Source of white hatred of blacks identified

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You claim blacks are not afforded opportunities given to whites. I have no idea what you are talking about. Was Ben Carson denied opportunities afforded whites? If so, what were those opportunities? Access to public schools? Freedom of religion? Opportunities to compete for acceptance into universities? Government funding of personal expenses? What?
Not opportunities.



Well-known member
Like I said: The fact is that most white people don't understand that our society affords them privileges that don't come automatically for most people of color. Until you make a good-faith attempt to understand this, you'll be stuck in your baloney forever.

Notice you added "constitutional." As you should know, the constitution had to be amended to bring full equality to black citizens. You have to look at how the system (cultural, civic, judicial, residential, professional, etc.) has perpetuated that inequality to understand how embedded it is in American history and society. If you don't want to look at that, fine. If you don't want others to look at that, then you're part of the problem.
Can you explain what privileges you are talking about? The privilege of inheriting wealth? The privilege of earning high incomes? The privilege of working hard just to scrape by? The privilege of saving money to buy a house? The privilege of owning a boat? The privilege of owning 5 houses like so many rich democrats in Congress?


like marbles on glass
Can you explain what privileges you are talking about?

Here's a black college student to tell you what it's like to not have white privilege:

On the assumption that no one wants to be lectured at about what white privilege is, from the perspective of a black college student, I can certainly give an idea of some things that it is not.

(Many of these are from personal experience.)

White privilege is not being used to falling under the label "minority."

White privilege is not having to worry about you/your loved ones and acquaintances going out, only to be stared at in public solely because of the color of their skin.

White privilege is not having to be afraid that you drive by an authority vehicle and may get pulled over not for breaking the law, but because you are a minority.

White privilege is not having to be followed around in a store because of assumptions made about you based on your skin color.

White privilege is not having to worry about putting an "x" next to your race on a college or job application and wondering if that sole factor will hinder your chances.

White privilege is not having to worry about whether or not the color of your skin or your ethnic/religious background will alter someone's perception of you before you even open your mouth.

White privilege is not walking into an interview or a room full of new people, waiting to read body language in order to notice anything indicative of your skin color or appearance being an interference.

White privilege is not being afraid to speak up on the matter of social/racial issues because you're afraid people will think you're seeking sympathy, pity, or asking for special attention.

White privilege is not worrying about whether or not someone is analyzing your level of competence based on what they see on the outside before getting to know anything about you.

White privilege is not having the history of your racial or ethnic group ever undermined or being lessened in detail when taught in education systems.

White privilege is not having to grow up learning to be careful and aware of racism and how it can affect your life and what to do/how to act in this situation.

White privilege is not having to feel like you're in a constant battle against assumptions based on your race/ethnicity.

White privilege is not experiencing people being surprised by your intelligence or ability to articulate.

White privilege is not wondering, "Is it because I'm ___?"

White privilege is not constantly, consciously and guardedly feeling the skin you are in.

Gary K

New member
It is tribal savages like this murderous baboon who create bad feelings between blacks and whites. He needs to be apprehended and executed to show the world that no civilized blacks or whites will put up with such wicked behavior.

Five-months-pregnant woman stabbed in back by stranger while walking nature trail with her 3-year-old son — and undergoes emergency C-section
I disagree most emphatically with your conclusions. You're going to hate an entire race for the actions of one person, or even several persons of that race? That is racism by almost every definition of racism. Should the world hate whites because of the actions of individual whites? Whites are just as capable of horrific crimes as are any other race.

And as a Christian you're going to blame a political party for the immoral actions of an individual? Where do you find such things in the Bible? The Bible teaches us that each individual is responsible for their own actions, and that evil actions are inspired by the devil, not political parties. That's why God gave each of us a conscience and it is every man's individual choice to do evil or good. That's why God will judge each person for what they have done during this life. No one goes to heaven because they belong to a certain group. And no one gets destroyed because they belonged to a certain group.

You're thinking in the same terms an SJW thinks: a person is good or evil because of what group they are a part of. That's just plain old wrong and unjust.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Here's a black college student to tell you what it's like to not have white privilege:

On the assumption that no one wants to be lectured at about what white privilege is, from the perspective of a black college student, I can certainly give an idea of some things that it is not.

