Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Just Tom said:
Now you and your kind show how homosexuality is contagious.
Tom, a few innocent questions, these are straight-forward so they shouldn't be difficult to answer.

1. How many books would you say you've read on the topic of homosexuality?
2. How much time (minutes/hours) do you spend each day thinking or writing about homosexuality, here on ToL, or in your everday life?
3. Have you ever had a negative experience in which a homosexual acted inappropriate towards you? (hit on you or any member of your family, made any form of physical advance?)
4. Do you believe homosexuals deserve capital punishment?
4.a. If so, who specifically should be responsible for finding the homosexuals?
4.b. What specific department would be responsible for putting them to death?


New member
Lighthouse said:
Here's the problem with this question. This is not about Biblical law. This is about right and wrong, period. This is about just laws, that would protect a society from perversion and wickedness. I would expect a murderer who refused to repent, and did not turn to Christ to be executed, just as I would expect one who did repent and turn to Christ to be executed.

And your basis for calling it perverse and wicked? Apart from the bible (which would make it a biblical law issue), of course. When your perception of right and wrong is based solely on the bible, it becomes about biblical law. If you're gonna pass your ancient codes into modern law, you're going to have to find a secular reason to do so. Like it or not, that's the only way you can do it.

And how would society be harmed? And do you think that a gay man is as big a threat as a murderer?


New member
xMinionX said:
And your basis for calling it perverse and wicked? Apart from the bible (which would make it a biblical law issue), of course.

What do you mean, apart from the bible, of course? The Bible is the most morale book ever, why should't we base our thoughts and actions on what it says? Just because we argue from the Bible does not mean it is a "biblical law issue". It makes it an issue of right and wrong, and homosexuality is wrong.

Why in the world has this thread gone on this long? There are plenty of verses that prove that homosexuality is a capital crime. If you don't believe me, read through the whole Bible for yourself, it will do you some good (especially Romans chapters 1-3).


New member
dataanapar said:
What do you mean, apart from the bible, of course? The Bible is the most morale book ever, why should't we base our thoughts and actions on what it says? Just because we argue from the Bible does not mean it is a "biblical law issue". It makes it an issue of right and wrong, and homosexuality is wrong.

Why in the world has this thread gone on this long? There are plenty of verses that prove that homosexuality is a capital crime. If you don't believe me, read through the whole Bible for yourself, it will do you some good (especially Romans chapters 1-3).

Because millions of people in this very country place little to no stock in the bible. And because in this country (USA), we don't pass biblical laws. We are not a theocracy. Arguing from the bible will do just fine for churches and among believers, but it means nothing in the court room.


New member
xMinionX said:
Because millions of people in this very country place little to no stock in the bible. And because in this country (USA), we don't pass biblical laws. We are not a theocracy. Arguing from the bible will do just fine for churches and among believers, but it means nothing in the court room.

It should. My dollar bill still say, "In God We Trust" (although probably not for long). An experienced believer should be able to take what the Bible says and argue with it, not nessecarily quoting the Bible. That way the Bible seeps into peoples' minds without them knowing it, it's awesome.


New member
dataanapar said:
It should. My dollar bill still say, "In God We Trust" (although probably not for long). An experienced believer should be able to take what the Bible says and argue with it, not nessecarily quoting the Bible. That way the Bible seeps into peoples' minds without them knowing it, it's awesome.

I find that terribly disturbing and deceptive...

No Worries

New member
xMinionX said:
I find that terribly disturbing and deceptive...

I agree.

Dataanapar, what is and is not on the dollar bill is no argument for passing law or governance. On the dollar bill it also has thirteen stars in the shape of the seal of Solomon. There's also a pyramid with an all seeing eye in a triangle there too, tad masonic perhaps. 'Annuit Coeptis' means 'Announcing The Birth Of' and 'Novus Ordo Seclorum' means 'New World Order'. The Eagle has 32 feathers right wing, but 33 in its left wing. The 32 feathers representing the number of ordinary degrees of the Scottish Rite, and the 33 feathers representing the 33º of Freemasonry. 9 tail feathers, the number of degrees in the York Rite. The eagle itself is a prominent icon of Masonry, being used extensively in the Scottish Rite.

You've also got a big statue of Persephone, the Queen of Hades, sat on top of the Capitol dome (they later renamed her Freedom because people did not know who Persephone was :devil: ) but you look it up for yourself if you dont believe me. Thats Persephone up there and on the back of one of your bills.

