Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Real Sorceror

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It was a religious law. If it hadn't been repealed, none of them would have, and salvation wouldn't be by grace. However, it would still only be for those who followed God, and as a governmental law, it would stand only for Israel. I'm advocating these laws, not because they are from the Bible, but because I truly believe they would make for a better society. Religious laws only make for a more religious society.
I see. So you believe executing adulterers and homosexuals would make for a better society? Well, good luck with that.
What about the faithfulness of your own spouse?
I would never kill my spouse for sleeping around, nor would I want the government to do so. She would have broken my trust, but its no grounds for killing people. Executing adulterers doesn't make anything better. A more reasonable solution would be to get at the root of the problem, before a crime is ever committed.
Or how about you don't join the government, then you wouldn't have to worry about it. The bottom line is that the government should not allow the foundation of society [family] to be undermined. Adultery undermines family.
Again, its still no grounds for killing someone. If the government doesn't want families undermined, they should work to stop adultery before it ever happens.
Lazy? He left us instructions, and letting us learn from the consequences of not following His instructions is not lazy. It's the best way to teach a lesson. The problem is people like you, who don't want to listen to the instructor.
The instructor has given me no reason to believe he exists, or even that there is a class in session.


New member
I see. So you believe executing adulterers and homosexuals would make for a better society? Well, good luck with that.

I would never kill my spouse for sleeping around, nor would I want the government to do so. She would have broken my trust, but its no grounds for killing people. Executing adulterers doesn't make anything better. A more reasonable solution would be to get at the root of the problem, before a crime is ever committed.

Again, its still no grounds for killing someone. If the government doesn't want families undermined, they should work to stop adultery before it ever happens.

The instructor has given me no reason to believe he exists, or even that there is a class in session.

precisely, how on earth would killing an unfaithful spouse achieve anything but yet more pain for all concerned - especially if there are children involved, how this would make a 'better society' is just absurd.....


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I see. So you believe executing adulterers and homosexuals would make for a better society? Well, good luck with that.
I think putting an end to homosexuality and adultery would make for a better society. And if there was good enough reason to stop doing it, people would stop doing it, and there would be no one being executed for it. But apparently you never thought it through, and made that connection.

I would never kill my spouse for sleeping around, nor would I want the government to do so. She would have broken my trust, but its no grounds for killing people. Executing adulterers doesn't make anything better. A more reasonable solution would be to get at the root of the problem, before a crime is ever committed.
If your wife was not willing to die for committing adultery, she wouldn't commit adultery, therefore crime averted. See how simple that was?

And what about murderers? Should we execute them, or no?

Again, its still no grounds for killing someone. If the government doesn't want families undermined, they should work to stop adultery before it ever happens.
By promising that those who commit adultery will be executed. Problem solved.

The instructor has given me no reason to believe he exists, or even that there is a class in session.
There is a book, though, isn't there?

precisely, how on earth would killing an unfaithful spouse achieve anything but yet more pain for all concerned - especially if there are children involved, how this would make a 'better society' is just absurd.....
If a murderer has children, should we allow them to live, so their children don't lose a parent? Or so one does not lose their spouse?


Maximeee's Husband
precisely, how on earth would killing an unfaithful spouse achieve anything but yet more pain for all concerned - especially if there are children involved, how this would make a 'better society' is just absurd.....

You are assuming that people will behave in the disgusting manner they do today once these laws are in place.

Why do you feel that you are more capable of devising just and effective sanctions than God is?

If you have kids, I bet they're spoiled brats.


New member
You are assuming that people will behave in the disgusting manner they do today once these laws are in place.

Why do you feel that you are more capable of devising just and effective sanctions than God is?

If you have kids, I bet they're spoiled brats.

Peoples private lives are their own 'affair', you are in no more of a position to stand in judgement of a person who has an affair than I am, its got nothing to do with either of us or the state but the people involved, I no longer want to live in the dark ages thanks.....there is nothing in the NT that justifies the DP for for adultery, get over it....

Oh, and I dont presently have kids, but I'll tell you one thing, if i do have kids they'll be loved and brought up as best as what I can manage both financially, morally and emotionally - and that will include encouraging them to think for themselves and not buy that something automatically has to be 'true' because zealotry demands it......


