Stormy Daniels, the tip of the iceberg?

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Sorry, can't claim them as my own. I got them here:


Specifically, "Thou shalt not commit adultery."

Yes, I know you guys follow Trump instead, and he says that adultery is not a sin. But I'll go with the Book, instead.
As you reject making adultery a punishable crime by law as that there Bible says GOD did.

The Barbarian

Sorry, can't claim them as my own. I got them here:


Specifically, "Thou shalt not commit adultery."

Yes, I know you guys follow Trump instead, and he says that adultery is not a sin. But I'll go with the Book, instead.


No point in denying it. You support Trump's perversions because he's convinced you that adultery isn't a sin. But it is.

You claim you want to punish adulterers, but you defend the pervert in the WH who commits adultery constantly, and most recently got caught paying off a porn star to stay quiet about his behavior.


New member
In 'Barb's World' if a person, such as Trump did something wrong a decade or so ago, there's no chance they may have changed over the years and are living a different life now.

You're simply in denial

The lawyer representing the adult film star Stormy Daniels alleges that some of the accusations she's making against President Donald Trump occurred while Trump was in office.

"Is there anything in the litany of accusations -- you would call them facts -- that surround this case that happened while Donald Trump was President?" CNN's Jake Tapper asked Michael Avenatti, Daniels' lawyer, during an interview Friday.
"Yes," Avenatti replied.
When asked by Tapper if he could elaborate, Avenatti gave a simple "no."



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Shouldn't he be condemned for being a serial adulterer? This isn't about the legality of adultery it's about the morality and the hypocrisy of those who support him on a moral basis.
The moral basis I'm seeing from the lefties we have here at TOL, like AB, is that adultery between consenting adults is no one else's business.
And why on earth would we even WANT adultery to be legal??????

As for support of Trump for President .....
He's an employee with a salary to do a job.
I don't question my plumber's morality when I hire him to do the job I hired him to do.
His morality doesn't even come up.
I don't pick a plumber or a President to hire for a job to be my moral poster boy.

But if I had my way and adultery was made a criminal offense (as it should be), then Trump would be in jail (at the very least).
And so would all plumbers that committed adultery.
Who's with me?


New member
The moral basis I'm seeing from the lefties we have here at TOL, like AB, is that adultery between consenting adults is no one else's business.
And why on earth would we even WANT adultery to be legal??????

As for support of Trump for President .....
He's an employee with a salary to do a job.

I don't question my plumber's morality when I hire him to do the job I hired him to do.
His morality doesn't even come up.
I don't pick a plumber or a President to hire for a job to be my moral poster boy.

Simply, his adultery is now getting in the way of his ability to do his job. The president doesn't live or work in a vacuum. His actions and obvious lack of moral character effects us all, whether you see that or not. He represents all of us on a global stage. Others look at his actions and may tell themselves, 'well, the president is cheating, maybe it's not so bad that I am'. Kids might think this is what adult relationships or marriage is really like.

How does staunch Christian VP Pence feel? :think:

It would be like you hiring a gay plumber and having his lover show up at your house while he's trying to repair a leak. The neighbors saw it all unfold on your front lawn.

How embarrassing for everyone involved.

But if I had my way and adultery was made a criminal offense (as it should be), then Trump would be in jail (at the very least).
And so would all plumbers that committed adultery.
Who's with me?

So, if things were the way you feel they should be, Trump would likely be headed to jail.

That's the only concession I was looking for. Thank you :cheers:


As for support of Trump for President .....
He's an employee with a salary to do a job.
I don't question my plumber's morality when I hire him to do the job I hired him to do.
His morality doesn't even come up.
I don't pick a plumber or a President to hire for a job to be my moral poster boy.

Well if you consider Trump's position as president of the best country in the world and commander in chief of the most substantial military in the world the same as the guy who unclogs your toilet---OK I guess.

But the job requires more than a knowledge of sanitation and building codes.

He is an ignorant reality show host. there was a time when Christians made a big deal of someone's character. No more. Christians gave that up when they supported this wretch and even worse continue to do so.

And no, since I am not a believer in either your deity or your Holy Book I dont think adultery is a crime.


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Simply, his adultery is now getting in the way of his ability to do his job.
He is doing the job.

Others look at his actions and may tell themselves, 'well, the president is cheating, maybe it's not so bad that I am'. Kids might think this is what adult relationships or marriage is really like.
Then make it a legal crime, jail them, and then our kids won't think that anymore.

So, if things were the way you feel they should be, Trump would likely be headed to jail.

That's the only concession I was looking for. Thank you :cheers:
But are you with me?
Let's make it a legal crime.


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Well if you consider Trump's position as president of the best country in the world and commander in chief of the most substantial military in the world the same as the guy who unclogs your toilet---OK I guess.
Stop being stupid.

I dont think adultery is a crime.
Then leave Trump alone about it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The moral basis I'm seeing from the lefties we have here at TOL, like AB, is that adultery between consenting adults is no one else's business.
And why on earth would we even WANT adultery to be legal??????

