Agreed. No Holy Writ that. Good ideas? Equality before the law, unalienable rights, to check a few. Bad ideas? Those rights and that equality mostly reserved for the landed white guys, owning humans, and women as second class citizens.
Slavery is an ages old thing. It may not have been as benevolent as taking people from mud huts and given them full citizenry, but it was taking people out of mud huts nonetheless.
The reality there is deemed 'racist' out of envy in their history not being as illustrious as ours, so we neglect reality and shame our own lain:
And as far as abuse, well there's not an abused slave or immoral slaver alive today, so it's a needless discussion.
Also, how many wars did women fight in? How many of them went to the frontiers, or provided security and food?
They had it made, hombre. Stop spreading the lie that they were treated 'second class'.