Scientific proof the Turin Shroud is real:


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TLDW (Too Long Didn't Watch)
Having to watch a 1-1/2 hour video before posting is a ridiculous requirement.

You can use the speed settings to reduce the time, however if you really had a passion for wanting to know more about are Lord and saviour it wouldn't matter how long it was, sorry to sound harsh but I just can't understand your reasoning for dismissing our Lord's burial shroud that tells us so much about his death and what he actually looked like. Why don't you want to see our Lord?


Well-known member
The Scripture clearly states that there was a separate cloth "napkin" that covered the face of Jesus.
So a continuous one-piece cloth, covering the body and face, is clearly a forgery.

You are unknowingly referring to The Sudarium Cloth, housed in the Oviedo Cathedral in northern Spain. It contains stains of blood and lymph fluid. The length of the nose through which the pleural oedema fluid came onto the Sudarium has been calculated at eight centimetres, just over three inches. This is exactly the same length as the nose on the image of the Shroud.

If the face of the image on the Shroud is placed over the stains on the Sudarium, there is an exact fit of the stains with the beard on the face. As the Sudarium was used to clean the man’s face, it appears that it was simply placed on the face to absorb the blood, but not used in any kind of wiping movement. The linen of the Turin Shroud is a fine herringbone weave, but the Sudarium clothe is rough weave, and looks like muslin, but it is linen, made from flax, the same as the material the shroud is made of.

Researchers theorise that the Sudarium cloth covered the face from the moment of death until replaced by the Shroud. The researchers cite that bloodstains on both cloths identify them as belonging to the same type, AB.

Also three species of pollen on the Sudarium match the pollen on the Shroud, such as the thorn bush Gundelia Tournefortii, which is indigenous to the Middle East. The Sudarium contains pollen from Israel, Africa, and Spain, which traces its later journey. The pollen on the Shroud is from Israel, Syria, Turkey, Greece, and France revealing its different route through Europe.

This means that once Jesus was wrapped in the shroud, the bloodied handkerchief was then folded up, and placed separately next Him in the tomb as described in scripture:

John 20:7
as well as the cloth that had been wrapped around Jesus' head. The cloth was still lying in its place, separate from the linen.


New member
This means that once Jesus was wrapped in the shroud, the bloodied handkerchief was then folded up, and placed separately next Him in the tomb as described in scripture:

John 20:7
as well as the cloth that had been wrapped around Jesus' head. The cloth was still lying in its place, separate from the linen.

No, I'm not referring to any Catholic fraudulent artifacts.
The burial cloth was left intact inside the tomb, like a cocoon.
The linen face covering was not connected to the "cocoon", but fell in its place.
The resurrection body was able to "pass through" solid objects, as demonstrated
by Jesus when he visited the disciples later.


Well-known member
No, I'm not referring to any Catholic fraudulent artifacts.
The burial cloth was left intact inside the tomb, like a cocoon.
The linen face covering was not connected to the "cocoon", but fell in its place.
The resurrection body was able to "pass through" solid objects, as demonstrated
by Jesus when he visited the disciples later.

You have miss read the verses:

John 20
5He bent over and looked in at the strips of linen lying there but did not go in.

It just says there were at least two strips of linen.

6Then Simon Peter came along behind him and went straight into the tomb. He saw the strips of linen lying there, 7as well as the cloth that had been wrapped around Jesus’ head. The cloth was still lying in its place, separate from the linen.

This now tells us there were at least two strips of linen (that wrapped Jesus' body) and a separate cloth that had been wrapped around Jesus' head which was still lying separately in it's own place where it had been left (by the Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea).

The shroud kept in the Vatican is made up of one main large linen strip which the image is on and sown onto the side of it is a thin strip about 2 inches wide and the length of the main shroud. The thin strip was used to tie the main shroud to the body so as to keep it all in place. This is how a body is wrapped in this funerary custom.

