Should voting be mandatory?


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Hall of Fame
You're the one that is utterly a spoiled child for thinking that shouldn't have been the case, and saying that all men were misogynists.
Thanks for proving my point- it's really all about you, it's always about you all the damn time :wave2:

Do you lie all the time, or just when some woman is kicking your rear in a discussion? Please post where ive said that bolded part that you attribute falsely to me. Thanks



Do you lie all the time, or just when some woman is kicking your rear in a discussion?

You haven't kicked anything, I've straight up atom bombed you all on this subject. Denial doesn't beat anything, and you all can continue on with your delusions because that's what I expected from the start- it's what I've even stated throughout :wave:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
"Woman is a misbegotten man and has a faulty and defective nature in comparison to his. Therefore she is unsure in herself. What she cannot get, she seeks to obtain through lying and diabolical deceptions. And so, to put it briefly, one must be on one's guard with every woman, as if she were a poisonous snake and the horned devil. ... Thus in evil and perverse doings woman is cleverer, that is, slyer, than man. Her feelings drive woman toward every evil, just as reason impels man toward all good."
–St. Albertus Magnus (13th Century)

The word and works of God is quite clear, that women were made either to be wives or prostitutes.
–Martin Luther (16th Century)
Another gem those centuries gave us? Bleeding the humors out of people. You do a lot of blood letting in your house?

Do not any longer contend for mastery, for power, money, or praise. Be content to be a private, insignificant person, known and loved by God and me.. of what importance is your character to mankind, if you was buried just now Or if you had never lived, what loss would it be to the cause of God.
–John Wesley (18th Century)
Wesley had atrocious grammar. :poly: Kidding. It's either you or your source. Try, The Life of John Wesley, p. 299 - 300, by Robert Southey

But if you're going to quote, quote honestly. Wesley wasn't speaking of all women, he was writing to one woman, his wife. He felt she had betrayed him and the missive/quote is indicative of his anger. Like most men of his day (and some present loons) he felt superior and entitled, but your patchwork wasn't indicative of more than his particular circumstance. The author, in examining the topic, notes Wesley's wife was ill tempered, did not share his enthusiasms and that the match was about as ill suited as could be imagined. She was jealous and suspicious and public with both. The whole of it drove Wesley into his own temper and the writing reflects it.

What Wesley was saying in and beyond the truncated, misrepresented passage set out by Cruc, was that her life wasn't being spent in the service of God, as his was. Worse, she was making his service difficult, impugning his reputation in advancing her own, and making public what should have remained between them in private, etc.

Theologians from all eras and denominations have stated the same exact thing.
Men in authority said it. Not all of them, but most. They also thought slavery was a pretty handy notion. Not all, but a great many, in authority, and for a very long time.

If you're going to rest on that you might as well advocate the return of slavery.

:think: That's next, isn't it. :plain:


New member
Hall of Fame
You haven't kicked anything, I've straight up atom bombed you all on this subject. Denial doesn't beat anything, and you all can continue on with your delusions because that's what I expected from the start- it's what I've even stated throughout :wave:

Waiting for you to post that line, you lied and claimed ive said.

I see you havent posted it, now have you? (hint: cause you lied)


Waiting for you to post that line, you lied and claimed ive said.

I see you havent posted it, now have you? (hint: cause you lied)

Why weren't women allowed to vote, A4T? It's because you perpetuate an idea that men were misogynists. It's that simple.
I know you aren't used to having your agenda scrutinized, as that is why many women are starting to scream louder, but it's high time you all's nonsense was put straight :wave:


[Women equal to men] ...[E]very idiot male will feed right into it...

:yawn: You're projecting again (Eph 4:14). :noway:

Junia was called an apostle (Rom. 16:7). Her name was changed to man’s name, Junias, by Catholics :eek:linger: in the 14th century. The gospel breaks down barriers.


:yawn: You're projecting again (Eph 4:14). :noway:

Junia was called an apostle (Rom. 16:7). Her name was changed to man’s name, Junias, by Catholics :eek:linger: in the 14th century. The gospel breaks down barriers.

Conspiracy theory.

You only show why God commanded women to be subservient in the first place. They only thing most of you do is trying to be like a man, failing, and blaming us :rolleyes:


You only show why God commanded women to be subservient...
You need to :CRASH: pray toward Mecca five times a day not Jerusalem. :dizzy:

God chooses women to do his work, as well. Deborah, a judge of Israel, was a prophetess. She was wise and commanded an army. She led troops to victory. She chose military men and told Barak what he must do. He would not rescue the Israelites without her because he knew God was with her (Judg 4:8). Judges 4:1–5:31


...Serpentdove here just perpetuates new age, revisionist tripe that deserves to be thrown into the same garbage bin in whence it came.

