exactly backwards...I don’t believe when He says He was a door we are to walk through Him...or when He says I am the path that we are to walk on Him...
Just like He is NOT literally in the bread we eat in Remembrance of Him.
We have to go through Jesus to get to the Father. He is the Way. We have to eat and drink of him, which is done by believing and obeying him.
But in the spiritual lessons these symbols teach I DO believe...like the circumcised heart or having an inner jew Paul told Romans about
Ya dig?
sure thing...
Matt 15:2 Mark 7:5 beyond Mikvahs
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikveh the jews had made many traditions regarding washings for cleansing and purification’s.
Those scriptures don't speak of multiple washings a day for sin.
Yahushua used an attempt by the Pharisees to trap Him for a better teaching on what Yah expected...NOT man’s traditions...Matt 7:8-9
these MAN’S TRADITIONS were to be abolished as was the enmity of jew towards gentiles found on a wall He destroyed between Jews and Gentiles...in commandments contained in ordinances...Eph 2:15
No, it is not about man's made up traditions. That scripture is about the rules and regulations which are the purification works of the law.
Can you read the enmity?
Obviously Yah seeks to have His Word left alone no adding or subtracting like the first woman did...you follow her...DO NOT
Apparently submersion of adults not just washing...or sprinkling...was accepted...
You don't even have understanding, and you follow things taught by man.
See 1 Timothy 4:1.
ummm...again...sin is not like dirt you literally wash away
And Passover did NOT deal with sin...
You have come to Jesus and repent of your sins and believe his blood washes away your sins or you are still condemned and under a curse.
John 3:18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe
stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.
what I sound like to you concerns me less and less...maybe after a good night’s sleep you can hear what I say otherwise..
good grief you twist to your own destruction...Paul clearly encourages BELIEVERS stay faithful not lose their salvation...Peter admonishes watch out for false teachers wolves...NOT returning to your own vomit after hearing the commandment...
DO NOT MAKE IMAGES...or ADD to the WORD or lose your reward or make up your own woman’s traditions...LOL
You don't understand the scriptures. Paul is speaking about people under the law without faith.
How would you ever get that Paul was speaking about him only doing the evil he hates to do?
You are a false witness to Paul and the scriptures.
Romans 7:5 I do not understand what I do.
For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.
Who but an ignorant unstable person would think that Paul after he was saved only did what he hated to do?
Paul is speaking of being under the law before living by the Spirit. Paul was not sold as a slave to sin after Jesus saved him! Paul says plainly, “I am unspiritual.” How do you get that Paul is speaking of himself AFTER Jesus saved him? After Jesus saved him Paul was spiritual, and he lived according to the Spirit.
oh my...
what the thief on the cross? Had he lived you think he could go back to criminal behavior?...you think he would never be tempted or need encouraging to strong faithful true to his new way...led by the Spirit...still needing grace...still needing repentance to turn back...?
6 of the 7 churches in Rev 2 needed to repent and turn back...
I forgot you exactly INVERT your catholic way...
rather than ONE time sacrifice YOU insist they say it’s billions of times...
instead of constant confession and need of works to repent YOU insist once saved always saved...
Your rebellion is 100%
You prove you are the one.
There is only one baptism of the Spirit, and that is regeneration. We don't get regenerated repeatedly.
We have to train ourselves and not keep sinning.
How can His body cause a shadow before it is incarnate?
The scripture says it is of his body and you need to believe it.
When a man stands with the light behind him his body gives off a shadow.
Paul is clear the festivals food and drink ARE a shadow of good THINGS to come...still to come
Those things were a shadow of Jesus. Jesus came and there are no more shadows.
you think yourself clever...I will heed Col 2:8
Jesus has given me the wisdom.