Scripture. What is considered Scripture?


New member
Produce this perfect and pure "The words of God." Where can we get a copy?.
-chapter, verse, from this perfect and pure scripture(your words) that assert "the Words of God are perfect." Show us from this perfect and pure scripture.

Not a peep.

Answered many times.

There is no perfect, flawless, inerrant Word of God. And we don’t need one.

How many times do you want to ask an answered question?

Here is an unanswered question:

Luke says Joseph’s direct paternal ancestor was David’s son Nathan.

Matthew says Jospeh’s direct paternal ancestor was David’s son Solomon.

Which do you believe?


New member
Moses wrote the second set of commandments-"the originals" were destroyed.

Was Moses imperfect?

You're a moron, and now assert that we no longer have the 10 commandments, since it was written by an "imperfect" person, Moses.

By the way, do you keep the 10 commandments?

Do you do no work from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You haven’t made the case that “perfect words of God” means “Bible.”
There are no perfect scriptures.

Chapter, verse, from the "perfect Words of God," that testifies to this assertion.
Show us this "perfect Words of God"-were can we get a copy?

He cannot do it, won'rt do it, since he does not have the "perfect Words of God," he cannot produce it, much less prove that it is perfect/pures.

I stay on topic-his "argument:"

Were can we get a copy of these "perfect/pure" "The Words of God?"-your words.

Not a peep-asked over, and over.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
By the way, do you keep the 10 commandments?

Do you do no work from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown?

More evasion, TOL audience...

Moses wrote the second set of commandments-"the originals" were destroyed.

Was Moses imperfect?

You're a moron, and now assert that we no longer have the 10 commandments, since it was written by an "imperfect" person, Moses.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Please provide scriptural support for that.

I understand you think that. You cannot find that stated in the Bible. It claims to be written by people.

Already did, devil child.

There are no perfect scriptures.

Chapter, verse, from the "perfect Words of God," that testifies to this assertion.
Show us this "perfect Words of God"-were can we get a copy?

He cannot do it, won'rt do it, since he does not have the "perfect Words of God," he cannot produce it, much less prove that it is perfect/pures.

I stay on topic-his "argument:"

Were can we get a copy of these "perfect/pure" "The Words of God?"-your words.

Not a peep-asked over, and over.


New member
Chapter, verse, from the "perfect Words of God," that testifies to this assertion.
Show us this "perfect Words of God"-were can we get a copy?

He cannot do it, won'rt do it, since he does not have the "perfect Words of God," he cannot produce it, much less prove that it is perfect/pures.
Since you cannot show that “perfect word of God” and “Bible” are interchangeable terms, you comment is without merit.

I stay on topic-his "argument:"

Were can we get a copy of these "perfect/pure" "The Words of God?"-your words.

Not a peep-asked over, and over.
Answered many times.

See post 781 as an example.


New member
More evasion, TOL audience...

Moses wrote the second set of commandments-"the originals" were destroyed.

Was Moses imperfect?

You're a moron, and now assert that we no longer have the 10 commandments, since it was written by an "imperfect" person, Moses.
So you don’t keep the 10 commandments.

Thanks for confirming.

Back when I was young, I would mow my lawn on Saturday too.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Please provide scriptural support for that.

I understand you think that. You cannot find that stated in the Bible. It claims to be written by people.

Moses wrote the second set of commandments-"the originals" were destroyed.

Was Moses imperfect? Was he a "people?"

Was Tertius?

Romans 16:22 KJV

I Tertius, who wrote this epistle, salute you in the Lord.

Is this scripture, the pure, perfect word of God? Where is it? Where can we get a copy?

Satanic evader.


Well-known member
What, in your opinion, did God write down about the ancestors of Joseph?

Luke says Joseph’s direct paternal ancestor was David’s son Nathan.

Matthew says Jospeh’s direct paternal ancestor was David’s son Solomon.

Which do you believe?

I already told you what I thought, and you can't get past claiming Joseph had two fathers.

Matthew 1:16 And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.

Luke 3:23 And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli,

I've said before...the study of genealogies is out of your pay grade.


New member
I already told you what I thought, and you can't get past claiming Joseph had two fathers.

Matthew 1:16 And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.

Luke 3:23 And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli,

I've said before...the study of genealogies is out of your pay grade.

People don’t have two fathers. The mother’s egg is fertilized once.

It seems you are proposing that Joseph’s mother was an adulterer and his birth was a miraculous combination of the egg from one woman and the sperm of two men.

Do you see how far you have gone to prop up a false doctrine?
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New member
Moses wrote the second set of commandments-"the originals" were destroyed.