As for support of Trump for President .....
He's an employee with a salary to do a job.
I don't question my plumber's morality when I hire him to do the job I hired him to do.
His morality doesn't even come up.
I don't pick a plumber or a President to hire for a job to be my moral poster boy.

But if I had my way and adultery was made a criminal offense (as it should be), then Trump would be in jail (at the very least).
And so would all plumbers that committed adultery.
Who's with me?

Well, you're not even with you. You fawn over Trump and say he's going to make America great again (As per your vomit inducing MAGA thread) and yet your beloved president is about as likely to introduce such laws outlawing "sexual misconduct" as he is to suspend his own twitter account. Added to which you say he should at least be jailed for his adultery and yet you voted for the clown and would probably do so again if he has a chance for a (please, no) second term in office? You're the one with the ridiculous double standards going on here. You can't make this stuff up...


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Stop being stupid.

Then leave Trump alone about it.

Says the zealot who on the one hand thinks Trump should at least be jailed for his adultery and yet fawns over the clown as president.


How is America gonna become 'great again' in your view if "sexual misconduct" isn't cracked down on Tam?


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Tambora wants to make adultery a crime. And she slavishly supports a notorious adulterer as president.

This is what hypocrisy will do to a person.

It's beyond bonkers now. She fawns over him as president, would have him locked up if she had her way and yet thinks he can "MAGA"...


The Barbarian

A member of President Trump’s evangelical advisory board defended Trump over the controversy surrounding his alleged relationship with adult-film actress Stormy Daniels, saying the allegations were “totally irrelevant” to evangelicals who support Trump.

At least to those who have accepted Trump's declaration that adultery is not a sin. Other evangelicals are not so happy about it:

WALLIS: Absolutely. And I wrote at the time against his moral behavior. And back then, the polls showed that evangelicals said that - 70 percent of evangelicals believe that a candidate's moral character was important to their governing 70 percent. I was with them. I spoke out against Bill Clinton. Now, 30 percent of white evangelicals say it's important - doesn't matter anymore. That's a profoundly disturbing change in the polling. Yes, I spoke against Bill Clinton and his behavior.
Well, I was against those who said, as you know, we should just move on. I didn't move on. I said, his moral behavior - moral behavior is connected to governance. And a few of us said that and got critiqued from the left for saying so back then. But I think there's got to be consistency in this. And Donald Trump's moral behavior is really - is really disgusting. It's the antithesis of Christian values.

This is the worship of money and sex and power. Everyone struggles with - public figures struggle. They should struggle. There's not even a struggle with this man. And I agree with Pastor York speaking the truth to power, but this man's destroying truth. This is an administration of perpetual, continual lying. So much is at stake for our faith and the soul of the nation. And how we respond as Christians has got to be more than the ends justify the means.

“Evangelicals know they’re not compromising their beliefs in order to support this great president,” Pastor Robert Jeffress said on Fox News Thursday. “And let’s be clear, evangelicals still believe in the commandment ‘thou shalt not have sex with a porn star.’”

"Thou shalt not have sex with a porn star, unless you're a republican. Then it's O.K."

“However, whether this president violated that commandment or not is totally irrelevant to our support of him,” he continued.

"We were just following orders."

Jeffress said evangelicals knew they “weren’t voting for an altar boy” when they voted for Trump

They knew they were voting for a pervert. Didn't matter; they wanted to win. So they got a weak, sexually-confused con man. But they won.

The pastor, who oversees the First Baptist Church in Dallas, said evangelicals understand “the concept of sin and forgiveness.”

Some do. Others support Trump, who says he has no need to ask forgiveness from God. He "just tries to do better."

Not that all evangelicals have fallen to this level. But some, like Robert Jeffress, have decided that what Caesar has isn't so bad, compared to what Jesus is offering.


Hall of Fame
Trump is a married man and has sex with porn stars not his wife. But you're fine with that.

What Trump did is worse ... he BROKE his vows ... intentionally. And it's not the first time. He has raised his sons to believe it is just fine to cheat on their mothers.


Well-known member
What Trump did is worse ... he BROKE his vows ... intentionally. And it's not the first time. He has raised his sons to believe it is just fine to cheat on their mothers.

Better than Bill Clinton. He broke his vows and literally forced himself on women. And it wasn't just the one time. And he raised his daughter to believe that men can't be trusted. To say nothing of the people he had bumped off.


Well-known member
It's beyond bonkers now. She fawns over him as president, would have him locked up if she had her way and yet thinks he can "MAGA"...


Are you libs unable to tell a straight up truth? Is it always necessary to twist and spin the words of another? Are you unable to discern hypotheticals from reality? Is your thinking so limited that you can't grasp words plainly spoken? :sigh:


New member
Better than Bill Clinton. He broke his vows and literally forced himself on women. And it wasn't just the one time. And he raised his daughter to believe that men can't be trusted. To say nothing of the people he had bumped off.

A spitting contest between the two is like calling mud cleaner than dirt.

Trump being better than Clinton doesn't make Trump any less immoral and scummy
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