Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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New member
AIDS is a PLAGUE prophesied about. It is definitely not the 2nd death penalty. It is however a "judgment" rendered. Indiscriminitely? Not according to scripture from Exodus 20...For I, יהוה* your Elohim am a jealous Ěl, visiting the crookedness of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me,
Exo 20:6 but showing kindness to thousands, to those who love Me and guard My commands.

So, ANYONE can be liable, you would have to look back into the what their Fathers did, up to four generations back to see what "crookednesses" they did. And we don't have their "data"...but it was recorded upstairs by a messenger. Yah knows who to visit with what...we don't.


New member
AIDS is a death penalty that is handed down indiscriminately, then. There are children and heterosexuals who die of AIDS all the time, so it seems your system of divine "justice" is seriously flawed. Moron.

AIDS is a disease that can be indiscriminate by way of sex, except those that have sex do determine sex and iniquity. The other ways AIDS is contracted is by dealing with the infected, some times carelessly. Sadly the children infected by their mothers have to pay a price for their parents iniquity, don't they. Spare me the one in a million abherrant excuse/example. Homosexual sex often carries a death penalty that frightens even the jaded homosexuals. Your refusal to accept the consequences of sin/disease hardly changes anything, does it ? It is a form of justice of nature that you abhor, but given your impotence to deal with it the disease just keeps going on, doesn't it ? By the way, don't transfer your titles to me.


AIDS is a disease that can be indiscriminate by way of sex, except those that have sex do determine sex and iniquity. The other ways AIDS is contracted is by dealing with the infected, some times carelessly. Sadly the children infected by their mothers have to pay a price for their parents iniquity, don't they. Spare me the one in a million abherrant excuse/example. Homosexual sex often carries a death penalty that frightens even the jaded homosexuals. Your refusal to accept the consequences of sin/disease hardly changes anything, does it ? It is a form of justice of nature that you abhor, but given your impotence to deal with it the disease just keeps going on, doesn't it ? By the way, don't transfer your titles to me.
This is immoral. Jesus' justice with mercy has been perverted. I guess it really doesn't matter who or what you get your messages from. This is sicko.


New member
AIDS is a death penalty that is handed down indiscriminately, then. There are children and heterosexuals who die of AIDS all the time, so it seems your system of divine "justice" is seriously flawed. Moron.

AIDS is a disease that can be indiscriminate by way of sex, except those that have sex do determine sex and iniquity. The other ways AIDS is contracted is by dealing with the infected, some times carelessly. Sadly the children infected by their mothers have to pay a price for their parents iniquity, don't they. Spare me the one in a million abherrant excuse/example. Homosexual sex often carries a death penalty that frightens even the jaded homosexuals. Your refusal to accept the consequences of sin/disease hardly changes anything, does it ? It is a form of justice of nature that you abhor, but given your impotence to deal with it the disease just keeps going on, doesn't it ? By the way, don't transfer your titles to me.

So natures brand of 'justice' involves children 'paying the price for their parent's iniquity' does it? :dizzy:


New member
So natures brand of 'justice' involves children 'paying the price for their parent's iniquity' does it? :dizzy:

Exo 20:4 “You do not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of that which is in the heavens above, or which is in the earth beneath, or which is in the waters under the earth,
Exo 20:5 you do not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, יהוה your Elohim am a jealous Ěl, visiting the crookedness of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me,
Exo 20:6 but showing kindness to thousands, to those who love Me and guard My commands.

Nature? Hardly. Yahuweh said it will BE, and it IS. "Tough love" but we should have listened.


New member
Exo 20:4 “You do not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of that which is in the heavens above, or which is in the earth beneath, or which is in the waters under the earth,
Exo 20:5 you do not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, יהוה your Elohim am a jealous Ěl, visiting the crookedness of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me,
Exo 20:6 but showing kindness to thousands, to those who love Me and guard My commands.

Nature? Hardly. Yahuweh said it will BE, and it IS. "Tough love" but we should have listened.

"Tough love" is children being born with AIDS through no fault of their own......?

Gimme a break.....


New member
What difference does it make whose 'fault' it is? it's innocent children who suffer and can hardly be called "justice" - can it?! :freak:

Name one child who is innocent according to Scripture?

We were ALL born WITH SIN IN US...and "foolishness is BOUND in the heart of a child"! It is the Rod of Correction that will drive it from him.

If the parents hated Yah, then the children have that to pay for. (nobody complains about inheriting money, why complain about this) The children will commit the same sins as their fathers did. And that "house" will pollute the righteous ones if not deleted from their presence. So Yah is justly helping the ones who love Him by keeping the polluters away.

