So much for the myth of the pure and noble "native American"


The Native Americans were at a sort of war with each other- some were relatively peaceful, others would would rape your wife and child. The truth is that they were an inferior race to the whites who came to this land, and they lost- that's the way the world works, it's not like a people has intrinsic rights to a land_
An "inferior race"? Is the justification for black slavery in the US? What makes one "race" inferior to another?


Well-known member
The Native Americans were at a sort of war with each other- some were relatively peaceful, others would would rape your wife and child. The truth is that they were an inferior race to the whites who came to this land, and they lost- that's the way the world works, it's not like a people has intrinsic rights to a land_

Every race has some who are superior and some who are inferior to others. That said, those who came and tried to cross the prairie had just as much right to the land as those who meandered around upon it. That's the way the world works.

Greg Jennings

New member
First they reluctantly learn the Anasazi ate each other and that various tribes slaughtered and enslaved each other. Now this, from before those evil European invaders, who ruined those natives' pristine Eden, even arrived:

A tower of human skulls unearthed beneath the heart of Mexico City has raised new questions about the culture of sacrifice in the Aztec Empire after crania of women and children surfaced among the hundreds embedded in the forbidding structure.

We (Europeans) wiped out 90-99% of the millions of America's native people through (mainly) disease and violence. This is indisputable. It is simply history. What exactly is your point?


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
The Native Americans were at a sort of war with each other- some were relatively peaceful, others would would rape your wife and child. The truth is that they were an inferior race to the whites who came to this land, and they lost- that's the way the world works, it's not like a people has intrinsic rights to a land_



Well-known member

The lie is that the noble, almost holy Indians were living in complete harmony with nature and with each other, until Da White Debbil showed up and roont it all.

Well, we all like to lie about our heritage. Maybe that's it. :chuckle:


Well-known member
This thread isn't really about Native Americans. The topic is "Hey, I've found another way to bash liberas".

If anybody is honestly interested in this subject, I recommend this book.

Empire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches, the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History