Dietary law was in codex of believers, where as codex for believers and unbelievers was the moral code. I hope I have this right? The Israelites would stand a foreigner eating a lobster, but not sodomy. This was the reason god destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, yet God did not make a point to destroy the lobster eaters.
Now don't tell me there were no lobsters around then because I had to add some humor and lobsters are funny to me, but umm good. :chew:
One of the ingredients used in making the incense that made the smoke where God appeared to Moses behind the veil and over the mercy seat, contained shellfish bits and pieces. Obviously if shellfish was truly a literal abomination to God would have caused Moses to have immediately become fried rabbi because any sin behind the veil brought instant death to the High Priest.
There are christians today that in order to appear "truly holy and unbiased" are as supporting of OT dietary laws as they are in supporting the laws regarding who can have sex with who.
To truly understand the benefits for us that can be seen in the laws given to Moses is to remove the literal interpretation and instead contemplate how they can be applied spiritually.
For an example consider how the laws given to Moses for determining the truth was based on a foundation of two agreeing witnesses that is also the basic foundation for determining the truth within God's Word that is spirit.
Isaiah understood that learning knowledge from the Word of God was strictly determined through applying the laws given to Moses for determining the truth to the Word of God and stated so in Isaiah 28: 9-13.
Meanwhile the church tells everyone to keep verses in context that will continue to hide the truth of both eating shellfish and unnatural sex from those who need to learn the truth before they can ever receive the fulness of their inheritance