In the "house of my fathers", I have been raised up to "break the chain" for this house. I see my grandfathers sins, my fathers sins, and mine, in them. When I was "raised up", there was a turning in me, I found this out, and I began to HATE that which hated Yahuweh. You see, I want "my house" saved.

One can be raised up, and save that house by his belief, prayers, and obediences to the Righteousnesses of Yahuweh, by the Name of Yahuweh, by the belief in the Name of His Son, "even".

So...THIS GENERATION, will be told, "just this once", and if they believe, they can "save themselves and their house".

But that "Pearl" will only be "seen" by those who have been "raised up" and given the "truth of the matters" because in this last day, the "Kings shall rise" and "begin to give" "Right Rulings".

Now if that is "giberish" to advice would be to check your six. My children, I humbly pray, will not go through the second death. But they might have to suffer in this life becuase of their refusal to listen to and honor, first their Father in heaven and His Son, and then me, because I have followed Him and not hated Him, I have loved Him. I gave them up to prove it.

So now I pray for "my house", I choose to love Yah, and I wait patiently because I believe. If you can understand that, GREAT! Get to work and save your houses!

Prime directive: Get the first four down and the rest will come.


New member
The question should now change...Are YOU willing to raise up now to save "your house".

"How far are YOU willing to go?"


New member
Name one child who is innocent according to Scripture?

We were ALL born WITH SIN IN US...and "foolishness is BOUND in the heart of a child"! It is the Rod of Correction that will drive it from him.

If the parents hated Yah, then the children have that to pay for. (nobody complains about inheriting money, why complain about this) The children will commit the same sins as their fathers did. And that "house" will pollute the righteous ones if not deleted from their presence. So Yah is justly helping the ones who love Him by keeping the polluters away.

In the "house of my fathers", I have been raised up to "break the chain" for this house. I see my grandfathers sins, my fathers sins, and mine, in them. When I was "raised up", there was a turning in me, I found this out, and I began to HATE that which hated Yahuweh. You see, I want "my house" saved.

One can be raised up, and save that house by his belief, prayers, and obediences to the Righteousnesses of Yahuweh, by the Name of Yahuweh, by the belief in the Name of His Son, "even".

So...THIS GENERATION, will be told, "just this once", and if they believe, they can "save themselves and their house".

But that "Pearl" will only be "seen" by those who have been "raised up" and given the "truth of the matters" because in this last day, the "Kings shall rise" and "begin to give" "Right Rulings".

Now if that is "giberish" to advice would be to check your six. My children, I humbly pray, will not go through the second death. But they might have to suffer in this life becuase of their refusal to listen to and honor, first their Father in heaven and His Son, and then me, because I have followed Him and not hated Him, I have loved Him. I gave them up to prove it.

So now I pray for "my house", I choose to love Yah, and I wait patiently because I believe. If you can understand that, GREAT! Get to work and save your houses!

Prime directive: Get the first four down and the rest will come.

So what happens to these kids who die of AIDS then?


New member
AIDS is a death penalty that is handed down indiscriminately, then. There are children and heterosexuals who die of AIDS all the time, so it seems your system of divine "justice" is seriously flawed. Moron.

AIDS is a disease that can be indiscriminate by way of sex, except those that have sex do determine sex and iniquity. The other ways AIDS is contracted is by dealing with the infected, some times carelessly. Sadly the children infected by their mothers have to pay a price for their parents iniquity, don't they. Spare me the one in a million abherrant excuse/example. Homosexual sex often carries a death penalty that frightens even the jaded homosexuals. Your refusal to accept the consequences of sin/disease hardly changes anything, does it ? It is a form of justice of nature that you abhor, but given your impotence to deal with it the disease just keeps going on, doesn't it ? By the way, don't transfer your titles to me.

Listen up, nimrod. If you think AIDS is anything but a disease spread by normal human activity then you are truly an idiot. You blame the victims for their illness and claim that it is the work of a "just" God? So you just shrug off the children who got cross in the crossfire as either the work of a nearsighted deity or wretched little sinners who deserve what they got for having the temerity to be born? You lack of understanding and compassion both show you for the wretched little puke you are. We ARE dealing with the disease, and eventually we will find a solution to your "justice" that will leave the world a better place. Will you cry?


New member
The question should now change...Are YOU willing to raise up now to save "your house".

