I don't see how, given an atheist has essentially settled the question against. A secular state isn't concerned with the question. It's indifferent in form and supportive of the individual's right to any conclusion.
No, the more a body goes secular, the more against religion it is. As to Democrats, a large government means a large godless body that already thinks it rules people rather than vise versa. To me? It looks like unwilling dupe to me. We are not better off since 1963 when prayer was removed. It was a wrong decision for our country. Every attempt, I see, is "this is the way it 'was' supposed to be." Well no. One day you may realize there is no such thing as 'unbiased' and there never has been. I defy anybody to find that government. A secular government in the United States will merely give one group power over the other, as it is doing now. The 'majority' is quickly becoming godless and moraless and perpetuating, by absence, godless atheism. We are becoming that state. Blinders will help no Christian. We are either part of the onslaught problem, blindly, willingly, or we see what is being done and can stand against it. I do NOT favor a godless society. Right now, government is a huge talking point and preoccupation in this country. As such, a godless state will effect a godless society. Separation of church and state never meant this, but that IS the direction. It is an abuse as well as brainwashing. I'm not a dupe. I see what is happening. The rest will have to figure this out on their own, and probably when it is too late. Your children and grandchildren will inherit what you leave them.
I'm a firm believer in rights, but I don't know that I'd call any of them religious outside of the literal right to practice your faith unmolested. Mostly, it seems to me that rights work for everyone, including the religious. So the right to speak is just that. The right to assemble peacefully is just that, and so on.
A secular government molests. You are hoping for one ideal, but you will end up with quite another. It is inevitable. My hand will show historically as being against and opposed, even if I have to give my life for these freedoms.
Matt's wrong. Coercion is a real concern. At a public school you have to keep that in mind. Not kneeling on the field isn't denying you the right to pray, or to believe. The coach has to understand that he's acting as a representative of his school in that moment and the school can't favor any particular faith over another. That's not its role. So no praying toward Mecca with a handful of students at the end of the game.
NOBODY has a clue what that coach was doing. It is a law based on 'presumption' and you nor I have a right to say boo. Matt was correct. Lawyers and judges are wrong. This IS the problem with this country and you've taken the Kool-Aid. You were before you became a Christian. It is my belief, this is going to be one of the last vestiges that Christ will change in you. I believe, as smart as you are, that you are just ignorant. Christ will change this in you. I'm convinced of it. I'm just giving it and Him time. You will come, eventually, to seeing what the justice system, secular and unchecked, is doing to this country. You know they are. When the vast majority is against their rulings, yet they do it anyway in spite, despite, they are no longer serving this nation by and for the people. They are serving their OWN agenda and looking for that secular utopian that CANNOT ever exist. Justice is Justice. In that sense, there is no 'blind' else it isn't true 'justice.' It is just someone's interpretation ideal at that point and it is NOT mine. That either makes me a criminal by thought, or it makes them so. One of us doesn't stand for the United States or the Constitution at that point. When you are ready to put me in jail, or release me, that is when you will have to eventually join a side and it will no longer be a 'secular' decision. It will be based upon my God-given blessings, perhaps rights. If I have a right to live, I have a right to bow on a field. It is nobody's business. It really, truly isn't. There is no freedom for me when the government says 'no.' Frankly, it has NO right to do so. I deny them that right by my own God-given right. You are thinking Government can settle everything. It cannot. I have a higher calling and in this United States, by and for me, no authority. They serve me, not vice versa.
Well, I believe all rights are God given so I'm not going to argue that. I don't think there's a conflict in that regard here. As a private individual it's entirely his business. And if anyone fires or penalizes him for his private faith I'll take it up pro bono. As an ambassador of the school? Different animal.
No it is not. You don't have a right. The school doesn't have a right. He was basically accused regardless. NOBODY heard his prayer. We are not the thought police OR the kneel or stand police. It went too far. The court and district were wrong. It is frankly atheism AND an infringement on his rights. You don't have a right, not to be offended. School policy must be cited that "no school employee may kneel." It'd be a stupidity. What for? All because someone's WRONG sensibility is offended. His right is being obstructed. NOBODY can tell a teacher not to pray at school. Nobody. It cannot be done. Praying at commencement etc. is a bit of a different issue. This one? Dumb, frankly. Undiscerning, frankly.
You do if it's offered by a business holding itself out to the public and you have the money to purchase it. More to the point, the baker has no right to refuse black people, or Christians, or gays the right to purchase what he's holding out for sale. Now if they aren't wearing shoes, shirts it's another thing...except in the Keys, of course.
Er, NONE of them need a cake. It is a frivolity. Affirmative action went too far. It is time the pendulum swing come back. Note you did not post 'white' in your quote. It speaks for itself. All of this mess is simply wrong and the courts inept. I posit, you cannot make an anti-discriminatory policy without discriminating itself. It becomes 'anti-white' at its extreme, just as a secular government, at the extreme (where we are headed) is atheism, not friendly at all to religion of any kind. Did you think "don't kneel" was Christian friendly? :nono: It
is 'anti-' We all should really re-examine anytime when we are anti-Christ and/or perceived as anti-Christ. I'd rather be 'politically' wrong than Spiritually wrong. My allegiance is first to Christ. Any government man or woman must ever hold that litmus constantly up to his/her own inspection for Christ. It IS the mark of the beast. As a public school teacher, I was and am ever mindful of a compromise that compromises me.
You do in his capacity as an agent of the school.
You are upholding the idea that expression of religion is 'favoring' that particular. Nope. ANY expression may benefit our society at large. A Muslim may bow to Mecca after a game. Does it 'force' anything? Nope. Promote it? Nope, just promote a value. Nobody is encouraged to pray to Mecca by such. The government, and sometimes you, are caught up in idiocy that says we cannot have any public display of faith. This is wrong. Imh and biblical opinion, this is from the devil. It is satanic.
And we are a secular state.
Getting more so.
Incorrect. You can be a Christian AND carry your Christian values into office. We still have government chaplains, etc. etc. We are at least a theocratic respecter by nation.
"In God we Trust... One nation, Under God...Endowed by our Creator...."
THIS is our legacy, not what is currently attempted to shove down our throats. It is time for public schools to end. We need Christian schools that are affordable and against a secular training. Economics makes it very hard for parents to raise kids against secularization (godlessness). It can happen, but effort is thrown after 'secular' (godlessness). The void has an effect, in schools and in government. A bad one. You will have to one day, eventually see that. It is NOT 'good.' Sin is a privation. Secular is a privation. Both leave God out, in the wake. Listen to your Forefathers and betters: A government without God will not stand. They said so. They knew so. The faster you realize it yourself, the better. It truly is my opinion, that God will redeem your thinking in this too. This secular sentiment is not of God. You are literally advocating for a Godless government and thus, a godless America by the absence and wake left where God SHOULD be. I am asking you to really think that over and give it prayer and due. I hope you really meditate over it.
The difference was that we were so uniformly one thing way back when, a lot of the religious trappings bled over into that state and no one really minded. Once we got big enough and enough people of different backgrounds were in play some of those trappings/traditions were undone.
AND we were better off for it. Granted there were problems. A secular government ALSO has problems. Frankly, these are far far worse. There is 'godlessness' in the wake of this drive for a secular government. Government doesn't need to be secular, just beneficial. Christianity is the ONLY rule that is truly beneficial to all of society. Secular government isn't beneficial, it is harmful by negligence AND by ruling against those of faith, as is the case here. It is damage, not helpful, not loving, not right. It is wrong. It hurts. It HAS to be wrong for it.