Scripture. What is considered Scripture?


New member

First, I would like to respond to your failure to see the paradox with your points regarding "brothers" of Jesus. Your entire argument in this thread has been that there are errors in the Scriptures; yet, for the point regarding Jesus' brothers, you rely solely and heavily on a single word. The application of "brother" to mean siblings is negated by information contained within the Scriptures (specifically, verses which list the parentage of the four listed "brothers," as not being Mary (mother of Jesus) and Joseph). And still, you dismiss the negating evidence, insisting on the single word to have a static and single meaning.

That is the paradox. To restate it, in order to emphasize it: You claim errors exist within the Scripture, and rely on a single word as a defamation of doctrine (Perpetual Virginity of Mary).
No, not a single word. His hometown people also knew his sisters. Joseph and Mary were also blessed with daughters.
It was a rhetorical question. From now on, if it is helpful, I will distinguish rhetorical questions from actual questions, or answer them myself.
That practice would be helpful. It is difficult to identify which questions you want answered and which you don’t.

You have reference twice now the development of "the myth of the perpetual virginity of Mary" gaining followers, yet have not provided proof of the sudden inception of this doctrine.
Nor did I claim it was sudden.
It wasn’t.
The fictional Protoevangelium of James is from 150, and 150 years later Eusebius was rightly declaring James to be a son of Joseph.

I must continue later. The baby must be watched.
You can claim that it began in 150 AD,
I don’t think I claimed it started then. Please be careful not to read into my words.
using an apocryphal work, which is dismissed by both Catholic and Protestant scholars (hence, the application of "apocryphal"). Also, the Protoevangelium of James, also called "the Nativity," does not assert the perpetual virginity of Mary, only that Mary was indeed a virgin at the time of Jesus' birth.

There are several quotes from early Christians which support an early belief and acceptance of Mary as ever-Virgin, before 150 AD. If I can find them, I will provided them via a PM, if that suffices.
Do post them in the clear. Others may be interested.
You have simply dismissed evidence found within the Scriptures. Everything from the Annunciation to the Crucifixion.
None Of those passages imply or state perpetual virginity.
I think you are projecting this analysis, due to the contextual evidence disproving your claim.
I have seen no evidence to support your view.
The evidence that I have presented from scripture and Eusebius is compelling.
My evidence is Scriptural, cross referenced, and contextual to history/culture.

You realize that my argument cross-referenced this verse? (It was when I mentioned there being two James')
Only only one is called the Lord’s brother, and Eusebius makes it clear he was the son of Joseph.
Correct, as far as waiting to make the declaration as doctrine. In fact, the first time the RCC could declare anything was 325 AD, because until that point, a large gathering could have led to death, as they were persecuted until that time. Basic historical knowledge.
And in 300 AD a prominent bishop of the Church was declaring James the Lord’s brother a son of Joseph.
My point here is that you have specifically twisted your phrasing, in order to make your claim connect. The midwives were ordered to murder the Hebrew males. Yet, they feared God, and saved the males. They did this by lying to Pharoh, after the males were born. Then, God blessed them.

You purposefully left out the context of the situation, as well as aggravating information, in order to portray God as rewarding dishonesty. The contextual evidence points to God rewarding belief and subsequent protection of children.
I understand this revelation violates your preferences and opinions, but I did none of these things that you falsely accuse me of.

I believe that I have another example, but it will have to wait until the grandbaby is back with her mother.
Look at this logically and critically. If something is not "inerrant," what is it?
The work of people.
I never said that an imperfection renders something worthless. That is your projection.
Then you recognize that the Bible could have minor, insignificant errors and still be valuable, instructive, and authoritative?
You mean the same people who said that Joseph was Jesus' father? Yeah, they seem reliable and knowledgeable, don't they.
You don’t seriously present this as an argument, do you?
Again, though, you are ignoring cultural, historical, and linguistic context/evidence.
Not at all
Do you wish to progress in the discussion?
Sure. I gave you a way out on the virgin birth in thinking that James, the Lord’s
Brother, was a son of widower Joseph.