If its God you trust and you want to use the US Dollar as an example how about purging your country from occult architecture and masonic relevance first.

As for teaching people by seeping into their brains without their knowing: thats called brainwashing or indoctrination.


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Hall of Fame
No Worries said:
I agree.

Dataanapar, what is and is not on the dollar bill is no argument for passing law or governance. On the dollar bill it also has thirteen stars in the shape of the seal of Solomon. There's also a pyramid with an all seeing eye in a triangle there too, tad masonic perhaps. 'Annuit Coeptis' means 'Announcing The Birth Of' and 'Novus Ordo Seclorum' means 'New World Order'. The Eagle has 32 feathers right wing, but 33 in its left wing. The 32 feathers representing the number of ordinary degrees of the Scottish Rite, and the 33 feathers representing the 33º of Freemasonry. 9 tail feathers, the number of degrees in the York Rite. The eagle itself is a prominent icon of Masonry, being used extensively in the Scottish Rite.

You've also got a big statue of Persephone, the Queen of Hades, sat on top of the Capitol dome (they later renamed her Freedom because people did not know who Persephone was :devil: ) but you look it up for yourself if you dont believe me. Thats Persephone up there and on the back of one of your bills.

If its God you trust and you want to use the US Dollar as an example how about purging your country from occult architecture and masonic relevance first.

As for teaching people by seeping into their brains without their knowing: thats called brainwashing or indoctrination.
You sure know a lot about the dollar bill!


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Hall of Fame
dataanapar said:
It should. My dollar bill still say, "In God We Trust" (although probably not for long). An experienced believer should be able to take what the Bible says and argue with it, not nessecarily quoting the Bible. That way the Bible seeps into peoples' minds without them knowing it, it's awesome.
yeah, because no one thinks about the bible when you tell them to kill gays unless you quote the bible....

Just Tom

New member
HappyMess said:
Dude all you have to say is that you like women and that you never think of men sexually either unintentionally or intentionally. Say that and if I believe you then I stop thinking of you as being gay and just a hate filled little fascist monkey instead.

Strange thing is I say I don't think of men that way and you call me gay. I ask if you ever or have ever thought of men sexually and you respond, "homosexuality is bad for society' - its that response that screams gay to me and everybody else.

Why do you consider sexuality such a big deal. Drugs are far more damaging to society yet you dont seem to be going off on one about that.

What makes you think that I don't like women... Because unlike you I am not so insecure that I need say that I like girls to prove I am not "gay" to someone like you who has the same values as homo's anyway..

Hate filled? LOL
Fascist monkey? LOL I suppose you think that homos are the nice tolerant loving kind individuals.. LOL
You see, you continue to prove what I have said all along that homosexuality is contagious.. You have been infected.. When it was taken off the DSM's list of mental disorders the psychological burden to change was placed on society. Happy mess you have been infected with the thinking and reasoning skills or lack there of, of the homosexual mind. You want a society were unless you declare publicly that you like women you are suspected of being a homo. If you oppose homosexuality you are a homo. Any resistance to homosexuality in any way is wrong, ignorant, and needs to be squashed.. Sounds like a fascist homo utopia.


The Dark Knight
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xMinionX said:
And your basis for calling it perverse and wicked? Apart from the bible (which would make it a biblical law issue), of course. When your perception of right and wrong is based solely on the bible, it becomes about biblical law. If you're gonna pass your ancient codes into modern law, you're going to have to find a secular reason to do so. Like it or not, that's the only way you can do it.
So you think murder being illegal is a solely Biblical issue?:rolleyes:

And how would society be harmed? And do you think that a gay man is as big a threat as a murderer?
Yes, I do. STDs are widespread because of sexual immorality, and homosexuals are one of the main reasons. And many of those STDs can cause death. If someone knowingly passes on such an STD, that is murder.

Just Tom

New member
eisenreich said:
Tom, a few innocent questions, these are straight-forward so they shouldn't be difficult to answer.

1. How many books would you say you've read on the topic of homosexuality?
2. How much time (minutes/hours) do you spend each day thinking or writing about homosexuality, here on ToL, or in your everday life?
3. Have you ever had a negative experience in which a homosexual acted inappropriate towards you? (hit on you or any member of your family, made any form of physical advance?)
4. Do you believe homosexuals deserve capital punishment?
4.a. If so, who specifically should be responsible for finding the homosexuals?
4.b. What specific department would be responsible for putting them to death?

