Shalom. The 613 Commandments of the Torah should be observed by Jews, Israel.


Yep! Day 5 Month 9 Kislev Year 5988. 12 years before Jesus returns on the 6000th year.
I do not know the year. The 9th month from Torah, Rosh Chodesh, is based on observation, not calculation. Without the temple, can this (Rosh Chodesh by observation with witnesses) be done?


Well-known member
I do not know the year. The 9th month from Torah, Rosh Chodesh, is based on observation, not calculation. Without the temple, can this (Rosh Chodesh by observation with witnesses) be done?

Yes. The Moon can still be seen from Jerusalem:)

God’s original calendar is starting to be recognised by some Christians and Jews. In the year 2000, a Jewish American called Nehemia Gordon b.1972 began to coordinate Aviv barley searches and new crescent moon sightings from Jerusalem. He is now the co-founder of the World Karaite Movement, a Karaite revival group in Israel. Karaites believe that the divine commandments handed down to Moses by God were recorded in the Torah,
and therefore do not accept the written collections of the oral traditions in the Jewish Midrash or Talmud Rabbinical writings. Some Christians have recognised the importance of his work in relation to the re-establishment of God’s Calendar in the land of Israel, and how it connects with end time prophecy.


Yes. The Moon can still be seen from Jerusalem:)

God’s original calendar is starting to be recognised by some Christians and Jews. In the year 2000, a Jewish American called Nehemia Gordon b.1972 began to coordinate Aviv barley searches and new crescent moon sightings from Jerusalem. He is now the co-founder of the World Karaite Movement, a Karaite revival group in Israel. Karaites believe that the divine commandments handed down to Moses by God were recorded in the Torah,
and therefore do not accept the written collections of the oral traditions in the Jewish Midrash or Talmud Rabbinical writings. Some Christians have recognised the importance of his work in relation to the re-establishment of God’s Calendar in the land of Israel, and how it connects with end time prophecy.
I am not big on end time prophecy. I do not know if it is legitimate. What we can do is obey God's Commandments. I do not know what to think of the Karaites. I read, study, observe, keep, and teach the Torah. Jesus taught that to be great in the kingdom of heaven one must keep and teach the Commandments.


Well-known member
I am not big on end time prophecy. I do not know if it is legitimate. What we can do is obey God's Commandments. I do not know what to think of the Karaites. I read, study, observe, keep, and teach the Torah. Jesus taught that to be great in the kingdom of heaven one must keep and teach the Commandments.

Well if you want to observe the Sabbath then the next one is from sunset Sunday 26th to sunset Monday 27th November:


Well-known member

The ancient Jewish calendar is different to the modern Jewish calendar that was created in 359AD by Rabbi Hillel II. The Sabbath according to God's Calendar falls on days 8, 15, 22 & 29 of each lunar month and are therefore not on Saturday (or Sunday etc) but can fall on any of the Julian/Gregorian days Monday through Sunday.

This can be hard to accept but the evidence is clear that the lunar Sabbath was gradually lost to history starting 70AD when the diaspora began to 359 AD when Hillel II finally accepted that the Jews around the world who had been using the new Roman 7 day rolling week for several generations would not be able to go back to the original lunar Sabbath because the new Roman rolling 7 day week was being used throughout the known world and also because the lunar Sabbath could not be kept as the Jews had been banned from living Jerusalem since the Simon Bar Kokhba revolt in 132AD, which meant they could no longer sight the new moon from Jerusalem and therefore could not know when each month really began and thus could not know when the lunar Sabbaths really were.

Hillel therefore created a new Jewish calendar in 359AD and used a 19 year mathematical equation to approximate the start of each month but crucially Hillel gave up any notion of trying to keep the lunar weeks fixed to the lunar cycle as before. I am merely scratching the surface here. I hope this helps and feel free to ask me anything else.


Well-known member

The ancient Jewish calendar is different to the modern Jewish calendar that was created in 359AD by Rabbi Hillel II. The Sabbath according to God's Calendar falls on days 8, 15, 22 & 29 of each lunar month and are therefore not on Saturday (or Sunday etc) but can fall on any of the Julian/Gregorian days Monday through Sunday.

This can be hard to accept but the evidence is clear that the lunar Sabbath was gradually lost to history starting 70AD when the diaspora began to 359 AD when Hillel II finally accepted that the Jews around the world who had been using the new Roman 7 day rolling week for several generations would not be able to go back to the original lunar Sabbath because the new Roman rolling 7 day week was being used throughout the known world and also because the lunar Sabbath could not be kept as the Jews had been banned from living Jerusalem since the Simon Bar Kokhba revolt in 132AD, which meant they could no longer sight the new moon from Jerusalem and therefore could not know when each month really began and thus could not know when the lunar Sabbaths really were.

