Jose Fly
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Except that's not what happened in this case. Had the coach merely closed his eyes and said "thanks", we wouldn't even be discussing it.A guy closing his eyes and saying 'thanks?' Ain't buying it. Neither are you....
Except that's not what happened. A government employee, while acting as a government official, went out of his way to make a very public display of his beliefs, and did so in a manner that could be coercive to the players.You are just playing the silly game. A guy saying thanks, or a guy bowing to Mecca doesn't hurt you one bit. "IF" you contemplated it, you'd not be a jerk about it like the guy/gal that complained in this case. It was mean-spirited complaining and stupid.
Unless you're more specific, we can't really discuss that.In my state, they even list those good traits and suggest teachers use their discernment when such comes up in curriculum, even using those religious observances 'for' the reinforcement of those good citizenry skills.
??????? Being fired does not mean you, or your religion, have been "eradicated".Hogwash, the man was fired. You are incorrect
Obviously that's a failed argument.I disagree that 'those' people are 'reasonable.' Voluntary is voluntary.
So you'd be in a situation where the government actively promotes and celebrates Islam, while refusing to do the same for Christianity. I'm surprised to see you be so comfortable with that.And? So I'm the only one there? Congress shall make NO law.....
When you're working for the government they sure can. I'm not sure where you got this idea that government policy towards employees and their religion is "anything goes", but you're sorely mistaken.Nope. It is NOT your or any government's business to tell me when and when I cannot pray.
He was still on the clock and his players were still there.In fact, after the game is already over? People already driving home? None-ya... You have a 'right' to walk out of the stadium.
You can do that all you like, but the fact remains your argument is a failed one. The coach is a government employee who has an influential relationship with students, so when he makes a deliberate spectacle of his faith he is putting students in a situation where they have to decide whether or not to go along.Nope, no coercing. Again you have a right to walk out on your own two feet. The right to start a frivolous lawsuit? :nono: No, I'll stand up and say not.
Public school students have a right to participate in school activities without the government putting them into a situation where they have to make religious choices.
Again, what constitutes "loving things" is subjective. A coach from the Church of Satan may believe it's "loving" to tell his players that God doesn't exist. But somehow I don't think you'd be ok with that.I don't care what it promotes if it isn't against the most loving things.
Why did the coach have to make such a public spectacle of it? Why couldn't he have just closed his eyes and said a silent prayer to himself? Why did he have to go out the middle of the field immediately after the game and kneel?At this venture, we are talking about someone simply thanking God (or anybody) for a safe game, and thanking God (or anyone) for safety, etc.
The only purpose for such a thing is to make a public display.
Of course not.Is it really your intention to shut down any and all good expressions of thanks?
It's not a matter of offense, it's a matter of government promotion of religion in a manner and setting that is coercive to students.In the same way it doesn't offend me, it shouldn't offend you either.
Not everyone is limited to such binary thinking. It is possible to appreciate neutrality for what it is.....neutrality.Secular atheism is equally offensive. I'd rather see about ANY religious celebration than 'no' celebration because that doesn't support any value.
Your opinions are noted.The vacuum left in the wake of denial leaves us all worse off. It is why we have Columbines and more every new year: There is NO VALUE left in the wake of complaint. There is no 'this is wrong' taught in society any longer. I don't care if a Satanist comes and says "First do no harm! then do as you will..." That quote is right out of their writings. There is no opposition to that sentiment that would benefit society to shut off. It is brain-dead to think such is promoting Satanism. It is promoting society. The ACLU is just inane and the judges who allow those mindless suits are just as inept. It is NOT promoting Satanism, it is promoting 'doing no harm.' I disagree with the last half, but not so much that "Do no harm" should come off the walls. It isn't a poor quote. We have grown stupid, imho, to teach 'nothing' of values and morals. That is dumber, more inept, and unconscionable.
Where? Show where the founding fathers specifically stated that we are to be a non-secular state.They did.