Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Resident Fiend
Rimi said:
Pot. Kettle. Black. You've made some innuendos and personal attacks against me...
I'm the Resident Fiend. That's my job. If you don't like it, grow a thicker skin.

...but cry and whine like a fag when I call you a . . . well, ya know.
I trust you can provide references showing where I have "cried and whined". Specific posts, please.
You need to get a life.
Already have one, thanks.
And try dating someone of the opposite sex.
Somehow, I doubt my wife would approve. :chuckle:

Rimi, abusing you is going to be so much fun... :devil:

:: sound of knife being sharpened ::


Resident Fiend
shilohproject said:
If you were in Europe, would you beat him to within a centimeter of his life, or would you extend the full 2.54?
Nah, I'm a snob for the English system. :devil:


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Granite said:
"Forced"? If somebody's "forced" to spend eternity there after getting dismembered or burned alive with saline maybe paradise ain't all it's cracked up to be.
You're the one arguing that they are forced.

Consider: the choices you cite were made IN LIFE. After birth, in other words.
I don't mean to split hairs, but please clarify: Are you saying that life does not begin until birth?

The literalism you're forced into makes you claim that aborted children could very well be consigned to eternal torture. Sickening and nightmarish, but at least you're consistent.
Consider, you hate the God of the Bible and want nothing to do with Him because of things that sinful people did to you, which you attribute to God. Is it so far fetched to think that some unborn babies might likewise wrongly hold God accountable for their suffering and early death?

Consider also that God created angels sinless, but Lucifer and a third of the angels chose to reject/rebel against Him.

The literalism you're forced into makes you claim that aborted children could very well be consigned to eternal torture. Sickening and nightmarish,
What's sickening and nightmarish is the suggestion that we ought to slaughter unborn babies to ensure their place in Heaven.
but at least you're consistent.
Is this a concession that you cannot make a biblical case that slaughtered babies are forced to spend eternity in Heaven?


New member
beanieboy said:
I believe in God.
I don't believe in your version of God.

And I've read the bible.
You claim to be a christian.
I question it. "By your fruit you will know them."
You are bitter, angry, mocking, spiteful, murderous, cause strife.

You are not full of joy, gentlenes, kindness, hope, mercy, etc.

My, Rimi, what big EYES you have....

You're a homo. Trumps any deficiencies I might have . . . which you got all wrong anyway.


New member
Gerald said:
And are you effective? Do you change the mocker's behavior?
Yes, and I accomplish this by beating the mocker to within an inch of his life.

That is the most effective rebuke available.

Oh, so you break the law. Figures.


New member
Gerald said:
I'm the Resident Fiend. That's my job. If you don't like it, grow a thicker skin.

I trust you can provide references showing where I have "cried and whined". Specific posts, please.
Already have one, thanks.
Somehow, I doubt my wife would approve. :chuckle:

Rimi, abusing you is going to be so much fun... :devil:

:: sound of knife being sharpened ::

Merely pointing out what a hypocrite you are. Every post of yours is a "cry and whine". Fine, take your wife out more, get a life. Oh, wait, you're too busy fantasizing about abusing me . . . . well, that's why they call it a fantasy.


New member
Granite said:
Gerald, you got the knife, I'll bring the rock salt and--

(Snips off remaining ideas.)

Interesting . . . . the original question of the thread implies a law. These freaks are clearly talking about doing something illegal. And they they get all made when I say "fag". . .. go figure.


Resident Fiend
Rimi said:
Oh, so you break the law. Figures.
Two consenting adults electing to pound each other into hash is hardly against the law. I always challenge the mocker first. If he declines, that's his loss of face. If not, it's still his loss of face.

Besides, where I come from, people settle their own disputes without police involvement. No sense in having the Nanny State™ wading in, mucking things up.

The true measure of a rebuke is its effectiveness. To paraphrase an old saying: A stern lecture is soon forgotten; a broken nose is long remembered.


Resident Fiend
Rimi said:
These freaks are clearly talking about doing something illegal.
It's not illegal if you consent to it... :chuckle:

Come on! A good nasty brawl can be better than sex! :banana:


New member
Gerald said:
Two consenting adults electing to pound each other into hash is hardly against the law. I always challenge the mocker first. If he declines, that's his loss of face. If not, it's still his loss of face.

Besides, where I come from, people settle their own disputes without police involvement. No sense in having the Nanny State™ wading in, mucking things up.

The true measure of a rebuke is its effectiveness. To paraphrase an old saying: A stern lecture is soon forgotten; a broken nose is long remembered.

Incorrect. People still have free will. But still I find it very interesting it's the atheist who resorts to violence individually instead of advocating a legal system to do that.


New member
Gerald said:
I trust you can show where I have advocated something I would not do myself?
You flatter yourself, my dear.

Yes, see above. I don't flatter myself in talking with dregs like you.