(Many of these are from personal experience.)

White privilege is not being used to falling under the label "minority."

White privilege is not having to worry about you/your loved ones and acquaintances going out, only to be stared at in public solely because of the color of their skin.

White privilege is not having to be afraid that you drive by an authority vehicle and may get pulled over not for breaking the law, but because you are a minority.

White privilege is not having to be followed around in a store because of assumptions made about you based on your skin color.

White privilege is not having to worry about putting an "x" next to your race on a college or job application and wondering if that sole factor will hinder your chances.

White privilege is not having to worry about whether or not the color of your skin or your ethnic/religious background will alter someone's perception of you before you even open your mouth.

White privilege is not walking into an interview or a room full of new people, waiting to read body language in order to notice anything indicative of your skin color or appearance being an interference.

White privilege is not being afraid to speak up on the matter of social/racial issues because you're afraid people will think you're seeking sympathy, pity, or asking for special attention.

White privilege is not worrying about whether or not someone is analyzing your level of competence based on what they see on the outside before getting to know anything about you.

White privilege is not having the history of your racial or ethnic group ever undermined or being lessened in detail when taught in education systems.

White privilege is not having to grow up learning to be careful and aware of racism and how it can affect your life and what to do/how to act in this situation.

White privilege is not having to feel like you're in a constant battle against assumptions based on your race/ethnicity.

White privilege is not experiencing people being surprised by your intelligence or ability to articulate.

White privilege is not wondering, "Is it because I'm ___?"

White privilege is not constantly, consciously and guardedly feeling the skin you are in.
So after all this, you can't tell us what white privilege is, you can only tell us what one particular silly black kid is whining about.

One silly, whiny black kid, vs an entire population that YOU, racist that you are, choose to define by the color of their skin.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Here's a black college student to tell you what it's like to not have white privilege:

On the assumption that no one wants to be lectured at about what white privilege is, from the perspective of a black college student, I can certainly give an idea of some things that it is not.

(Many of these are from personal experience.)

White privilege is not being used to falling under the label "minority."
You mean like the Irish, the Italians, the Germans, the Swedes, the Ukrainians, etc?
White privilege is not having to worry about you/your loved ones and acquaintances going out, only to be stared at in public solely because of the color of their skin.
Unless, of course, their skin is particularly swarthy, or exceptionally fair, or they have a prominent birthmark, etc
White privilege is not having to be afraid that you drive by an authority vehicle and may get pulled over not for breaking the law, but because you are a minority.
Like young white men?

And on and on and on....

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So to sum up and to paraphrase what has been stated earlier or elsewhere, white privilege is the privilege not to be continually and constantly obsessed with race.

Unless you are a retarded leftist.


Well-known member
Here's a black college student to tell you what it's like to not have white privilege:

On the assumption that no one wants to be lectured at about what white privilege is, from the perspective of a black college student, I can certainly give an idea of some things that it is not.

(Many of these are from personal experience.)

White privilege is not being used to falling under the label "minority."
Blacks envy whites because the general population calls blacks "minorities?" Whose fault is that, God's?
White privilege is not having to worry about you/your loved ones and acquaintances going out, only to be stared at in public solely because of the color of their skin.
In that case I recommend blacks who find that offensive go to Jesus to eliminate senseless worries by being given a sound mind that comes with rebirth after repentance from sins.
White privilege is not having to be afraid that you drive by an authority vehicle and may get pulled over not for breaking the law, but because you are a minority.
Good cops pull suspicious individuals over regardless of skin color because that is what good cops do. It has nothing to do with race privilege.
White privilege is not having to be followed around in a store because of assumptions made about you based on your skin color.
If someone follows you around for no good reason then either confront the individual, call security or give up unfounded assumptions that disrespect others for no reason.
White privilege is not having to worry about putting an "x" next to your race on a college or job application and wondering if that sole factor will hinder your chances.
Say what? White privilege is being able to read and write? That is ridiculous. I think that privilege is reserved for those who benefit from schooling, which is offered to all kids in America regardless of skin color.
White privilege is not having to worry about whether or not the color of your skin or your ethnic/religious background will alter someone's perception of you before you even open your mouth.
I have been openly abused, disrespected, and otherwise judged because of my skin color and I am white. Not worrying about what other less-than-honorable people think is not white privilege, it is a privilege offered to born-again Christians regardless of race.

