Shalom. The 613 Commandments of the Torah should be observed by Jews, Israel.


Well-known member
The Sabbath or the weekly Sabbath is the seventh day of the week. Do you know when this is? Sundown to sundown, with candle lighting before and after.

There is a lot of confusion about when the Sabbath is. 99.9% of people don't know the truth. Some, like yourself, even believe that are 2 Sabbaths a week which means there are on only 5 days of work????

Exodus 31:15
For six days work is to be done, but the seventh day is a day of Sabbath rest, holy to the LORD. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day is to be put to death.

That's why I posted the link:


New member
You can't keep the 613 laws now, because many of them only apply to certain people and situations. Within a certain context. Like for examples, the ceremonial laws of the temple, the laws covering the blood sacrifices, how the priests are to perform them..etc. All of these laws are fulfilled in Christ. If you die without having children with your wife, is your widow, obligated to marry your brother? That's one of the 613 laws. There are laws for blasphemy that require the death penalty. There are laws that if broken, are punishable by death. Breaking the Sabbath, apostasy, idolatry, being disrespectful to your parents, fornication, cheating on your spouse/adultery, homosexuality, among many other infractions of the law, are capital crimes and require execution (beheading, burning alive..etc).

If a woman tries to save her husband, while he's fighting with another man, and she grabs his testicles. Her hands are cut off, that's the punishment according to Deuteronomy 25:12. Are you ready to start cutting off women's hands, who defend their husbands the wrong way? Should we employ the Muslims to cut off these hands, since their Sharia law also requires the cutting off of hands? They have more experience than we do when it comes to cutting off people's hands.

There are laws for polygamy. There are laws for how you dress, how a man should grow and maintain his facial hair. There are laws that cover slavery and what you can and can't do with and to a slave.

All of these laws were established to create an environment that would allow the Son of God to incarnate. Mainly, the place and culture of the incarnation, had to be free of idolatry, child sacrifice. It had to be a "set apart"/holy nation, that would successfully carry out its mission of giving birth, responsibly raising the second Adam and eventually sending him to His death, for mankind's salvation.

The law of Moses was a schoolmaster, designed to prepare the children of God, for Jesus Christ. The new covenant administration of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus Name/authority, is currently at work. A new better order, of Spirit, rather than flesh. Jesus is the substance, the apex of revelation. All covenants are consummated in the person of Jesus Christ. It all ends with Jesus, who is the highest divine revelation. A person, not a set of laws or philosophy.
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Active member

The 613 Commandments of the Torah should be observed by Jews, Israel.

The New Covenant is for the house of Israel and the house of Judah. It is God's law written on minds and hearts. I believe that it came in Yeshua HaMashiach, Yeshua Messiah, Jesus the Christ. The Law and the Prophets have not been abolished. Jesus taught that to be great in the kingdom of heaven one must keep and teach the Commandments.

Do you disagree that in the New Covenant we have God's law and that no commandment from before has been annulled?



You are partly right. No law needs to be nullified. You can't practice the 613 laws fully due to the lack of the Sanctuary. God specified for a reason that your atonement offerings shall be made within the Sanctuary. Now your Sanctuary is gone. It means God no longer accepts your atonement offerings. You need to believe in Jesus for your sins to be atoned for.

The laws were passed along verbally for another reason. You can't legitimately get to the original set of laws. They were gone with the Pharisees. The 613 laws are rather a replica made up after 250 AD or later. You don't know how close they are to the original laws upheld by the Pharisees.

The laws are still there, yet you can't get to them legitimately and you can't practice them legitimately. It is so because the Bible said that the proclaiming of the OT laws shall cease up to John the Baptist. Since then you should preach the Gospel as the good news.
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There is a lot of confusion about when the Sabbath is. 99.9% of people don't know the truth. Some, like yourself, even believe that are 2 Sabbaths a week which means there are on only 5 days of work????

Exodus 31:15
For six days work is to be done, but the seventh day is a day of Sabbath rest, holy to the LORD. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day is to be put to death.

That's why I posted the link:
The Sabbath is the seventh day of the week only. I do not know why you think that I think there is more than one.


You can't keep the 613 laws now, because many of them only apply to certain people and situations. Within a certain context. Like for examples, the ceremonial laws of the temple, the laws covering the blood sacrifices, how the priests are to perform them..etc. All of these laws are fulfilled in Christ. If you die without having children with your wife, is your widow, obligated to marry your brother? That's one of the 613 laws. There are laws for blasphemy that require the death penalty. There are laws that if broken, are punishable by death. Breaking the Sabbath, apostasy, idolatry, being disrespectful to your parents, fornication, cheating on your spouse/adultery, homosexuality, among many other infractions of the law, are capital crimes and require execution (beheading, burning alive..etc).

