Here is The Barbarian lying:
(Barbarian points out that he doesn't say birds are dinosaurs)
Here is The Barbarian saying that birds are dinosaurs:
In the same sense that you are a therapsid reptile, birds are dinosaurs.
Here is The Barbarian saying, again, that birds are dinosaurs:
Remember, "Birds are dinosaurs in the same sense that humans are reptiles."
Now, you wrote:
So you're telling me that you're a therapsid reptile?
whom (if anyone) are you talking, here? To
whom (if anyone) are you referring by the pronoun, 'you'? As anyone can see, your post, #494, was not a Reply to any TOL poster, in particular. Maybe you're talking to yourself. (After all, you're obviously fond of often talking about yourself in the third person, like a weirdo. Perhaps you also enjoy talking to yourself in the second person.)
So you're telling me that you're a therapsid reptile?
If you are talking to
me, the answer to your question is, obviously,
No. I'm a
human being. Only an abject idiot could call a human being a reptile. What keeps me from calling myself a reptile? Easy answer: I'm not an abject idiot. Notice how I've never, once, called myself a reptile; that is why
you have, obviously, not been able to
quote me as having done so. And yet, I can, and do, quote
you as having affirmed that "birds are dinosaurs". Why am I able to do that? Simple: Because
you have affirmed, repeatedly, on TOL, that "birds are dinosaurs".
You, though--
you are calling me a reptile:
You are a therapsid reptile in exactly the sense that birds are dinosaurs.
When you say to a human, "You are a therapsid reptile", do you mean "You are a therapsid reptile", or, instead, do you mean, "You are NOT a therapsid reptile"?
expressly denied that I am a reptile:
In no sense, whatsoever, am I a reptile of any sort, seeing as I'm a human being.
To my denial of your claim, you (instead of agreeing with me, and saying something such as, "You're correct, 7djengo7: you are, in no sense, whatsoever, a reptile, since you are a human being") reacted by merely reiterating your idiotic claim:
You are a therapsid reptile in exactly the sense that birds are dinosaurs.
Note, also: Since, curiously, you have not once, called
yourself, personally, a reptile, but have, repeatedly, singled me out, calling
me a reptile, you have, thereby, made yourself out to be a hypocrite when you, earlier, accused
me of name-calling. That's what you're doing, and you know it: name-calling. Henceforth, I request that you stop calling me a reptile. Believe you me, I'll have no qualm, whatsoever, pointing out your very specific, malicious name-calling to the TOL moderators.
Only an abject idiot could say that humans are reptiles! Wouldn't you agree?
Now, do you, The Barbarian, say that humans are reptiles?
Remember, "Birds are dinosaurs in the same sense that humans are reptiles."
Yeah, you
do say that. Thanks.
That would be extraordinary,
Bravo! You just called your claim that humans are reptiles "extraordinary"! You hit the nail on the head with that judgment! For, not only are you claiming a
falsehood when you claim that humans are reptiles, but you are, in so claiming, claiming something that is
extraordinarily idiotic to claim.
since they ["therapsid reptiles"] are thought to have died out over a hundred million years ago, and they are generally regarded to have been illiterate.
Since you say that humans are "therapsid reptiles",
here, you are saying that humans "are thought to have died out over a hundred million years ago, and they are generally regarded to have been illiterate". What an extraordinarily idiotic thing for you to claim.
You have some evidence for your claim?
By "you", here, are you referring to yourself--The Barbarian--in the second person? If, instead, you're addressing me, here, then tell me what claim you're referring to by your phrase, "your claim". You, of course, are going to need to directly quote my exact words, wherein you pretend I have claimed whatever it is you are calling "your claim". See, I can, and do, quote
your own words, wherein
you have claimed idiotic things such as that "birds are dinosaurs" and that "humans are reptiles". You're the claim-maker, here, by calling me a reptile.
So noble and magnanimous of you, to be honest enough to distinguish yourself from us non-trolls, and to condescend to try to lay out your "science" in a cloud of vacuous jargon that, perhaps, us non-trolls could one day hope to be able to meaninglessly parrot as prolifically as you, yourself, as a Darwin cheerleader, meaninglessly parrot it.
taxonomy recognizes ancestry,
whom are you referring by the word "taxonomy"? See, I, for one, never thought that
taxonomy is a
person; that being the case, I, for one, never thought that taxonomy
recognizes, or can recognize, anything.
People--persons--recognize things; non-persons do not have cognitive capabilities; non-persons do not recognize anything. So, would you say that taxonomy is a
but considers birds to be a separate taxon from dinosaurs.
So, when you, and Disney's
Nat Geo, claim that (and I quote) "birds
are dinosaurs", you do not mean to say that birds are dinosaurs, but, instead, you mean to say "birds [are] a separate taxon from dinosaurs"??
Also, as is the case for every, last Darwin cheerleader, unfortunately for you, when you say (for instance) "taxon", you are meaninglessly parroting a word which you have absolutely zero hope of coherently explaining. (Perhaps we'll have the opportunity to flesh out this fact in further posts.

) Just as is the case when you pompously flap on, and on, and on, with words like "species", "evolution" and others: you are merely
meaninglessly parroting such words.
I remain skeptical of 7djengo7's claim that he is a therapsid reptile
Again, try to directly quote my exact words, wherein you pretend I claimed that. Why can't you? That's right: because you're
lying about me, as I've never--not even once--claimed that, nor anything that even remotely resembles it. Yet,
you, on the other hand,
have claimed that, and I've already quoted your exact words, wherein you've claimed that. So,
here, you're admitting that you "remain skeptical" of
your own claim! And, of course, that's an idiotic thing to do. Since you, yourself, admit that you "remain skeptical" of your own claim, I have a hunch that nobody else is bound to take your claim--your abjectly idiotic claim--seriously, either.