"How far are YOU willing to go?"

the only thing needs saving in my house is some potatoes. those little buggers sit around all day long being lazy and never accomplish nothing. therefore they will roast in the firey depths of hell called my oven. how is that for allegory mr. everyone has a house?

anyways, if being saved means u have the mindset of 80% of the people on this site who wants it?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Right, well in that case those who cohabit and arent engaged or married cant commit adultery then can they? :doh:
Well, there's what Delmar said, and your admittance that engaged fits into the equation. But none of that means it's okay for people to "live together."

Actually you havent said thats what you thought Jesus was writing on the ground
Yes, I have.

- though it makes sense that you do because it can allow you to wrangle a simple verse to suit your own ideas, shame it says that Jesus said 'let he who is without sin' cast the first stone and not just those that might be counted under 'mosaic law', you're clutching at straws again, Jesus convicted a crowd on that day by their conscience, he was instrumental in sparing a woman from a hideous death by a self righteous mob and u will try anything to turn this verse into something different than what it so clearly says.....
How were sins not counted if they were not counted in the Mosaic law?! Name me one sin that is not mentioned in the Mosaic law!

Which involves taking a stand against medieval boodthirsty thinking among other things
"The LORD abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man."
-Psalm 5:6b

If God abhors the bloodthirsty man, why is His command bloodthirsty?

Nothing cowardly about what I've said unless being honest counts as such, like I've said, I could care less what you think anyway....
You're a coward who is unwilling to stand up for what the God he claims to follow commands!


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Well I certainly don't believe we should give people the death penalty for sins of being homo If God wants them dead he can do it.
I dare you to say that to His face on judgment day. I can just see it now, "if You wanted your commands to be accomplished, you should have done them Yourself!":rotfl:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Murder is a crime but are you saying Aids is murder, well if someone knowingly gives someone Aids it is murder even if it is a slow agonizing death.
Then it should be a crime before the court of law.
That is my take on it.
Is murder not a sin, then?


New member
Well, there's what Delmar said, and your admittance that engaged fits into the equation. But none of that means it's okay for people to "live together."

Er, they cant exactly commit adultery either....

Oh ok, my oversight.....which is still a bit of a far stretch of the imagination regardless, I fail to see why Jesus would be writing a "list" of things on the ground if the only 'real' sin was to have brought a woman by herself before Jesus and the crowd....

How were sins not counted if they were not counted in the Mosaic law?! Name me one sin that is not mentioned in the Mosaic law!

Child molestation? We could go around in circles for ages on this one LH.......

"The LORD abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man."
-Psalm 5:6b

If God abhors the bloodthirsty man, why is His command bloodthirsty?

It's bloodthirsty in a modern day age to willingly bring back archaic methods of punishment, should we go back to hating our enemies also? What did Jesus have to say about that? Right now it is you who advocates bringing back a punishment from thousands of years ago for people whose 'crime' is effectively none of yours or the state's business....

re a coward who is unwilling to stand up for what the God he claims to follow commands!

i'm realistic enough to know that things change - that Jesus himself came to dispense with hatred of enemies and spared a woman from the same fate of that in which you would so willingly allow - and will go through hoops to try and make those words that convicted people through their conscience to think better of it,
there is nothing brave about throwing stones at people LH.......


New member
And? What is mercy? Is it merciful to allow criminals to escape justice?

Exactly LH, the whole point of the Law is to PROTECT THE PEOPLE OF YAH, and to create "a peculiar people who worship in spirit and in truth." And the "strangers with them" so that they too may be brought into "the fold". It is a Great Mercy to remove offenders of the People from the People, and to rid them out of this world so not to teach another their ways.

Only the offenders have a problem with it, and the offenders children, whose lives ended early, will show up in front of the Master to say "truly our fathers have inherited lies", but the Master made provision for them! 1)They don't have to endure the rash of this world, 2) "Father forgive them for they know not what they do". 3) and they won't be taught wrongly!

So, if a man thinks on the things of heaven like instructed, there is no problem with any of this. If however a man dwells on the things of this world, he will fail in his adjudications of the word.

If the judgments given in the here and now are not accepted as the rebukes they are, and there is no repentance of the offenses, if the rebukes are SPURNED, when they are placed in front of the perspective faces, then how can they say they did not know?

They can not lie to Yah. Denial is not "not knowing" denial is saying to Yah, "you're wrong and I am right". Well Yah is NEVER WRONG, and if a person doesn't understand that, it is because that person HATES YAH, and has given no committment, they have lied to themselves.

We all have to dump the "comfort zone" sooner or later, we can't be followers of the Messiah without persecutions, nope, no way. Not in this flesh.