If a woman tries to save her husband, while he's fighting with another man, and she grabs his testicles. Her hands are cut off, that's the punishment according to Deuteronomy 25:12. Are you ready to start cutting off women's hands, who defend their husbands the wrong way? Should we employ the Muslims to cut off these hands, since their Sharia law also requires the cutting off of hands? They have more experience than we do when it comes to cutting off people's hands.

There are laws for polygamy. There are laws for how you dress, how a man should grow and maintain his facial hair. There are laws that cover slavery and what you can and can't do with and to a slave.

All of these laws were established to create an environment that would allow the Son of God to incarnate. Mainly, the place and culture of the incarnation, had to be free of idolatry, child sacrifice. It had to be a "set apart"/holy nation, that would successfully carry out its mission of giving birth, responsibly raising the second Adam and eventually sending him to His death, for mankind's salvation.

The law of Moses was a schoolmaster, designed to prepare the children of God, for Jesus Christ. The new covenant administration of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus Name/authority, is currently at work. A new better order, of Spirit, rather than flesh. Jesus is the substance, the apex of revelation. All covenants are consummated in the person of Jesus Christ. It all ends with Jesus, who is the highest divine revelation. A person, not a set of laws or philosophy.
Shalom. It is nice to meet you. I believe that we can all improve in our understanding of God's Torah. Shalom. Jacob


You are partly right. No law needs to be nullified. You can't practice the 613 laws fully due to the lack of the Sanctuary. God specified for a reason that your atonement offerings shall be made within the Sanctuary. Now your Sanctuary is gone. It means God no longer accepts your atonement offerings. You need to believe in Jesus for your sins to be atoned for.

The laws were passed along verbally for another reason. You can't legitimately get to the original set of laws. They were gone with the Pharisees. The 613 laws are rather a replica made up after 250 AD or later. You don't know how close they are to the original laws upheld by the Pharisees.

The laws are still there, yet you can't get to them legitimately and you can't practice them legitimately. It is so because the Bible said that the proclaiming of the OT laws shall cease up to John the Baptist. Since then you should preach the Gospel as the good news.

The Torah has not changed. It is important to preach the gospel. We do not have the temple. But one day we may.




Well-known member
I do not understand your opening post.

It shows the evidence that the Sabbath is not on Saturday or Sunday but rather it can fall on any of the days of the Roman Julian/Gregorian calendar because the Sabbath is on days 8, 15, 22 & 29 of each lunar month but you will need to read the post and links to understand why this is.


It shows the evidence that the Sabbath is not on Saturday or Sunday but rather it can fall on any of the days of the Roman Julian/Gregorian calendar because the Sabbath is on days 8, 15, 22 & 29 of each lunar month but you will need to read the post and links to understand why this is.
I disagree with you. I do not observe Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. I am a Jew. I observe the Jewish, Hebrew, Biblical Calendar. You must start with the Torah. The days of the week are Rishon, Sheni, Shlishli, Revi'i, Chamishi, Shishi, all evening and morning, and Shabbat, the Sabbath.


Well-known member
I disagree with you. I do not observe Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. I am a Jew. I observe the Jewish, Hebrew, Biblical Calendar. You must start with the Torah. The days of the week are Rishon, Sheni, Shlishli, Revi'i, Chamishi, Shishi, all evening and morning, and Shabbat, the Sabbath.

That is true for the modern Hebrew calendar created by Hillel II in 359AD but not for the ancient Hebrew calendar described in the Bible by Moses and others, which is a lunar solar calendar rather than a fixed solar calendar. Unless you read and understand it then you never will.


That is true for the modern Hebrew calendar created by Hillel II in 359AD but not for the ancient Hebrew calendar described in the Bible by Moses and others, which is a lunar solar calendar rather than a fixed solar calendar. Unless you read and understand it then you never will.
I do not observe a solar calendar.


Well-known member
I do not observe a solar calendar.

A lunar calendar is based only upon cycles of the Moon's phases
A solar calendar is based only upon the solar year.
A lunar-solar calendar is a calendar whose date indicates both the moon phase and the time of the solar year.

The modern Hebrew calendar that you might well be using is based on the 19 year Metonic lunar mathematical cycle and has 12 or 13 months per year and therefore can only be classed as a solar calendar.

The Julian/Gregorian Calendar is a solar calendar.

God's ancient Hebrew Calendar that Moses and others describe is a lunar-solar Calendar. The most accurate calendar there is.


A lunar calendar is based only upon cycles of the Moon's phases
A solar calendar is based only upon the solar year.
A lunar-solar calendar is a calendar whose date indicates both the moon phase and the time of the solar year.

The modern Hebrew calendar that you might well be using is based on the 19 year Metonic lunar mathematical cycle and has 12 or 13 months per year and therefore can only be classed as a solar calendar.

The Julian/Gregorian Calendar is a solar calendar.

God's ancient Hebrew Calendar that Moses and others describe is a lunar-solar Calendar. The most accurate calendar there is.
Do you observe Rosh Chodesh? The days of the month begin with Rosh Chodesh, the Head of the Month.