But the scriptures are clear. Jesus had brothers and sisters.

Because right here, you claim to rely on multiple witnesses to establish facts, yet you are relying on only a few as a base of faith. Even then, you are claiming that these sources are erroneous. So, the root of this entire discussion come to surface: How can you trust what is said and claimed in the Scriptures?
We have many witnesses. Four gospels, Paul, Peter, even the Lord’s brother!

Did Jesus goes to the festival after he told his brothers that he would not?

I wrote:
Your turn — but do respond to this: Jesus did go to the festival, didn’t he?

That is the one question I specifically asked you do address. It wasn’t rhetorical.
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New member
The burden of proof is upon you, to make your case, which you have not even come close to or even attempted to do.
Of course not. I just asked you a question.

Aparently you have no answer.



PS: So do you think Jesus actually rode upon two beasts?


New member
... This is not to say that there is no "Holy Spirit"...
daqq, You're on a bender dude. Much of what you posted here doesn't make sense or is disjointed and out of sequence.

You're all over the place, and I'm not about to go chasing down a ping pong ball. Go organize your thoughts and make a cogent reply.

God bless,

... especially the Testimony of the Master recorded in the ... Apocalypse
Says who?


Well-known member
Of course not. I just asked you a question.

Aparently you have no answer.



PS: So do you think Jesus actually rode upon two beasts?

daqq, You're on a bender dude. Much of what you posted here doesn't make sense or is disjointed and out of sequence.

You're all over the place, and I'm not about to go chasing down a ping pong ball. Go organize your thoughts and make a cogent reply.

God bless,

PS: Says who?

Another case dismissed: no evidence.

What is that now? four cases dismissed for no evidence whatsoever?
And of course the buffoonorama still continues over the censer . . . :chuckle:

Have a nice thread. :)


Well-known member
Perhaps you should change your method so that you can allow yourself to read any post and respond to it without saying nasty things (or lying) and instead respond in at least a respectful and considered way.

Perhaps you should change your method of finding fault with others, Mr. Accuser. :cloud9:

BTW, I find your post quite nasty and very disrespectful.


New member
If no one is equal to God, then why does God, and Jesus, equate themselves with one another, if they are not equal?
Again, I'd rather not go off the rails into a Trinity discussion, but surely John 8:58 must be understood in light of John 14:28 DRB - You have heard that I said to you: I go away, and I come unto you. If you loved me you would indeed be glad, because I go to the Father: for the Father is greater than I.

You say "equal" Jesus says "greater than". :AMR:

Either: Jesus is God, or He isn't.
I will just make mention that this is known as the fallacy of the false dilemma. (And there is a third option, but wayyyy outside the scope of this thread.)

You have made the jump from "inerrant" to "infallible," ... Apostles are only "infallible" when making declarations, as guided by the Holy Spirit. As humans, without direct guidance, they are fallible, and likely errant.
jsan, You say that I've made a 'jump' from "inerrant" to "infallible" but you yourself used this progression when saying, in essence, that as humans the Apostles likely make errors because they are fallible. So... I'm not sure I understand your distinction that would make this a 'jump'. One (the error) proceeds from the other (being fallible).

In Acts 15 Peter made a declaration which was contradicted and ultimately supplanted by James' declaration, so which one of these was not "infallible" in their declarations?

Paul considered Peter's behaviour to be in error. Peter began to follow what James was teaching. Paul considered James' teaching (in a certain matter) to be in error. Certainly what James was teaching can be considered a "declaration".

But where in the New Testament is it stated that Apostles are inerrant when writing things down?


I have heard the point regarding this "feud" before. I find it trivial, and not productive in discussion. But if you wish to discuss it, I will. I just don't see how it pertains to this thread.
The thread? Not really. Inerrancy v. infallibility? Most certainly. Somebody wrote some errors somewhere (or made some fallible declarations).