Was Moses imperfect? Was he a "people?"

Was Tertius?

Romans 16:22 KJV

I Tertius, who wrote this epistle, salute you in the Lord.

Is this scripture, the pure, perfect word of God? Where is it? Where can we get a copy?

Satanic evader.

If Tertius claims to have written the epistle in Chapter 16, and Paul claims to have written the epistle in Chapter 1, then Paul and Tertius wrote it. That is what a Bible believer would conclude.

Do you believe God epistle to the Romans? If so, then you are not a Bible believer.


Well-known member
People don’t have two fathers. The mother’s egg is fertilized once.

Yet you ignorantly insist that Heli was Joseph's father. I watched you do it.

You didn't once acknowledge that Jacob begat Joseph, Mary's husband. Matt. 1:16

It seems you are proposing that Joseph’s mother was an adulterer and his birth was a miraculous combination of the egg from one woman and the sperm of two men.

When you don't understand something, you make up outlandish statements like the above.
Rather than admit that Matt. gave the lineage of Joseph, and Luke gave it of Mary, which most Bible scholars believe, you prefer to play the fool with statements like the above. You are a very shallow and inept Bible student.

And this is why your reading of Scripture is to be mocked. You can't even respond to the simplest post with any sort of sanity being in evidence.

Do you see how far you have gone to prop up a false doctrine?

No, but I've see how LOW you are willing to go to prop up your false accusations against God's Holy word.


Well-known member
If Tertius claims to have written the epistle in Chapter 16, and Paul claims to have written the epistle in Chapter 1, then Paul and Tertius wrote it. That is what a Bible believer would conclude.

Do you believe God epistle to the Romans? If so, then you are not a Bible believer.

This snake is trying to slither out through the holes in his own story. :rotfl:

You deny God gives men the words He wants written down, as He did from the time of Moses?

If so, then you are an UNBELIEVER.....which means you are a FOOL, according to the Bible, itself.


Literal lunatic
This snake is trying to slither out through the holes in his own story. :rotfl:

You deny God gives men the words He wants written down, as He did from the time of Moses?

If so, then you are an UNBELIEVER.....which means you are a FOOL, according to the Bible, itself.



New member
Yet you ignorantly insist that Heli was Joseph's father. I watched you do it...

No, I honestly report the Bible says Heli was Joseph’s father.

You must rewrite the Bible to pretend it doesn’t.

That shows great disrespect for the scriptures and it shows a willingness to falsify canonized scripture for the benefit of your man-made tradition.

Luke 3 Now Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he began his ministry. He was the son, so it was thought, of Joseph, the son of Heli,


New member
This snake is trying to slither out through the holes in his own story. :rotfl:

You deny God gives men the words He wants written down, as He did from the time of Moses?

If so, then you are an UNBELIEVER.....which means you are a FOOL, according to the Bible, itself.
You falsely claim if God gave some words for the Bible that He gave every word of the Bible.

That is your philosophy, not a teaching of scripture.


Well-known member
Roman drone, you cry, sweetie? No, I left the RCO years ago,you irrelevant clown, whose "ministry" consists of spamming oh so original cliches, sound bytes, like "of flesh and blood idolatry," that just baffles us all, so that we are speechless, and know more about those who practice idolatry, like you, as you are in bed with the religious prostitutes of alleged "Christianity," since I am a former Roman. You're not in my league, Damian, so take your seat, and stuff your "Wa, wa, wa...." emotional diatribe, and fluff, as we are all busy men/women on this board, and have no time for your tantrums, complaining, that everyone is out to gyp you out of your "Ho Ho's." Dig, Ho? Now, pull up your bunny shirt, and head on back to your crib, loser. Am I clear? Good.

And that is rich-you using the word "queer." Look in the mirror, clown....Face you....Peek-a-boo...We see you...

Where can I get a copy of this "the word?"

We will wait....for an eternity...

The word is within you thunderbolt you just can't hear it, that mstery you chirp about but haven't experienced it yet or you wouldn't ask kindergarten question like wheres the word. You believe in the foundational dogma of Rome that pushes the flesh and blood sacrifice of a man on a literal cross to save you, When you were born with that light like all who come into this world, like I said you don't really believe the mystery nor that the kingdom of heaven is at hand always, you look for another to come which is vanity and still a slave to you're mind Galatians 4:1 is you're state Like Lon you still judge by appearance and think like a child of Hagar that talk about salvation and grace yet condemnation is the fruit spewing out of that hell hole, you need to awake from the dream Eph 5:14.