny where people's private and sexual lives are subject to state interference for religious reasons or else.

If you support the likes of a theonomy as described on here then you most assuredly do support the eradication of people's freedom, civil and personal liberties which was the point being made to Clete. There's a reason why we have a separation of church and state, to prevent the likes of that coming about.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You were shown the data and you continue to IGNORE it. Here is the same data for Japan from another source.
View attachment 442
They were praised on June 6th, 2020 for having used masks to handle the problem and YET look at what happened after that.

Head in the sand.... got it.
No, not at all and you're free to lap up anything you want if it makes you feel better. In the meantime, I will continue to wear masks, not just because it's a mandate but because I don't want to spread an infection about for the sake of some personal inconvenience.

Right Divider

Body part
Of course they are. No functioning society would allow killing with abandon, for obvious reasons. Of course, murder is wrong for moral and ethical reasons, the same as rape, child molestation etc. Therefore, it is "common sense" that these things be crimes...
AB ... why must you be so dense? Common sense is NOT the foundation of these laws.

Common sense is a VAGUE definition that does NOT provide a sound foundation for any laws.

The reason that murder is wrong is because of God and not man made generalities like "common sense".

Your "therefore..." is called circular reasoning.

Right Divider

Body part
No, not at all and you're free to lap up anything you want if it makes you feel better.
I don't lap up data. I respect the fact that data tells a story that you don't like and therefore you reject it despite its obviously contrary indication to your preferred and false story.
In the meantime, I will continue to wear masks, not just because it's a mandate but because I don't want to spread an infection about for the sake of some personal inconvenience.
Good for you... head in the sand... got it.