PPS: Aren't there 3 James?


New member
I see, said the blind theologian who cannot even tell the difference between a question and a statement.
Okay daqq, I finally realize I do not speak whatever dialect of the language you think you're speaking. Is it like Heblish? Or Engrew? Regardless, any continued discussion will only lead to further misunderstanding.

I tried.



Well-known member
Okay daqq, I finally realize I do not speak whatever dialect of the language you think you're speaking. Is it like Heblish? Or Engrew? Regardless, any continued discussion will only lead to further misunderstanding.

I tried.


You can raise the dead, but you can't carry on a conversation? :think:


New member
Keep speculating. You'll need to find out what it means to be IN CHRIST first.

You'll find raising dead bodies is not one of the evidences.
And God only knows what your definition of love and do good is.

If what you are is "IN CHRIST" then God forbid I'm any part of it.




Well-known member
And God only knows what your definition of love and do good is.

If what you are is "IN CHRIST" then God forbid I'm any part of it.



Don't worry, you aren't, and you will never be until you put off this nonsense you are teaching. You are outside the word of God which means you are OUTSIDE of Christ.


Well-known member
By all means post any proof you have that you were busy replying to other posts in those 15/16 minutes. Otherwise repent.

Get off your lazy behind and go to my profile, and click on my posts and read them for yourself. :AMR:

I can see you don't even know what the word "repent" means, because I have no need to change my mind about anything I've said.


Well-known member
It is so wonderful to hear that you will now love WatchmanOnTheWall and bless him, and do good to him and pray for him.

Praise God for miracles.


What? Do you really think I'm ignorant of the spiritual battle we are in here? I know which side you boys are on as you go about perverting the right ways of the Lord, and seek to turn people away from the faith. We have the scripture to know how to deal with you children of darkness and night.

Acts 13:8-11 But Elymas the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstood them, seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith. 9 Then Saul, (who also is called Paul,) filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him. 10 And said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord? 11 And now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun for a season. And immediately there fell on him a mist and a darkness; and he went about seeking some to lead him by the hand.​

Don't think for one minute I'm one of those gullible people who can't see you for what you are. You play your little game, and true believers scoff. It's an old game you play.


Well-known member
Okay daqq, I finally realize I do not speak whatever dialect of the language you think you're speaking.

I tried.

daqq, You're on a bender dude. Much of what you posted here doesn't make sense or is disjointed and out of sequence.
:nono: I understood. Perhaps I speak Daqqese :think: It wasn't disjointed. He was saying "2 Timothy 3:16, all a growing spiritual boy needs for life and godliness." Pretty simple and easy to read imho. 2 Timothy 3:16 in a nutshell (he was describing a scriptural truth but may have another scripture or two in mind as well).

You're all over the place, and I'm not about to go chasing down a ping pong ball. Go organize your thoughts and make a cogent reply.
Not too bad. He isn't the easiest to follow but this post and most of his posts in thread are fairly clear.

God bless,
I'm not sure this was 'trying' very hard :idunno:

(no response necessary here, just giving commentary)


New member
Another case dismissed: no evidence.

What is that now? four cases dismissed for no evidence whatsoever?
And of course the buffoonorama still continues over the censer . . . :chuckle:

Have a nice thread. :)
You try that “case dismissed” frequently.

I encourage you to recognize that it does not reflect favorably on you.


Well-known member
Again, I'd rather not go off the rails into a Trinity discussion, but surely John 8:58 must be understood in light of John 14:28 DRB - You have heard that I said to you: I go away, and I come unto you. If you loved me you would indeed be glad, because I go to the Father: for the Father is greater than I.

You say "equal" Jesus says "greater than". :AMR:

Only in His humanity. The lengths you people won't go to in your blasphemy is beyond belief. :nono: