Sexist, vulgar posts on women's marches rebound on officials

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Would it have been bizarre if instead of President Trump it was President Bill Clinton who said it? He too being a very promiscuous man.

bill clinton's "promiscuity" didn't trigger a protest march of women proudly wearing stained blue dresses, did it?


Old women with their granddaughters dressing up as female sex organs and holding signs saying 'Hands Off' pretty much sums up why I cannot stand feminism as 'men' who support it.

Crucible takes every advantage to chop Women in general. He hates them and lets it be known on TOL. He could possibly be a danger to women he comes in contact with. It's scary.

Reserve your outrageous claims for outrageous people, GM


So your defense is that, wrong is ok, if someone else was perceived as wrong first??????????

Vulgarity and immorality is ok now, because other people have done it?
Who knows? Maybe this ultimately results in a modern discussion of sexuality in our society and culture, and we can have a grand agreement about how to treat the matter. Right now we're actively encouraging promiscuity and the promiscuous lifestyle choice at every turn it seems, maybe we need to dial it back a bit, and be more aware of the very real effects of leading a promiscuous lifestyle rather than a traditional, chastity and celibacy based lifestyle. Who knows? And what I'm suggesting is that perhaps we as a culture can relearn what we've forgotten, that it is promiscuity and the promiscuous lifestyle choice that tends to lead to the types of societal features and characteristics that now trouble many of the protesters. If we valued chastity and celibacy we would have a more egalitarian society right now, not one in which ladies are harmed disproportionately more than men, a rape culture, dominated by rapists and rapist attitudes.

I don't believe President Trump is a rapist.


New member
Hall of Fame
The only correct thing in this pic is the happy face crying, that those poor girls have the role models they have to teach them that all they are is their vagina.



bill clinton's "promiscuity" didn't trigger a protest march of women proudly wearing stained blue dresses, did it?
You said my comment about what President Trump said was bizarre. If President Clinton instead was the one who uttered those words, and I said that he started it, would you call it bizarre? Honestly, of course.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You said my comment about what President Trump said was bizarre. If President Clinton instead was the one who uttered those words, and I said that he started it, would you call it bizarre? Honestly, of course.

twelve years prior and in a private conversation?

yes, i would call it bizarre

Also, why did you put "promiscuity" in quotes?

because Clinton is a sexual predator, a rapist


twelve years prior and in a private conversation?

yes, i would call it bizarre
If in a private conversation President Clinton was heard saying exactly what President Trump was heard saying, in a private conversation, and there was a vulgar uproar over his use of vulgarity, you would call it bizarre to say that President Clinton started it?
because Clinton is a sexual predator, a rapist
I didn't think that. Is he? Is there proof of this? I didn't think either President Clinton or President Trump were rapists, just that they are or were promiscuous, choosing the promiscuous lifestyle.