Sit down, Joe Biden. You're done.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So you're going to blame anything and everything on the president?

He is responsible, in a way, but not the way JGarden thinks - one major driver in the difference is poverty - impoverished mothers tend to fare worse in infant survival.

We are often compared to Finland.

Finland has a poverty rate of 0.20 %

The US has a poverty rate of 11.8 %

Two ways to reduce our poverty rate?

Close our southern border and deny entry to impoverished immigrants.
Reduce unemployment.

IOW, re-elect Trump :)


Hall of Fame
I would never say this about any candidate, especially this far out from an election. If I did, I would effectively be allowing my bias to blind me from seeing facts. I would encourage you to keep your vision clear and your options open.

Considering the current placeholder of the office, ANY change would be an improvement. trump can do or say whatever he likes so apparently that is now the standard for anyone running.


So you're going to blame anything and everything on the president?
I forgot - this President is only prepared to assume responsibility for successes, for the failures he shifts the blame to somebody else!

If America had one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world, you can be assured that,Donald J Trump would be there, front and center, accepting all the accolades!

Right Divider

Body part
I forgot - this President is only prepared to assume responsibility for successes, for the failures he shifts the blame to somebody else!
No president controls everything.

If America had one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world, you can be assured that,Donald J Trump would be there, front and center, accepting all the accolades!
So he's a politician? Thanks for the info!


Hall of Fame
In regards to the OP topic, it certainly doesn’t seem like Joe is *done* ...

User Name

Greatest poster ever
In regards to the OP topic, it certainly doesn’t seem like Joe is *done* ...

The fact that the entire Democratic Party establishment has come together in full force to support Biden and oppose Bernie certainly helped. Also, the Dem's core constituency group, African Americans, support Biden because he was Obama's VP (and for no other reason that I can think of). Add to that the fact that the mainstream news media gives disproportionate and favorable coverage to Biden at Bernie's expense, and it becomes clear why the tide has turned against Bernie.

They are all shooting themselves in the foot for doing so. Biden has literally entered the early stages of senility/dementia, and I could post video montages I have already seen to prove this point, but why bother? It is just a matter of time before the voters figure it out. Of course, by then it will probably be too late to change course.
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Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Over the past 2 days, Joe Biden has claimed that 1) he is running for a Senate seat (he's running for president!), 2) he was arrested in South Africa while trying to visit Nelson Mandela (he wasn't), 3) one hundred fifty million Americans have been killed in gun crimes since 2007 (half the country's population!?)

What's even funnier is that Trump risked impeachment in order to try to sabotage this goofball's campaign! :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

Another stupid thread proven wrong.

Although, Biden will be done in November, when Trump destroys him. lol


The question is not what makes me feel good, the question is what are the facts? And the fact is that once Biden started talking about running for president against Trump, then and only then did Trump begin trying to dig up dirt on Biden. It was an obvious smear campaign on Trump's part.

And by the way, what was this "massive corruption" of which you speak? Has Biden or anyone else directly associated with him been charged with any crime related to his activities? I know his son is a crack-head, but that is beside the point. What exactly did "the previous administration" do that is "massively corrupt"?
The facts are that while this President and his Administration were preoccupied with the past activities of Hunter Biden in the Ukraine, a major internal federal government study entitled "Crimson Contagion" was being completed assessing the abilities of its different departments to respond to a pandemic!

Many of the current healthcare deficiencies were exposed in this Study, but in true Trumpian fashion they were ignored - just as he would have us believe that the White House Pandemic Office had been disbanded in 2018 without his knowledge

Starting in December 2019 other branches of the federal government, the intelligence agencies, were warning the White House and Congress about the emergence of COVIR-19 in China and the likelihood of a pandemic - at least 2 Republican senators unloaded their stock while the markets were at their peak while reassuring the American public that nothing was amiss!

When this President tries to tell the public that America was "blindsided" by this pandemic, he and his Administration had ample opportunity to take the kinds of preventative measures that occured in other nations, but instead he retreated into a fantasy world of denials and chose to do nothing, until a series of events finally forced the issue!


No, this thread hasn't been proven wrong. Joe Biden is in fact done. You just don't realize it yet. I do.
If there were any questions concerning this President's re-election in November, the COVIN-19 pandemic will lay them to rest as Trump and his Administration struggle to play "catch-up!"!

The pandemic and the Trump Administration's response, or lack thereof, will continue to dominate the news cycle for months to come - Biden's advisors are probably advising him to sit quietly on the sidelines and allow this President to self-destruct!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
If there were any questions concerning this President's re-election in November, the COVIN-19 pandemic will lay them to rest as Trump and his Administration struggle to play "catch-up!"!

The pandemic and the Trump Administration's response, or lack thereof, will continue to dominate the news cycle for months to come - Biden's advisors are probably advising him to sit quietly on the sidelines and allow this President to self-destruct!


User Name

Greatest poster ever
The pandemic and the Trump Administration's response, or lack thereof, will continue to dominate the news cycle for months to come - Biden's advisors are probably advising him to sit quietly on the sidelines and allow this President to self-destruct!

In all fairness, at least Trump is putting himself out there, trying to get things done for the people in this crisis, such as a much needed UBI--efforts which Democrats are actually trying to hamstring. Meanwhile Joe Biden is holed up somewhere, either trying to dodge the virus or perhaps seeking out some novel new therapy for his encroaching senility.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Another stupid thread proven wrong.

Although, Biden will be done in November, when Trump destroys him. lol

No, this thread hasn't been proven wrong. Joe Biden is in fact done

Yes it has you fake fraud. YOU thought he was done because you thought Bernie was going to get nominated. Now Bernie dropped out and Biden will with the nomination.

Good Lord your dishonesty is disgusting.

Now, AS I SAID, Biden will be done in November, when Trump destroys him, but I am sure in the coming months you will try to deny that too.

I have to say tis was one of the most pathetic lies you have told so far.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
The pandemic and the Trump Administration's response, or lack thereof, will continue to dominate the news cycle for months to come

So did Russia Russia Russia, for three years, and the people saw through it and he is more popular than ever and he is raking in more money that ever.\

You people, you just never learn.


Hall of Fame
They are all shooting themselves in the foot for doing so. Biden has literally entered the early stages of senility/dementia, and I could post video montages I have already seen to prove this point, but why bother? It is just a matter of time before the voters figure it out. Of course, by then it will probably be too late to change course.

One, I am not buying into dementia.

Two, if it were true, so what? The current placeholder is not only crazy, but also evil.

Three, Bernie cannot win.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
One, I am not buying into dementia.

Two, if it were true, so what? The current placeholder is not only crazy, but also evil.

Three, Bernie cannot win.

I would refer you to post #66 above. There are good reasons why the Republican money machine kicked in to support Biden. Can you guess what those reasons might be?