Sit down, Joe Biden. You're done.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Trump was found "not guilty" in his impeachment trial the same way Clinton was found "not guilty" in his

Another lie to add to your list of lies.

Clinton was guilty. He was on tape committing the crime, ON TAPE. On video tape he lied under oath. That is the crime of perjury. He was guilty for all to see but the corrupt Democrats ignored the obvious guilt and voted him not guilty.

The opposite was true with Trump. Trump never committed any crime at all, but the corrupt Democrats voted "Guilty" even though he was not. They tried to overthrow the government and should all be in jail.

You are on the side of lies and corruption.

We are on the side of Truth.


User Name

Greatest poster ever
Trump never committed any crime at all, but the corrupt Democrats voted "Guilty" even though he was not.

I knew you'd say that. Here's my reply:
Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Marco Rubio (R- Fla.) were the first out of the block to explain that the president is guilty but shouldn’t be ousted for it.

In a statement, Rubio explained that he always worked from the assumption the charges were true, but: “Just because actions meet a standard of impeachment does not mean it is in the best interest of the country to remove a President from office.”

Alexander was even more emphatic. In his statement, he said the House managers “have proved [the charges] with what they call a ‘mountain of overwhelming evidence.’” In an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Alexander dismissed the need for more witnesses. “If you have eight witnesses who say someone left the scene of an accident, why do you need nine? I mean, the question for me was: Do I need more evidence to conclude that the president did what he did? And I concluded no.”

Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) agreed with Alexander’s position, telling reporters that he speaks for “lots and lots of us.”​

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Told annabananahead back in August that Pelosi was risking the election on a roll of the dice

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Trump Gurl has an intellectually lazy way to deflect from being wrong: Ignore the facts and declare victory!

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Trump Gurl has an intellectually lazy way to deflect from being wrong: Ignore the facts and declare victory!

I have proven you wrong so many times I am tired of it. Your empty steel skull does not allow facts inside of it so now I just mock you. You get what you have earned.


Hall of Fame
Over the past 2 days, Joe Biden has claimed that 1) he is running for a Senate seat (he's running for president!), 2) he was arrested in South Africa while trying to visit Nelson Mandela (he wasn't), 3) one hundred fifty million Americans have been killed in gun crimes since 2007 (half the country's population!?)

What's even funnier is that Trump risked impeachment in order to try to sabotage this goofball's campaign! :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

I disagree and couldn’t care less about these perceived stories. Biden has the only chance of winning. He is moderate and has the experience. Bernie is the worst possible candidate to run. He has too much in common with the current placeholder of that office.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
I have proven you wrong so many times I am tired of it. Your empty steel skull does not allow facts inside of it so now I just mock you. You get what you have earned.

You mock people with empty "steel" skulls? How Christian of you.

Can you provide links to wherever it is you have proven me wrong? I must have missed that. I'm sure others would like to see that as well.

Right Divider

Body part
Are the folks in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland and Finland also raving communist lunatics?

I take it that you believe that Bernie is not a communist simply because he also points to other forms of socialism that he also likes. Those countries are not nearly as socialist as Bernie tries to make them appear.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
worth a watch:

I've already seen that. What Bernie Sanders proposes is nothing more than what already exists in other industrialized countries, and for that Trump Gurl implies that he is both a communist and a Nazi! It's bad enough that this is a lie, but it is especially horrendous slander given the fact that Bernie is Jewish, and relatives of his were killed in the Nazi Holocaust.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
What Bernie Sanders proposes is nothing more than what already exists in other industrialized countries


But you know what? If that is what you think then move to one of those countries. We like America because it is NOT like other countries you tool.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... it is especially horrendous slander given the fact that Bernie is Jewish, and relatives of his were killed in the Nazi Holocaust.


don't care

emotional outrage at the possibility of offense by a secondary figure is about as retarded as you can get

User Name

Greatest poster ever
I disagree and couldn’t care less about these perceived stories.

Doesn't it concern you greatly that Biden falsely claimed that he, and I quote, "...had the great honor of being arrested with our U.N. ambassador on the streets of Soweto, trying to get to see him on Robbens Island..."? There are only two explanations I can think of for this false claim: 1) he lied, or 2) he is losing touch with reality. People across the country have taken notice of this, and any explanation for it does not bode well for Biden's candidacy.

See: Joe Biden’s own campaign debunks claims about getting arrested for Nelson Mandela

Biden has the only chance of winning. He is moderate and has the experience.

If you look at the latest polls, among the 8 major Democratic candidates Sanders has just recently taken the lead with 29.2% support to Biden's 18%. See here:

Bernie...has too much in common with the current placeholder of that office.

Bernie has too much in common with Trump? Like what, for example?