The separate head clothe, as I explained, was (and still is) a common practice when respecting the dead, by covering the persons face as soon as possible, but it was not left on Jesus under the shroud, it was left separately in it's own place as it says. This is all well known to those who have studied this.

To date, despite some very good attempts, the image on the clothe has not been successfully duplicated, so that all the peculiar properties of shroud are replicated in detail. Even more amazingly the image contains detailed information as to what the distance was between the cloth and the surface of the body it was covering. This was discovered in 1976 by a group of scientists using a VP-8 image analyzer, used to convert image density (light and dark) into a vertical relief picture. When applied to normal photographs, the results are always distorted and inaccurate images. However, when it was applied to the Shroud the result was an accurate topographic image, showing the correct natural relief characteristics of a human form, and therefore a complete three-dimensional image. One can only conclude from this that the image density on the cloth is directly proportionate to the distance it was from the body it covered. This spatial data encoded into the image also eliminates photography, and painting as the possible mechanism for its creation, and allows us to conclude that the image was formed while the cloth was draped over the actual body.

More recently it has been also discovered that plasma energy was responsible for the creation of the image as detailed in the video in the OP which you chose to ignore.


New member
You have miss read the verses:

John 20
5He bent over and looked in at the strips of linen lying there but did not go in.

It just says there were at least two strips of linen.

The Hebrews learned to wrap their dead from the Egyptians; however, they somewhat modified the procedure, covering the head separately.
In any case, the worn-out WHITE garments of the Priests were often repurposed, cut into strips, and used for burial.

PS: No doubt these used garments were used as "swaddling clothes" to wrap baby Jesus.

You really need to do your own research. :sherlock:


Well-known member
The Hebrews learned to wrap their dead from the Egyptians; however, they somewhat modified the procedure, covering the head separately.
In any case, the worn-out WHITE garments of the Priests were often repurposed, cut into strips, and used for burial.

PS: No doubt these used garments were used as "swaddling clothes" to wrap baby Jesus.

You really need to do your own research. :sherlock:



New member
You can use the speed settings to reduce the time, however if you really had a passion for wanting to know more about are Lord and saviour it wouldn't matter how long it was, sorry to sound harsh but I just can't understand your reasoning for dismissing our Lord's burial shroud that tells us so much about his death and what he actually looked like. Why don't you want to see our Lord?

Learning more about the shroud of Turin is not the same as learning more about our Lord and savior.
What the shroud shows that Jesus looked like is nothing compared to what Jesus taught.


New member
Science has also proven that it was made and originated in Israel from Christ's time.

Science has also proven that the image was made by a powerful burst of plasma energy.

the colorless fluid part of blood, lymph, or milk, in which corpuscles or fat globules are suspended.​


Well-known member
the colorless fluid part of blood, lymph, or milk, in which corpuscles or fat globules are suspended.​

:doh: Plasma is an ionized gas, a gas into which sufficient energy is provided to free electrons from atoms or molecules and to allow both species, ions and electrons, to coexist. The funny thing about that is, that as far as we know, plasmas are the most common state of matter in the universe.
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Well-known member
Learning more about the shroud of Turin is not the same as learning more about our Lord and savior.
Actually is it but you would only know that if you studied it, a catch 22.
What the shroud shows that Jesus looked like is nothing compared to what Jesus taught.
I agree, having a photo of Jesus is not the same as His teachings but at least it clarifies how He actually looked.


New member
I agree, having a photo of Jesus is not the same as His teachings but at least it clarifies how He actually looked.

There is no photo of Jesus. The photo is of a dead man.

The blood is external to the photo, not part of it.

How does the photo of a dead man prove he was resurrected?

It doesn't.


Well-known member
There is no photo of Jesus. The photo is of a dead man.

The blood is external to the photo, not part of it.

How does the photo of a dead man prove he was resurrected?

It doesn't.

Again Jamie you need to take the time to watch and understand the information and evidence.:geek: