Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Resident Fiend
Just Tom said:
3) I have had a negative experience with every homo I have meet for the past 20+ years. They all make advances dummy...
You must be a very pretty man to attract that sort of attention consistently over the last twenty years, because I've never been propositioned that way, ever.


New member
Hall of Fame
No kidding. I think Tom's exaggerating or really imagining things.

Or indulging in wishful thinking.

Real Sorceror

New member
A lesbian once called me hansom.......but Im a guy. Ive met some really gay dudes, and none of them have hit on me. Its cus I dont show up on gaydar.


New member
Hall of Fame
Real Sorceror said:
A lesbian once called me hansom.......but Im a guy. Ive met some really gay dudes, and none of them have hit on me. Its cus I dont show up on gaydar.

Actually I've had the same experience exactly.


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It's a lot harder to depersonalize and degrade an entire group when you interact with them, for one thing.


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Granite said:
It's a lot harder to depersonalize and degrade an entire group when you interact with them, for one thing.
Well that's true.

Not that I think it matters a whole lot, but the experiences I've had with homosexuals have all been fine. I interact with a couple at school quite often actually. Can't say I've known any lesbians though.


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Agape4Robin said:
There you go again, mistaking tolerance for acceptance................:rolleyes:

I'll say it again:

It's harder to degrade and depersonalize a group when you interact with members of said group.

What exactly is false about that statement?

Hating someone or something you've never met is easy. Hating someone you know face to face requires a lot more courage.

Just Tom

New member

It is not that I didn't answer the questions... You just don't like the answers..

I didn't read the books of homo haters but of homo apologists. Their delusion and psychological inversion was written all over the pages. Heck I have yet to loose a public debate to a homo or one of their apologist like you. You talk in circles and use circular reasoning and pseudo psychology and healthy people accept homos.. Blah Blah blah..

Yes homosexuality is infective since it is a psychological inversion. Thus the ideas of such a person a false and destructive. A druggy knows what got him hooked and homos know what got them trapped. Look at what they promote for real not the smoke screen of tolerance.

They know how to infect the children..

Just Tom

New member
I guess it's easy to miss when OF spams at a rate of 8 posts/page and of the 148 pages, Tom's probably contributed about a third of the total posts for this thread. Anyway, you didn't answer my questions, you refused to answer every single one, instead going back to your broken record of, "ever since it was taken off the mental disorder list..."

When you say something like this you just show how foolish you are..

Could we get an admin to do a post count.. and include no worries name change to happy mess..

I bet I am in the lower third off all the posters..

And I bet that the homo supporters here top the list..

Any takers..?


3.14159 said:

Women have vaginas and men have penises. Men have testicles and women have wombs. Men have an outtie; women have an innie. Men give half the chromosomes; men give the other half. That is just how it is. Two penises or two vaginas just won't work.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
A non-Biblical reason?:think:

They attempt to seduce straight people, and many of them molest children in order to "recruit." A majority of them spread STDs around, including deadly ones. They parade their perversion in the streets, while naked.


New member
Lighthouse said:
A non-Biblical reason?:think:

They attempt to seduce straight people, and many of them molest children in order to "recruit." A majority of them spread STDs around, including deadly ones. They parade their perversion in the streets, while naked.

Give me facts, statistics, personal experiences as to how you came to these conclusions. Citing Just Tom does not count ;) This will need to be longer than, "I just know." Because right now you're just talking out of your ***.

"They attempt to seduce straight people" - they're gay! why muck about with straights when you can easily have sex with another gay much easier? Has one ever tried to seduce you?

"many of them molest children in order to "recruit." - source, please. where do you people come up with this garbage. there are just as many sick, twisted, straight pedeophiles as there are gay ones.

"A majority of them spread STDs around, including deadly ones" - only to each other, and with the pill I posted about in an earlier thread, the transmission of AIDS will hopefully be able to be prevented in the near future.

"They parade their perversion in the streets, while naked." - ever hear of Mardi Gras? Topless women and all that..? Why don't you go castrate yourself, maybe you'll be less moody.. :cheers:

On Fire

New member
Gerald said:
You must be a very pretty man to attract that sort of attention consistently over the last twenty years, because I've never been propositioned that way, ever.
You're a 350 lb. lard-butt and not nearly cute enough....


New member
Hall of Fame
Lighthouse said:
A non-Biblical reason?:think:

They attempt to seduce straight people, and many of them molest children in order to "recruit." A majority of them spread STDs around, including deadly ones. They parade their perversion in the streets, while naked.

Oh? How many times have gay folk tried to seduce you? (Let's also keep in mind straight women don't touch Brandon with a ten foot pole.)

A majority of homosexuals have STDs? Where did you come across this stupendous discovery?

"Many" molest children? Cite this please.

You're indulging in paranoia and wishful thinking.

On Fire

New member
eisenreich said:
Give me facts, statistics, personal experiences as to how you came to these conclusions. Citing Just Tom does not count ;) This will need to be longer than, "I just know." Because right now you're just talking out of your ***.

"They attempt to seduce straight people" - they're gay! why muck about with straights when you can easily have sex with another gay much easier? Has one ever tried to seduce you?

"many of them molest children in order to "recruit." - source, please. where do you people come up with this garbage. there are just as many sick, twisted, straight pedeophiles as there are gay ones.

"A majority of them spread STDs around, including deadly ones" - only to each other, and with the pill I posted about in an earlier thread, the transmission of AIDS will hopefully be able to be prevented in the near future.

"They parade their perversion in the streets, while naked." - ever hear of Mardi Gras? Topless women and all that..? Why don't you go castrate yourself, maybe you'll be less moody.. :cheers:
I think I understand now....


New member
On Fire said:
I think I understand now....
Make sure you didn't get any cooties going to the website where you found that pride image, OF :) I don't want you to catch "teh gay," I hear it's the next pandemic.

OF, how many gays have you personally known that you thought to be loathsome, disgusting, twisted people? Please don't dodge this question, if we are actually going to get somewhere with this discussion, this kind of information is important.

Personally, there were very few gays at my small highschool in central Pennsylvania, either that or they were afraid of coming out; my community wasn't overly tolerant with that sort of thing. When I went to college, there were many more, perhaps because they felt they could be themselves without risking banishment from their families, the people who are supposed to love them unconditionally. The gays I met were smart, well-spoken, and generally fun to be around. They also never tried to hit on me or any of my friends; any stories about sexual conquests normally came from my straight friends, with usually much more than we needed to know.. It would be interesting to hear more about other people's personal experiences with gays they've known personally, not just hated and judged from a distance.

Granite made a great point in that it's easy to demonize a group of people you refuse to interact with. One aspect of being human and experiencing empathy comes from interacting with people, even those with whom you may not agree.