Hillel therefore created a new Jewish calendar in 359AD and used a 19 year mathematical equation to approximate the start of each month but crucially Hillel gave up any notion of trying to keep the lunar weeks fixed to the lunar cycle as before. I am merely scratching the surface here. I hope this helps and feel free to ask me anything else:


The ancient Jewish calendar is different to the modern Jewish calendar that was created in 359AD by Rabbi Hillel II. The Sabbath according to God's Calendar falls on days 8, 15, 22 & 29 of each lunar month and are therefore not on Saturday (or Sunday etc) but can fall on any of the Julian/Gregorian days Monday through Sunday.

This can be hard to accept but the evidence is clear that the lunar Sabbath was gradually lost to history starting 70AD when the diaspora began to 359 AD when Hillel II finally accepted that the Jews around the world who had been using the new Roman 7 day rolling week for several generations would not be able to go back to the original lunar Sabbath because the new Roman rolling 7 day week was being used throughout the known world and also because the lunar Sabbath could not be kept as the Jews had been banned from living Jerusalem since the Simon Bar Kokhba revolt in 132AD, which meant they could no longer sight the new moon from Jerusalem and therefore could not know when each month really began and thus could not know when the lunar Sabbaths really were.

Hillel therefore created a new Jewish calendar in 359AD and used a 19 year mathematical equation to approximate the start of each month but crucially Hillel gave up any notion of trying to keep the lunar weeks fixed to the lunar cycle as before. I am merely scratching the surface here. I hope this helps and feel free to ask me anything else.

I do not even know what a lunar Sabbath is.


The first six days of each week are days in which we work. On the seventh day of each week we rest.


Well-known member
The first six days of each week are days in which we work. On the seventh day of each week we rest.

Yes I don't dispute that, but Jacob I have posted this link several times for you:

Everything you need to know and understand what God's lunar Sabbath is, is in that link. Click on it and read it through carefully. If you have any questions please ask me on that thread and I will be happy to explain everything to you.


Yes I don't dispute that, but Jacob I have posted this link several times for you:

Everything you need to know and understand what God's lunar Sabbath is, is in that link. Click on it and read it through carefully. If you have any questions please ask me on that thread and I will be happy to explain everything to you.
I have already looked at that thread. The Sabbath is the seventh day of each week.


Yes. The Moon can still be seen from Jerusalem:)

God’s original calendar is starting to be recognised by some Christians and Jews. In the year 2000, a Jewish American called Nehemia Gordon b.1972 began to coordinate Aviv barley searches and new crescent moon sightings from Jerusalem. He is now the co-founder of the World Karaite Movement, a Karaite revival group in Israel. Karaites believe that the divine commandments handed down to Moses by God were recorded in the Torah,
and therefore do not accept the written collections of the oral traditions in the Jewish Midrash or Talmud Rabbinical writings. Some Christians have recognised the importance of his work in relation to the re-establishment of God’s Calendar in the land of Israel, and how it connects with end time prophecy.

Positive Commandment 153 (Digest)
Calculating Months and Years

"This month shall be to you the beginning of months"—Exodus 12:2.

We are commanded to establish a calendar and calculate its months and years. The months are lunar months, with a new month established when the new moon appears; the years follow the solar seasonal cycle, necessitating the periodic addition of an extra (thirteenth) month to a year – which then becomes a "leap year" – because twelve lunar months are several days short of a solar year. This mitzvah is known as Sanctifying the New Moon.

This mitzvah is entrusted to the Jewish Supreme Court that presides in Israel. Unlike the counting of six days and then observing the Shabbat, a mitzvah that is incumbent upon every individual, no individual can unilaterally decide that a new month has arrived simply because he espied the new moon, and no individual can decide to add a month to the calendar based on his personal (even Torah-based) calculations.

Only the Supreme Court can make these calculations, and only in the Land of Israel. We follow the rulings issued by the Supreme Court in Israel even if they inadvertently established the "wrong" day as the New Moon, even if they did so under duress.

In the event that there are no qualified rabbis remaining in Israel, these calculations can be made, and months and leap years established, by a court that was ordained in Israel—even if it finds itself in the Diaspora.

Today we no longer sanctify the months based on the testimony of witnesses who saw the new moon, because there is no longer a sitting rabbinical Supreme Court in Israel—much as we no longer offer sacrifices, because we lack a Holy Temple.