1) Obviously more than you since I know the history and psychology of it..
2) If I think about preventing and opposing child abuse does that make me a child abuser? Only think about it when it is thrown in my face everyday in the news on the radio this culture is saturated by them now since it was taken off the list of mental disorder. And society has to change now not them. So anyone who resists is labeled one of them to discount them. Funny how soicopathic that is isn't it? They will use your inner, but openly hidden, natural disgust for homos to discount and label those who oppose them as really homo, it is only okay to hate or ignore discount someone who is a homo if you label them a closeted one. Then discrimination based on sexual orientation is okay.. You all are infected...
3) I have had a negative experience with every homo I have meet for the past 20+ years. They all make advances dummy,, Sex between men is the homo replacement for male bonding, It is a compulsive sexual disorder read a book dude...
4) Yes
5) Anyone
6) The Criminal Justice system


New member
Gay Tom said:
What makes you think that I don't like women... Because unlike you I am not so insecure that I need say that I like girls to prove I am not "gay" to someone like you who has the same values as homo's anyway..
Not quite the same values since they like men and I like women. I noted that once more you side stepped the point of saying you actually like women.

I suppose you think that homos are the nice tolerant loving kind individuals.
Some are, some aren't. Some heteros are nice tolerant loving kind individuals, some aren't. It depends on the individual. Because I like women doesn't qualify me as nice tolerant person. If a man is gay it doesnt qualify him as a nasty bigot. It depends. The way you talk is either of a bigot or a gay in denial. With your fruity rainbow coloured avatar it does favor one side though :eek:

You see, you continue to prove what I have said all along that homosexuality is contagious.. You have been infected.. When it was taken off the DSM's list of mental disorders the psychological burden to change was placed on society. Happy mess you have been infected with the thinking and reasoning skills or lack there of, of the homosexual mind. You want a society were unless you declare publicly that you like women you are suspected of being a homo. If you oppose homosexuality you are a homo. Any resistance to homosexuality in any way is wrong, ignorant, and needs to be squashed.. Sounds like a fascist homo utopia.

Feel free to resist away...I'm not trying to squash your voice. I'm going to use my voice to laugh at you, if you can't hear me you might have to open the door of that closet your in.


UR GAY! :mrt:


New member
Daniel50 said:
I don't understand gay "Christian"

Lighthouse and JustTom hold evening classes designed to bring you upto speed.
Enrolement is free but you may have to pay an entry fee.... :shocked:


Just Tom

New member
HappyMess said:
Not quite the same values since they like men and I like women. I noted that once more you side stepped the point of saying you actually like women.

Some are, some aren't. Some heteros are nice tolerant loving kind individuals, some aren't. It depends on the individual. Because I like women doesn't qualify me as nice tolerant person. If a man is gay it doesnt qualify him as a nasty bigot. It depends. The way you talk is either of a bigot or a gay in denial. With your fruity rainbow coloured avatar it does favor one side though :eek:

Feel free to resist away...I'm not trying to squash your voice. I'm going to use my voice to laugh at you, if you can't hear me you might have to open the door of that closet your in.


UR GAY! :mrt:

You have the same values as a homo which is why you don't see a problem with them..

Question: Is it wrong to have sex with someone other than your female wife?

All homos are, it is the nature of the psychological inversion. You wouldn't know that they are intolerant bigots cause you are walking hand in hand with them to hell.. The current never seems very strong when you are swimming with it..LOL


New member
Just Tom said:
Question: Is it wrong to have sex with someone other than your female wife?

Yes. If you're gay I suppose it would also be wrong to have sex with with someone other than your husband. :rotfl: Dude I get it. You're married and you have male fantasies.....I never watched Brokeback but I've heard about it. Good news is it got an oscar so people will accept you for who you are. :rotfl:

All homos are, it is the nature of the psychological inversion. You wouldn't know that they are intolerant bigots cause you are walking hand in hand with them to hell.. The current never seems very strong when you are swimming with it..LOL
At least Im not holding their hands as we walk into the bushes. Its you that has male fantasies.

Dude if some men like men thats cool...more single women in the world for us straight guys. Amen
