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It looks like you are now trying to create a rule based only on the 0.3% of biologists that you mocked in an earlier post.Hmmm... quick look at the literature...
It looks like you are now trying to create a rule based only on the 0.3% of biologists that you mocked in an earlier post.Hmmm... quick look at the literature...
An interesting quote as it is technically correct and yet does not say what you imply it does. Life did not arise from mutation and natural selection, those came afterward.
The quote is speaking about the "origin of life" and "cells":
“I think more scientists are realizing the limitations to Darwinism, specifically in regard to the origin of life and the complexity of the cell. So much of how cells actually work reveal how impossible it is that life arose from mutation and natural selection. As we have learned more and more about molecular and cellular biology, more scientists doubt Darwinism although they may not admit it for fear of repercussions.”
How do you think that life began?
It looks like you are now trying to create a rule based only on the 0.3% of biologists that you mocked in an earlier post.
“I think more scientists are realizing the limitations to Darwinism, specifically in regard to the origin of life and the complexity of the cell.
Yes, their livelihood does not depend on believing in evolution, so they are much more free to go against the consensus when the consensus is obviously should understand that a somewhat larger percentage of people with doctorates unrelated to biology, don't accept evolution. For the obvious reasons.
Yes, their livelihood does not depend on believing in evolution,
so they are much more free to go against the consensus when the consensus is obviously wrong.
We already addressed that attempt at already learned that scientists who don't accept evolution keep their jobs and get published
It looks like you are now trying to create a rule based only on the 0.3% of biologists that you mocked in an earlier post.
We already addressed that attempt at deception.
The truth, which you want to deny, is that the vast majority of biologists will not go against the evolutionary theory because their livelihood depends on supporting the consensus of the evolutionary theory.
It looks like you are now trying to create a rule based only on the 0.3% of biologists that you mocked in an earlier post.
Yes, and you can't keep claiming that 0.3% is a large enough percentage to establish it as a general rule.Barbarian observes:
you already learned thatkeep their jobs and get published0.3% of biologists with doctorates in biology or a related discipline don't accept evolutionary theory.
Yes, trying to claim that 0.3% is a large enough percentage to establish a general rule is a pretty foolish approach.Looks like a pretty foolish approach, doesn't it?
Yes, and you can't keep claiming that o.3% is enough to establish it as a general rule.
I do not deny that there is such a tiny percent of biologists that don't accept evolutionary theory, but still keep their jobs and get published.Barbarian observes:
As you learned,still have jobs in academia, and publish in journals. No point in denying it.0.3% of biologists with doctorates in biology or a related discipline don't accept evolutionary theory.
0.3% is not a large enough sample size to support your conclusion.I'm just pointing out that the evidence supports my conclusion, and doesn't support yours.
And that just gives them more incentive to support the consensus on evolutionary theory, not less, since it proves that the vast majority of biologists depend on the evolutionary theory for their livelihood.Keep in mind a very large number of PhDs fail to gain tenure and lose their jobs annually.
I do not deny that there is such a tiny percent of biologists that don't accept evolutionary theory, but still keep their jobs and get published.
I object to your continual attempts to make a claim that it means that the remaining 99.7% of biologists do not depend on the evolutionary theory for their livelihood.
The biologists with doctorates in biology or a related discipline would be fired, would lose their funding, and would not be published in "peer reviewed" journals if they didn't preach the evolutionary theory religion.
Yes, you keep attempting to create a rule out of 0.3% of biologists who are creationists and apply that rule to the remaining 99.7% of biologists.I'm just pointing out that your claim is demonstrably false. I gave you several instances that show your claim is false.
Biologist fired for beliefs, suit says The battle between science and creationism has reached the prestigious Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, where a former researcher is claiming he was fired because he doesn't believe in evolution. Nathaniel Abraham filed a lawsuit earlier this week in US District Court in Boston saying that the Cape Cod research center dismissed him in 2004 because of his Christian belief that the Bible presents a true account of human creation. Abraham, who is seeking $500,000 in compensation for a violation of his civil rights, says in the suit that he lost his job as a postdoctoral researcher in a biology lab shortly after he told his superior that he did not accept evolution as scientific fact. "Woods Hole believes they have the right to insist on a belief in evolution," said David C. Gibbs III, one of Abraham's two attorneys and general counsel of the Christian Law Association in Seminole, Fla. "It is inconceivable that someone working in developmental biology at a major research institution would not be expected to deal intimately with evolution," she said. "A flight school hiring instructors wouldn't ask whether they accepted that the earth was spherical; they would assume it. Similarly, Woods Hole would have assumed that someone hired to work in developmental biology would accept that evolution occurred. It's part and parcel of the science these days." |
Those promoting the creationist/intelligent design agenda (Michael Denton, Michael Behe) are often employed by conservative Christian organizations like "The Centre for Science and Culture" - therefore they have a financial interest when claiming that their scepticism concerning "evolution" is based on science!My claim is that the remaining 99.7% of biologists depend on the evolutionary theory for their livelihood and not agreeing with it can cost them their livelihood.
My claim is demonstrably true.
Since the number of jobs available to creationist biologists is so limited when compared to the number of jobs available to evolutionary biologists, there really is no comparison.Those promoting the creationist/intelligent design agenda (Michael Denton, Michael Behe) are often employed by conservative Christian organizations like "The Centre for Science and Culture" - therefore they have a financial interest when claiming that their scepticism concerning "evolution" is based on science!
Its no longer "creationist" after the decision by the Supreme Court, its now been changed to "intelligent design" - when the Courts rule against that conservative Christians will have to invent another synonym!Since the number of jobs available to creationist biologists is so limited when compared to the number of jobs available to evolutionary biologists, there really is no comparison.
Are we to believe that God is incapable of employing evolution over a 4 billion year period as part of His plan?