Jael used a tent peg to kill an enemy general (Judg 4:21–24). She was a national hero and praised by Deborah (Judg. 5:24–27). Again, Deborah led a nation to God (Israel had chosen false gods). It took the courage and wisdom of a woman
to achieve victory. She relied on God. Her life was an example of listening to God and completing your mission.


Abigail was a beautiful woman who was married to Nabal (a name meaning nothing man). Christian women don't see men as nothing. They see them as equal (not higher or lower) [Gen. 2:19, 20]. Women were not created to be silent or merely for making sandwiches. Men and women need each other. That's why God gave man a helper (Gen. 2:18, 20).

David sent men to ask Nabal for provisions (1 Sa 25:1–9). Nabal refused (25:10–12) and David became angry (25:13). He planned for 400 men to kill all males young and old there. Nabal's wife Abigail heard about it prepared provisions to appeased David and his men (25:14–31). She acted out of her own relationship with the God of Israel. She saved Nabal’s house (25:32–35).


You need to :CRASH: pray toward Mecca five times a day not Jerusalem. :dizzy:

God chooses women to do his work, as well. Deborah, a judge of Israel, was a prophetess. She was wise and commanded an army. She led troops to victory. She chose military men and told Barak what he must do. He would not rescue the Israelites without her because he knew God was with her (Judg 4:8). Judges 4:1–5:31

Paul clearly teaches that Christian women are not supposed to be the head of man, at the pulpit, or otherwise usurping male duties. Those like Deborah were out of pure necessity, and women are not otherwise necessary to do God's work.

It has been expressed throughout all history, and women are trying to justify their rebellious way by using these weak examples. Christian churches have never shied around canonizing women as saints, and that does not mean nevertheless that they are called to any sort of religious leadership.

A woman preaching the Bible suffers men to listen to an incompatible voice by an incompatible mind. You want to imply that it is misogyny when women through history have seen it as a clear teaching to men and women.
You all have this atrocious idea where everywhere you see a woman subservient, it's due to some hatred of women. In Islam for example, most women are proud of wearing coverings, because they aren't a bunch of 1st World frauds like so many woman are.

Sorry to burst your woman bubble, but you all don't do anything but cause problems for your own benefit.


Paul clearly teaches that Christian women are not supposed to be the head of man...

Men and women are equal before God. Christian women love their brothers in the Lord.

The daughters of Zelophehad had asked that they be permitted to inherit their father's land upon his death because he had no sons. The Lord decided for them. Moses granted their request (Num. 27:1–11). They received more than a piece of land. They had asked for spiritual gifts and used them. No one came between them and the Lord.


Men and women are equal before God. Christian women love their brothers in the Lord.

They are only equal as far as inheriting salvation. In every other sector, that's categorically false by every singe measure of scripture.
You just want to wedge yourself within the ordained roles of men.

The daughters of Zelophehad had asked that they be permitted to inherit their father's land upon his death because he had no sons. The Lord decided for them. Moses granted their request (Num. 27:1–11). They received more than a piece of land. They had asked for spiritual gifts and used them. No one came between them and the Lord.

Not even Christianity can escape women usurping men, so why is it surprising that they attempt to do so with everything else.

Your logic:
Adam also means Eve
Eve doesn't mean Adam

That is where your bogus ideology simply shows itself for what it really is. It's clear, patented feminism.


Stop blaspheming Christianity to spread your agenda.

:yawn: You're projecting again (Eph 4:14). :noway:

Ps 68:11 is coming true. In Hebrew: The Lord announces the word and the women who proclaim it are a mighty large army. This is a prophetic utterance :listen: and it is being fulfilled.


:yawn: You're projecting again (Eph 4:14). :noway:

Ps 68:11 is coming true. In Hebrew: The Lord announces the word and the women who proclaim it are a mighty large army. This is a prophetic utterance :listen: and it is being fulfilled.

The Jews do not have authoritative rabbis. They are simply scholars in their own interest.

No doubt, feminism has warped translation there, just as homosexual supporters with relevant passages. In fact, they are both from the same root, feminism and gay advocacy.


Martha was a dutiful servant (Lk 10:40); but, Mary had chosen something better--learning at Jesus' feet :listen: and no one would take it from her (10:41–42).


:yawn: You're projecting again (Eph 4:14).

Women may also praise God in church (Ps 98:4).

Yall don't know the difference between praising and preaching anymore than you do between wages and earnings, ogling and rape, or equality and privilege :chuckle:


Women are also priests unto God (Re 5:10).

You merely insert 'woman' where it is not stated.

The scriptures were written to men. It never once speaks to a female reader, ever. You can look through Proverbs or all through the NT teachings as plain examples- it is meant for male eyes.

This is another big reason women shouldn't be preaching it, and why Paul teaches just that- which you nonetheless try to bend to your favor. To be frank, you aren't doing anything other than trying to force scripture to concede to your notions.