So your defense is that, wrong is ok, if someone else was perceived as wrong first??????????
Vulgarity and immorality is ok now, because other people have done it?
Who knows? Maybe this ultimately results in a modern discussion of sexuality in our society and culture, and we can have a grand agreement about how to treat the matter. Right now we're actively encouraging promiscuity and the promiscuous lifestyle choice at every turn it seems, maybe we need to dial it back a bit, and be more aware of the very real effects of leading a promiscuous lifestyle rather than a traditional, chastity and celibacy based lifestyle. Who knows? And what I'm suggesting is that perhaps we as a culture can relearn what we've forgotten, that it is promiscuity and the promiscuous lifestyle choice that tends to lead to the types of societal features and characteristics that now trouble many of the protesters. If we valued chastity and celibacy we would have a more egalitarian society right now, not one in which ladies are harmed disproportionately more than men, a rape culture, dominated by rapists and rapist attitudes.
I don't believe President Trump is a rapist.