New member
I think putting an end to homosexuality and adultery would make for a better society. And if there was good enough reason to stop doing it, people would stop doing it, and there would be no one being executed for it. But apparently you never thought it through, and made that connection.

If your wife was not willing to die for committing adultery, she wouldn't commit adultery, therefore crime averted. See how simple that was?

And what about murderers? Should we execute them, or no?

By promising that those who commit adultery will be executed. Problem solved.

There is a book, though, isn't there?

If a murderer has children, should we allow them to live, so their children don't lose a parent? Or so one does not lose their spouse?

Murder is not the same as adultery LH which is blindingly obvious.....


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Murder is not the same as adultery LH which is blindingly obvious.....
That's not the point. The argument that you are leaving a person without a spouse, or children without that parent is faulty, because no matter the crime, if death is the penalty, then someone is left without that someone, in the majority of cases, whether it be a spouse, children, parents, or even friends.


New member
That's not the point. The argument that you are leaving a person without a spouse, or children without that parent is faulty, because no matter the crime, if death is the penalty, then someone is left without that someone, in the majority of cases, whether it be a spouse, children, parents, or even friends.

Murder and violent sexual crime are things that violate people to the worst possible extent, there is reason as to why these crimes warrant tougher sentences than shoplifting for example, in adultery noone is killed or sexually violated, there is immorality but in many cases relationships can be repaired regardless, executing a parent for having a fling and executing someone who's cold bloodedly killed can hardly be comparable in a society with any sense of civility and reason....


New member
Really? Can you prove that? Can you provide anything that repeals it?

Jesus came to give us a new covenant, and regardless of the political shenanigans of the pharisees Jesus also convicted people that they had no right to throw stones at an adultereous woman no matter you really want the state to intervene in peoples lives where privacy would be effectively be a thing of the past?

In fact would you really want your spouse to be killed if they were unfaithful, even if they were remorseful and wanted to make amends? :think:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Jesus came to give us a new covenant, and regardless of the political shenanigans of the pharisees Jesus also convicted people that they had no right to throw stones at an adultereous woman no matter you really want the state to intervene in peoples lives where privacy would be effectively be a thing of the past?
No matter what? Wrong. Do you even know what the Mosaic law says in regards to adultery, and the execution of adulterers? Can you tell me what those men didn't do, that the law states they were to do?

Also, if Jesus had said, "yes," what would the accusers have to accuse Him of? If He had said, "no," what would they have had to accuse Him of? Do you know?

And what makes you think their will be any invasion of privacy?

In fact would you really want your spouse to be killed if they were unfaithful, even if they were remorseful and wanted to make amends? :think:
No. But that isn't up to me.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
It is hard to believe you are still spending so much time in the homosexual threads with so many more important things to talk about.
I wouldnt have a problem with that if things were to focus on other issues to the extent that homosexuality garners, how about battling ideas out to combat poverty, homelessness, disease, depression, run down orphanages, ruining addictions and suffering that make up part of everyday life for so many people? This issue seems to take precedence over everything else and there's no reason why it should......


New member
No matter what? Wrong. Do you even know what the Mosaic law says in regards to adultery, and the execution of adulterers? Can you tell me what those men didn't do, that the law states they were to do?

Also, if Jesus had said, "yes," what would the accusers have to accuse Him of? If He had said, "no," what would they have had to accuse Him of? Do you know?

And what makes you think their will be any invasion of privacy?

No. But that isn't up to me.

Well what would you call the state intervention into the private lives and relationships of people? I'd call it an invasion of privacy....!
To be quite honest LH if you could grass up your partner to the authorities for having an affair because its 'not up to you' or just sit back and let someone you supposedly love die a pointless death then it only goes to show what a monstrous idea it is in a so called 'civilised' society to kill people for infidelity....

As we've already debated I'm well aware of what the pharisees were trying to do, it doesnt deflect away from Jesus bringing us a new covenant and a better way to live, do you still hate your enemies? :think:


New member
It is hard to believe you are still spending so much time in the homosexual threads with so many more important things to talk about.

Except if you've been following this debate this thread has moved onto adultery and the sickening idea that people should be put to death because of it, either way I post on plenty of different topics as a quick search would testify to, nice try though...... :chuckle:

EDIT: I'm glad you agree that there are so many more important topics to talk about though :thumb:


New member
It is hard to believe you are still spending so much time in the homosexual threads with so many more important things to talk about.

It's hard to be silent when there are people who honestly believe that homosexuality should be punishable by death.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Well what would you call the state intervention into the private lives and relationships of people? I'd call it an invasion of privacy....!
If someone is accused, then an investigation is done. It's no different than now, when one is accused of a crime.

To be quite honest LH if you could grass up your partner to the authorities for having an affair because its 'not up to you' or just sit back and let someone you supposedly love die a pointless death then it only goes to show what a monstrous idea it is in a so called 'civilised' society to kill people for infidelity....
God is the authority, not me. And even Jesus said to the Father, "Thy will be done."

[quiote]As we've already debated I'm well aware of what the pharisees were trying to do, it doesnt deflect away from Jesus bringing us a new covenant and a better way to live, do you still hate your enemies? :think:[/quote]
You didn't answer the questions.

I'll answer yours, when you answer mine.


New member
If someone is accused, then an investigation is done. It's no different than now, when one is accused of a crime.

So in effect it would actually come down to someone reporting their own spouse to the authorities then? I cant see many doing that can you? Not if it means that a loved one is going to die as a result, and that being said it is STILL an invasion of privacy regardless into the private relationships of people which the state and any other nosey person really shouldnt have...

God is the authority, not me. And even Jesus said to the Father, "Thy will be done."

As we've already debated I'm well aware of what the pharisees were trying to do, it doesnt deflect away from Jesus bringing us a new covenant and a better way to live, do you still hate your enemies? :think:
You didn't answer the questions.

I'll answer yours, when you answer mine.

Really cold LH, no way would I shop someone I loved to a state which would put her to death for it no matter how angry and hurt I was and nor would I sit idly back and let it happen, there is no call in the NT for adulterteres to be put to death, geez - we live in a supposedly enlightened age, not some bloodthirsty time gone past.....and I've already been through the incident with the pharisees and their politics a number of times already, noone is denying that they had an agenda, that does NOT negate what Jesus said to a crowd, if they WERE allowed to stone her under law do you think that Jesus would have said anything different? Now, do you hate your enemies?


I think putting an end to homosexuality and adultery would make for a better society. And if there was good enough reason to stop doing it, people would stop doing it, and there would be no one being executed for it. But apparently you never thought it through, and made that connection.

If your wife was not willing to die for committing adultery, she wouldn't commit adultery, therefore crime averted. See how simple that was?

And what about murderers? Should we execute them, or no?

By promising that those who commit adultery will be executed. Problem solved.

There is a book, though, isn't there?

If a murderer has children, should we allow them to live, so their children don't lose a parent? Or so one does not lose their spouse?
Breath-taking hypocrisy....


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
So in effect it would actually come down to someone reporting their own spouse to the authorities then? I cant see many doing that can you? Not if it means that a loved one is going to die as a result, and that being said it is STILL an invasion of privacy regardless into the private relationships of people which the state and any other nosey person really shouldnt have...
Reporting their own spouse? No. Plenty of people can figure out that someone is having an affair.

You have absolutely no regard for family, at all. That's sad.

Really cold LH, no way would I shop someone I loved to a state which would put her to death for it no matter how angry and hurt I was and nor would I sit idly back and let it happen, there is no call in the NT for adulterteres to be put to death, geez - we live in a supposedly enlightened age, not some bloodthirsty time gone past.....and I've already been through the incident with the pharisees and their politics a number of times already, noone is denying that they had an agenda, that does NOT negate what Jesus said to a crowd, if they WERE allowed to stone her under law do you think that Jesus would have said anything different? Now, do you hate your enemies?
You have one story that you think says that adulterers are not to be put to death. And they weren't even allowed to stone her under the Mosaic law, let alone the Roman law. But it's obvious you didn't know that. And I'm not surprised.

Breath-taking hypocrisy....
How so?