Same sex marriages are all null, according to Christians


New member
Fornication is absolutely a sin.

Why stop there... there’s 611 more. :)

Did you read “all” of what I wrote? It starts at the Torah and Ends with Jesus.

Mercy is Written into what I wrote and it hilights James 2:10, James 2-4, Romans 2:1-2 and explains how modern Christianity is jilted and wrong to support the Calvinist doctrine of reprobation which is based on Romans 1... and an ignorance towards Romans 2:1-2 that immediately follows.

Also... I point out that homosexuality in the Torah and Romans 1 have a more significant meaning that Christians of the politicized flavor... seem to ignore.

It goes on to say Christianity is condemning itself by condemning hays and pointing fingers.

I state Jesus bore homosexual sin on the cross and Christians are judging human beings in direct ignorance of James 2-4, while simply lengthening their phylacteries by saying they are better Christians for judging sinners and sin God Died for. (1 John 1:8; 2:2)


If Christianity collective would Love Homosexuals and acknowledge them as fellow forgiven sinners in need of a Savior... by repentance... and TRUST THE HOLY SPIRIT to do His job... this whole thing wouldn’t be such a screw up on Christianities part!
I agree with these words, and there is a need to know precisely how to do this, to carry it out. And it is, to know that believing the Gospel saves, regardless, and that grave sins sever unity between grave sinners and the rest of the Church. Grave sinners who have not reconciled with the rest of the Body of Christ contritely for their grave sin, should not be welcomed to the Lord's Supper until and unless they do. Grave sins do not nullify faith, but grave sins are wounds to Church unity.

1st Corinthians 11:
For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come. 27 Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. 28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. 29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnationh to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. 30 For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.

Jose Fly

New member
There is an authorized Christian view on the matter, and I've noted it.
Authorized by who?

Likewise for yourself then? Or no?
Of course. Just as your beliefs are only relevant to you, my beliefs are only relevant to me, and the beliefs of a same-sex couple are only relevant to them.

But unlike you, I don't presume to speak for others.


Homosexuality is no more inherently sinful than heterosexuality.
As a condition, a persuasion, a proclivity, yes. Although same sex attraction is disordered, and a trial, and an affliction, the condition itself is not immoral, and no more immoral than hetero attraction itself as a condition.


Authorized by who?
Of course.
Oh good.
Just as your beliefs are only relevant to you, my beliefs are only relevant to me, and the beliefs of a same-sex couple are only relevant to them.
That depends upon what you mean by relevant, but I think it's also relevant what a faith believes, if you were to ever consider believing that faith. For instance Buddhism believes same sex sexual behavior is sexual misconduct, which would be relevant to someone considering believing the Buddhist faith.
But unlike you, I don't presume to speak for others.
And how do you see me doing that?

Jose Fly

New member
Perhaps I missed something, but could you show where Jesus stated that same-sex marriages are null?

That depends upon what you mean by relevant, but I think it's also relevant what a faith believes, if you were to ever consider believing that faith.
Right....the beliefs of any given faith are only meaningful to those of that faith. And even within faiths there are strong disagreements over key issues, e.g., between Protestants and Catholics.

For instance Buddhism believes same sex sexual behavior is sexual misconduct, which would be relevant to someone considering believing the Buddhist faith.
Right. But for non-Buddhists, it's irrelevant.

And how do you see me doing that?
When you said, "I maintain the only Christian view on the matter".


Perhaps I missed something, but could you show where Jesus stated that same-sex marriages are null?
Sure. He ordained His Apostles. His Apostles ordained bishops/overseers/pastors/elders. This group is the college of bishops. The Apostles were given the death penalty one by one until they had all died, but the bishops continued on then, and to this day, and they teach the authorized expression of the one (Eph4:5KJV) Christian faith. Same sex sexual behavior is grave matter, and so same sex marriage is null.
Right....the beliefs of any given faith are only meaningful to those of that faith. And even within faiths there are strong disagreements over key issues, e.g., between Protestants and Catholics.
There is only one Christian faith however, which only stands to reason, since there is only One Jesus Christ, and He only had one group of Apostles, who established only one college of bishops, for the administration of His one Church.
Right. But for non-Buddhists, it's irrelevant.
:idunno: Maybe. It depends.
When you said, "I maintain the only Christian view on the matter".
I maintain the only ChristianTM view on the matter. Every individual Christian has a view on the matter, but only one of them is the authorized view, the historically objectively bona fide Christian view, which is the same as that of the college of bishops, which is the same as that of the Apostles, which is the same as that of Jesus Christ.

Jose Fly

New member
Sure. He ordained His Apostles. His Apostles ordained bishops/overseers/pastors/elders. This group is the college of bishops. The Apostles were given the death penalty one by one until they had all died, but the bishops continued on then, and to this day, and they teach the authorized expression of the one (Eph4:5KJV) Christian faith. Same sex sexual behavior is grave matter, and so same sex marriage is null.
That reads like a long, roundabout way of indirectly admitting that Jesus never said a word about same-sex marriage.

There is only one Christian faith however, which only stands to reason, since there is only One Jesus Christ, and He only had one group of Apostles, who established only one college of bishops, for the administration of His one Church.
And do you believe that is the Roman Catholic Church?

I maintain the only ChristianTM view on the matter. Every individual Christian has a view on the matter, but only one of them is the authorized view, the historically objectively bona fide Christian view, which is the same as that of the college of bishops, which is the same as that of the Apostles, which is the same as that of Jesus Christ.
Uh huh.....thanks for your input.


That reads like a long, roundabout way of indirectly admitting that Jesus never said a word about same-sex marriage.
LOL. He never said anything about child molestation, pornography, abortion, or masturbation either, but there are authorized Christian views on those matters also. Jesus has something to say about them, and He utilizes His ordained teaching organ to do so, up to this day.
And do you believe that is the Roman Catholic Church?
The Roman diocese was founded the day the Church was founded, in Jerusalem, on Pentecost, in or around AD 33 (Acts 2:10 KJV "strangers of Rome"). The Apostle Paul wrote a long letter to this church (a diocese is called a particular church, as opposed to the whole Church), called Romans. The Apostles Peter and Paul pastored this church right up until their deaths by execution. The Catholic Church are all those churches in full communion with the Roman church.

But the Church as Body of Christ is all those who believe that Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. Romans 10:9 KJV
Uh huh.....thanks for your input.