White privilege is not walking into an interview or a room full of new people, waiting to read body language in order to notice anything indicative of your skin color or appearance being an interference.
I see. White privilege is what blacks imagine about others that has no logical basis.
White privilege is not being afraid to speak up on the matter of social/racial issues because you're afraid people will think you're seeking sympathy, pity, or asking for special attention.
Fear of public speaking is not a matter of privilege. Whites and blacks both fear public approval and whites and blacks both overcome their irrational fears. Those who think fear of public disrespect is only reserved for blacks are not very wise.
White privilege is not worrying about whether or not someone is analyzing your level of competence based on what they see on the outside before getting to know anything about you.

Blacks who worry about whether others are analyzing them and then blame whites for their worries are racists and ignorant.
White privilege is not having the history of your racial or ethnic group ever undermined or being lessened in detail when taught in education systems.
Whites are being totally disrespected in the new racist CRT false doctrines being preached in public schools, so blacks have nothing to complain about.
White privilege is not having to grow up learning to be careful and aware of racism and how it can affect your life and what to do/how to act in this situation.
Blacks fear whites hate them because liars have told them that is what they do. Those lies are racist and teach blacks to stupidly condemn whites for being white as though that stupidity makes sense.
White privilege is not having to feel like you're in a constant battle against assumptions based on your race/ethnicity.
How is it the fault of whites that some blacks feel embattled in ways that have nothing to do with rational assessments of those around them?
White privilege is not experiencing people being surprised by your intelligence or ability to articulate.
That is stupid. I was never surprised that Ben Carson was so intelligent and accomplished. The stereotypical assumption that whites are racists or blacks are stupid is itself stupid.
White privilege is not wondering, "Is it because I'm ___?"
If blacks cannot feel comfortable about their own skin then they should go to Jesus for the forgiveness of sins, a sound mind, and removal of warrantless fears.
White privilege is not constantly, consciously and guardedly feeling the skin you are in.


like marbles on glass
So after all this, you can't tell us what white privilege is, you can only tell us what one particular silly black kid is whining about.

One silly, whiny black kid, vs an entire population that YOU, racist that you are, choose to define by the color of their skin.

After all what? Did you actually think I was talking to you? Your toy boat already sailed, child.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I don't associate with any known felons /violent criminals. I know that it's easy for me to do this, since I don't know many; and that it's difficult for many Black young men to do this, to not associate with such. I don't have a solution for that because I think, What are we supposed to do, as a government? We can't become more complacent about violent crime, and we know that associating with violent criminals is far more likely to lead to participation in violent crime, than not. I fear the only thing we could do is lengthen sentences, to minimize the known felons in society. Can we basically preemptively impose parole type restrictions on everybody, so that even if you are related (like, your first cousin is a known felon, e.g.), you'll be penalized for associating with him? It's always a him.

Tough nut to crack, without a fairly dramatic change in the ethical values of Black families (a more disciplined, more strict change, wrt associating with known felons---viz. 'zero-tolerance', e.g.), where known felons are numerous. Where Black families live without the violent crime element, there also isn't a violent crime problem. I know that sounds tautologous but in this case if you don't have a chicken you won't have the egg either. And I am saying that without an already existing violent crime problem, violent crime also will not spontaneously arise in Black neighborhoods either. The existing violent crime is the cause of the future violent crime, and we have to sever that link to solve the violent crime problem among some Black neighborhoods, that are singlehandedly doubling the homicide rate in US.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Anna is Hispanic? Another color? 🤔 I hadn't realized this before... 🤔
annabananahead is a white racist who uses "critical race theory" to support her belief that blacks are inferior

ABL explains it well



like marbles on glass
And... doser has a meltdown because I dared to share the thoughts of a black person speaking for themselves.

The First Rule of White Rage: the surest way to trigger White Rage is to talk about White Rage.

...That gets us closer to understanding why: nothing is sure to trigger White Rage like simply observing that White Rage exists. You’re pointing out to people that a whole belief system of theirs is false. It has no basis in reality. They react the way they’ve been taught, which is defensively, violently, aggressively.
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