LOL. So you continue to use fallacies. You lift a single sentence out a paragraph and then pretend it was all that was said.
I merely addressed the falsehood. Although it would be impossible for the entire geologic column to exist everywhere, and it's remarkable that there are places where deposition exceeded erosion for every period in Earth's history, there are some places where that was the case.
The meaning that I get out of that sentence, taken within it's context, is this: The geologic column, that geologists pretend is complete worldwide
That's the second dishonesty. No geologist ever said that. If you thought about it for a moment, you'd probably figure out why that couldn't possibly happen.
That it is an accurate model of the entire earth's crust is an idea found only in creationist mirepresentations.
Your article on hemoglobin is highly misleading for it runs into the problem, immediately, of irreducible complexity.
You're wrong for two reasons. First, irreducibly complexity can evolve. Second, hemoglobin isn't irreducibly complex. Let's look at your beliefs for a bit...
For hemoglobin to work reliably, or even at all, the information that produces the proteins has to come from dna
No. If you synthesized hemoglobin, it would still work.
and that dna has to be perfectly formed for the organism to live, and to create the hemoglobin.
No. There are different kinds of hemoglobin, each of which works well enough for the organisms in which it exists. So it can't be irreducibly complex, since many different changes in hemoglobin do not destroy its function.
Hemoglobin cannot exist without the dna information that tells the organism what proteins are needed and in what exact sequence.
There would have to be organisms before hemoglobin. Turns out, that's what happened. Hemoglobin didn't evolve until long after life originated on Earth. No problem there, either.
And if you want to suppose that God just poofed the first living things into existence, that would be fine with evolutionary theory, which doesn't say how life got started. Darwin, for example, just supposed that God created the first living things.
This was actually a very poor attempt at misdirection
Yes, it was, but I've debunked it for you.
as it is very apparent that you can't deal with the odds involved in the production of, and functioning of, hemoglobin in the blood.
If you were wondering, the odds are 1.0. Would you like me to show you?
Evolution, as a whole, has that problem. DNA must exist complete before life forms can exist and reproduce themselves.
See above. If you'd prefer the poofing scenario, instead of the earth bringing forth life, that's perfectly consistent with evolutionary theory.
And all forms of dna modification that happen by chance destroy dna information.
You don't seem to know what "information" is. In fact, all new mutations increase information in a population. Would you like me to show you?
There is no known addition of dna information is changes found in life forms.
Let's take a really simple case and see what you can do with it. Suppose there's a gene in a population that only has two alleles, each of them with a frequency of 0.5. Then suppose a new mutation occurs, eventually, each allele has a frequency of 0.333... What was the information before and after the mutation? Hint: numbers will be required.
Let's take the instance that you evolutionists like to crow about and claim it supports evolution: that bacteria become immune to drugs. Oh, see they are modifying themselves and no longer can be killed by drugs. LOL. Yeah, they have been modified and no longer die from the drugs created to kill them, but was it from destruction of dna information or the addition of dna information?
Depends on the mode of protection. Suppose a critical step in some process of the bacterium, was being prevented by the antibiotic. One way to gain immunity would be to change the process so that critical step was no longer needed. In that case, fitness would be achieved by a loss of information.
But what if instead, the bacterium had a mutation producing a new substance that inactivated the antibiotic? Then an addition to information would have occured. So, it depends.
It is demonstrably from the destruction of dna information for the drugs are designed to attach to specific parts of the cellular structure and because the dna has been been partially destroyed the specific cellular structures for the drugs to attach to are no longer created.
See above. Evolution can involve an increase in information, or a decrease information. There are cases of both in antibiotic resistance.
It's not an argument agtainst evolution, but creationists go ahead and make the claim anyway, some of them knowing all the time it is a lie. Others merely repeat the lies, not knowing anything about it.
Your claim that evolution isn't about the beginnings of life is disingenous at it's very best, and a flat out lie otherwise.
It's just a fact. If God had poofed the first living things into existence, instead of the earth bringing them forth, evolution would still work as it does.
If you doubt this, show me anything in Darwin's theory, or in the Modern Synthesis that says anything about the origin of life. All there is, is Darwin's suggestion that God just created the first living things.
One last thing before I forget it. I want you to show me the observation of one of the most foundational aspects of evolution: that of one species arising out of another one. Oh, I've seen theories addressing it, but zero fossil evidence has ever been found.
Most creationists gave up on that a long time ago. "Answers in Genesis" now freely admits the fact of speciation. So does the Institute for Creation Research. Indeed, the ICR now endorses Woodmorappe's claim that new species, genera, and even families evolve. They just say "that's not real evolution."
Might be, you should read up on what creationists say, too. The first observed speciation was O. gigas from O. lamarckania by a polyploidy event.
But there's also:
Dobzhansky, T. (1935). Drosophila miranda, a new species. Genetics 20: 377--391.
All "observation" of that type has been proven fraudulent.
Your fellow creationists disagree with you.
As creationists, we must frequently remind detractors that we do not deny that species vary, change, and even appear over time. The biodiversity represented in the 8.7 million or so species in the world is a testament, not to random chance processes, but to the genetic variability and potential for diversification within the created kinds.
Another form of fraudulent "observation" is the geologic column which is missing, as a whole, in more than 99% of the earth's crust.
Of course, if you were right, it wouldn't be found anywhere. If you think about it for a bit, I'm sure you'd realize why it would be so rare for anyplace on Earth to have continuously have more deposition than erosion over several billion years.
And still a third piece of fraudulent "observation" is the circular reasoning that even scientists admit happens in their usage of the fossil record and evolutionary theory.
Your fellow YE creationist disagrees with you on that, too:
Of Darwinism’s four stratomorphic intermediate expectations, that of the commonness of inter-specific stratomorphic intermediates has been the most disappointing for classical Darwinists. The current lack of any certain inter-specific stratomorphic intermediates has, of course, led to the development and increased acceptance of punctuated equilibrium theory. Evidences for Darwin’s second expectation - of stratomorphic intermediate species - include such species as Baragwanathia27 (between rhyniophytes and lycopods), Pikaia28 (between echinoderms and chordates), Purgatorius29 (between the tree shrews and the primates), and Proconsul30 (between the non-hominoid primates and the hominoids). Darwin’s third expectation - of higher-taxon stratomorphic intermediates - has been confirmed by such examples as the mammal-like reptile groups31 between the reptiles and the mammals, and the phenacdontids32 between the horses and their presumed ancestors. Darwin’s fourth expectation - of stratomorphic series - has been confirmed by such examples as the early bird series,33 the tetrapod series,34,35 the whale series,36 the various mammal series of the Cenozoic37 (for example, the horse series, the camel series, the elephant series, the pig series, the titanothere series, etc.), the Cantius and Plesiadapus primate series,38 and the hominid series.39 Evidence for not just one but for all three of the species level and above types of stratomorphic intermediates expected by macroevolutionary theory is surely strong evidence for macroevolutionary theory. Creationists therefore need to accept this fact. It certainly CANNOT said that traditional creation theory expected (predicted) any of these fossil finds.
Kurt Wise
Toward a Creationist Understanding of Transitional Forms
Your three objections are foundational to belief in creationism and all three legs are destroyed because of a lack of scriptural or scientific support.
Oh, and by the way, I am a YEC. I make no scientific arguments one way or the other for it.
That's an honest position. As Kurt Wise says, there is very good evidence for common descent, but he prefers his interpretation of Genesis. Nothing dishonest about that.
The evidence says you're wrong, but you prefer to put your faith in your understanding of scripture. Can't disparage that.