But under no circumstances can an individual or court outside of Israel establish a new month or a leap year. Our calculations today in the Diaspora are only to determine which days the Court in Israel established as the New Moon, and which years they established as leap years.

[Editor's Note: Nachmanides asks, if so, how do we have holidays and a calendar today, when there is no rabbinical Supreme Court in Israel? He answers that there is a tradition that Hillel the Prince, who resided in Israel, established a calendar until the arrival of Moshiach, and sanctified all the new months and leap years until that time. Therefore, we can use our calculations to determine exactly what he previously established.]

Some laws associated with this mitzvah:

The extra month added to a leap year is the one contiguous to the month of Passover—i.e. Adar.
The establishment of new months and leap years must be done during daylight hours.
A year must be comprised of complete months; a month must be comprised of complete days.



The 613 Commandments of the Torah should be observed by Jews, Israel.

The New Covenant is for the house of Israel and the house of Judah. It is God's law written on minds and hearts. I believe that it came in Yeshua HaMashiach, Yeshua Messiah, Jesus the Christ. The Law and the Prophets have not been abolished. Jesus taught that to be great in the kingdom of heaven one must keep and teach the Commandments.

Do you disagree that in the New Covenant we have God's law and that no commandment from before has been annulled?



Apart from the 10 commandments, the laws of Judaism are human, they evolved over time among holy men. God is a living God with a Living will. All men and women are the sons of God, by faith we may realize this enobleing truth.


Well-known member
Positive Commandment 153 (Digest)
Calculating Months and Years

"This month shall be to you the beginning of months"—Exodus 12:2.

We are commanded to establish a calendar and calculate its months and years. The months are lunar months, with a new month established when the new moon appears; the years follow the solar seasonal cycle, necessitating the periodic addition of an extra (thirteenth) month to a year – which then becomes a "leap year" – because twelve lunar months are several days short of a solar year. This mitzvah is known as Sanctifying the New Moon.

This mitzvah is entrusted to the Jewish Supreme Court that presides in Israel. Unlike the counting of six days and then observing the Shabbat, a mitzvah that is incumbent upon every individual, no individual can unilaterally decide that a new month has arrived simply because he espied the new moon, and no individual can decide to add a month to the calendar based on his personal (even Torah-based) calculations.

Only the Supreme Court can make these calculations, and only in the Land of Israel. We follow the rulings issued by the Supreme Court in Israel even if they inadvertently established the "wrong" day as the New Moon, even if they did so under duress.

In the event that there are no qualified rabbis remaining in Israel, these calculations can be made, and months and leap years established, by a court that was ordained in Israel—even if it finds itself in the Diaspora.

Today we no longer sanctify the months based on the testimony of witnesses who saw the new moon, because there is no longer a sitting rabbinical Supreme Court in Israel—much as we no longer offer sacrifices, because we lack a Holy Temple.

But under no circumstances can an individual or court outside of Israel establish a new month or a leap year. Our calculations today in the Diaspora are only to determine which days the Court in Israel established as the New Moon, and which years they established as leap years.

[Editor's Note: Nachmanides asks, if so, how do we have holidays and a calendar today, when there is no rabbinical Supreme Court in Israel? He answers that there is a tradition that Hillel the Prince, who resided in Israel, established a calendar until the arrival of Moshiach, and sanctified all the new months and leap years until that time. Therefore, we can use our calculations to determine exactly what he previously established.]

Some laws associated with this mitzvah:

The extra month added to a leap year is the one contiguous to the month of Passover—i.e. Adar.
The establishment of new months and leap years must be done during daylight hours.
A year must be comprised of complete months; a month must be comprised of complete days.

You are describing how the ancient Jewish calendar new moons were calculated. As I have explained to you in post #58 the modern Jewish calendar you use was created by Hillel II in 359 AD and uses a mathematical calculation rather than visually sighted new moon calculations. Here is a quote from a site that explains your modern Jewish calendar:

"In the fourth century, Hillel II established a fixed calendar based on mathematical and astronomical calculations. This calendar, still in use, standardised the length of months and the addition of months over the course of a 19 year cycle, so that the lunar calendar realigns with the solar years."


Apart from the 10 commandments, the laws of Judaism are human, they evolved over time among holy men. God is a living God with a Living will. All men and women are the sons of God, by faith we may realize this enobleing truth.

It is humbling to be counted among the sons of God.

Are you okay with counting the commandments in the Torah?